Leadership Corner
- Please join me in celebrating the great accomplishments of our more than 6,500 graduates. Also, I'd like to provide updates on our fall planning, including information on our no-increase tuition recommendation, phased return to on-campus research and more.
- I want to take this opportunity to personally congratulate all of our professional, master’s and doctoral students receiving degrees. The Graduate School is extremely proud of all you’ve accomplished.
- As we consider when and how we return to campus, it’s important for us to emphasize that the primary consideration will be the health and safety of our campus community members, particularly those who are most vulnerable.
- I’d like to share some substantive progress in our plans to deliver an innovative, COVID-19-ready campus experience for fall 2020 and beyond.
- We recently reached out to you with information about adjustments to the spring 2020 semester, along with easing registration requirements for some students. We will continue to communicate as more information becomes available.
- I hope this message finds you and yours safe and well. I want to begin with a reminder of our continuing need to maintain social distancing and to stick with our existing remote learning and working model as our leadership team engages in a structured and thoughtful approach for our transition back to campus.
- While this past month has been stressful and disrupting for many of us, the end of the semester is in sight and you are almost done. I’ll be honest—this isn’t the way any of us anticipated the spring semester ending. These may be challenging times, but you aren’t alone and we are here to help you finish strong—wherever you may be.
- We were both a lot younger when I started teaching at CU 46 years ago. Now we are both older—and greener. The Environmental Center celebrates its 50th anniversary today as the nation’s first student-led environmental center, founded on the first Earth Day in 1970.
- I want to share an update on our planning for fall semester. Our intention this fall, as much as circumstances will allow, is to resume our in-person, residential campus experience in a modified form that enables social distancing and mitigates COVID-19 health risks.
- To ensure students’ success during this stressful time, I am announcing that 91¸£ÀûÉç will lift restrictions on pass/fail credits for all majors and all degrees (other than Law) for spring semester 2020.