Marketplace Purchasing

Purchases made through Marketplace using sponsored project funds require three sequential approvals after the Principal Investigator (PI) and their department initiate a requisition:

  1. Department Financial Approval
  2. Sponsored Projects Approval (OCG)
  3. Purchasing Approval (PSC)

Some capital equipment and government titled property purchases may also need specific sponsor pre-approval before processing. After all Marketplace approvals are complete, a purchase order is created and sent to the vendor.

Steps in the Purchasing Process

1. PI and Department Create Requisition

  • Confirm the purchase is necessary, essential, allowable, and allocable to the award.
  • Verify the item is not already available in the department or on campus.
  • Attach supporting documentation or sponsor approval, if required.

2. Department Financial Approval

  • Confirm sufficient funding is available and check the award’s period of performance. Sponsor approval will be necessary if within 90 days of the end of the project.
  • Ensure the requisition is complete and accurate.
  • Attach supporting documentation or sponsor approval, if required.

3. OCG Review and Approval

  • Review the award terms and federal regulations to confirm the purchase is allowable.
  • Determine title vesting and whether sponsor pre-approval is required
  • Ensure the requisition is complete and accurate.
  • Attach supporting documentation or sponsor approval, if required.

4. PSC Approval

  • Confirm the purchase meets procurement requirements.
  • Ensure the requisition for is complete and accurate.
  • Create and send the purchase order to the vendor.