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Executive Committee
- Project lead: William C. Haverly, campus architect, Planning, Design and Construction
- Project manager: Ida Mae Isaac,Ìýinfrastructure and sustainability strategist, Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Jack Draeb, undergraduate student, Economics
- Chris Ewing, assistant vice chancellor, Planning, Design and Construction
- Sarah Fahmy, graduate student, Theatre and Performance Studies
- Robert Ferry, chair, 91¸£ÀûÉç Faculty Assembly
- Terri Fiez, vice chancellor, Research and Innovation
- Carla Ho-a, associate vice chancellor, deputy CFO, Finance and Business Strategy
- David Kang, vice chancellor, Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Mary Kraus, associate vice chancellor, Undergraduate Education
- Larry Levine, associate vice chancellor, Information Technology
- Jennifer McDuffie, assistant vice chancellor, Student Affairs
- Kevin MacLennan, assistant vice chancellor, Enrollment Management
- Ann Schmiesing, senior vice provost for academic resource management
SFV visionaries
- Waleed Abdalati, executive director, CIRESÌý
- Branden Adams, student, Engineering
- JT Allen, director of facilities, planning and operations, Housing and Dining Services
- James Anaya, dean, School of Law
- Arianna Andersen, transfer student, Elementary Education
- Ken Anderson, associate dean, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Luke Anderson, assistant vice chancellor, Finance and Business Strategy
- Roberto Arruda, director of international student academic success, Academic Affairs
- Karen Ashcraft, associate dean for diversity, equity and inclusion, College of Media, Communication and Information
- Shelly Bacon, assistant vice provost for advising and academic services, Undergraduate Education
- Jimmie Baker, senior associate director of operations and services, Student Affairs
- Ceal Barry, deputy athletic director, Athletics
- Scott Battle, assistant dean of online academic programs, Continuing Education
- Lorraine Bayard de Volo, chair, women's and gender studies, College of Arts and Sciences
- Paul Beale, professor, physics, College of Arts and Sciences
- Jan Becker, facilities planner, Planning, Design and Construction
- Emina Begovic, director of finance, accounting and operations, SEEC
- Derek Bellin, associat vice chancellor, Advancement
- Lori Bergen, dean, College of Media, Communication and Information
- Sarabeth Berk, director, Innovation and Entrepreneurship Initiative
- Rudy Betancourt, director, Macky Auditorium, College of Music
- Nate Bindel, director of budget and finance, Continuing Education
- Brandon Boger, director, Environmental Health and Safety
- Bob Boswell, vice chancellor, ODECE
- Heather Bowden, faculty director, special collections, archives and preservation, University Libraries
- Bobby Braun, dean, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- David Brown, divisional dean of social sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
- Long Bui, first-year student, Education
- Laciana Caballero, first-year student, Education
- Donna Caccamise, associate director, Institute of Cognitive Science
- Kym Calvo, director, compensation and talent acquisition, Human Resources
- Esmeralda Castillo-Cobian, student, Education
- Nicole Cattin, undergraduate student, CMCI
- David Cavalieri, assistant director of endpoint integration, OIT
- Andrea Chamorro Quillupangui, student, Engineering
- Paul Chinowsky, director, Environmental Design
- Ryan Chreist, assistant vice chancellor, Advancement
- Pat Clark, instructor, College of Media, Communication and Information
- Emily Cobabe-Ammann, director of strategic projects, RIO
- Bud Coleman, director, CU in D.C., College of Arts and Sciences
- Jeffrey Cox, vice provost and associate vice chancellor, Faculty Affairs
- John Davis, associate dean for faculty affairs and operations, College of Music
- Raza Dawood, director of reporting and analytics, Office of Data Analytics
- Jason DePaepe, senior associate athletic director for internal operations, Athletics
- Jessica Doty, senior director of adminstrative services, Student Affairs
- Jack Draeb, undergraduate student, Economics
- Frances Draper, vice chancellor, Strategic Relations and Communications
- Nabil Echchaibi, founding department chair, College of Media, CommunicationÌýand Information
- Katherine Eggert, vice provost for academic planning and assessment, Undergraduate Education
- Katherine Erwin, chief human resources officer, Human Resources
- Chris Evans, program manager for construction and renovation, OIT
- Chris Ewing, assistant vice chancellor, Planning, Design and Construction
- Sarah Fahmy, graduate student, Theatre and Performance Studies
- Lang Farmer, divisional dean for natural sciences, College of Arts and Sciences
- Courtney Fell, learning experience designer, OIT
- Elizabeth (Lil) Fenn, professor, history, College of Arts and Sciences
- Ahmed Ferjani, student, Engineering
- Patrick Ferrucci, assistant professor, College of Media, Communication and Information
- Robert Ferry, chair, 91¸£ÀûÉç Faculty Assembly
- Terri Fiez, vice chancellor, Office of Research and Innovation
- Nicholas Flores, chair, economics, College of Arts and Sciences
- Jennifer Freeman, landscape specialist, Planning, Design and Construction
- Erin Furtak, associate dean, School of Education
- Orrie Gartner, director of operations, OIT
- Rick George, athletic director, Athletics
- Dan Gette, senior director of residential experience and services, Student Affairs
- Michael Giacomini, student, Leeds School of Business
- Stephanie Gillin, assistant dean of administration, Leeds School of Business
- Alexis Gonzales, student, Education
- Tom Goodhew, assistant director of facilities planning, Planning, Design and Construction
- Peggy Gordon, program support manager, Environmental Design
- Kevin Griffin, director of space optimization, Planning, Design and Construction
- Mark Gross, director, ATLAS InstituteÌý
- Brian Groves, executive director of auxiliary services, Finance and Business Strategy
- John Gunther, director, Thompson Jazz Studies Program, College of Music
- Angelica Gutierrez, first-year student, Elementary Education
- Myron Gutmann, director, Institute of Behavioral ScienceÌý
- Thomas Hauser, director of research computing, OIT
- Jessica Helzer, assistant dean of advancement, School of Law
- Theresa Hernandez, associate dean of research, College of Arts and Sciences
- Catherine (Trina) Hicks, scheduling coordinator, Office of the Registrar
- Cory Hilliard, senior associate athletic director, Athletics
- Carla Ho-a, associate vice chancellor/deputy CFO, Finance and Business Strategy
- Merna Jacobsen, assistant vice chancellor and deputy chief HR officer, Human Resources
- Doreen Jokerst, chief of police, CUPD/Integrity, Safety and Compliance
- Ana Johnson, programs assistant, OIEC
- Betsy Johnson, instructor, Environmental Design
- Dan Jones, associate vice chancellor, Integrity, Safety and Compliance
- Sandy Jones, dean of students, Student Affairs
- Keith Julien, chair, applied math, College of Arts and Sciences
- Rebecca Kallemeyn, learning experience designer, OIT
- Dave Kang, vice chancellor, Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Julian Kinsman, associate director of academic technology services, OIT
- Amy Kirtland, facilities planner, Planning, Design and Construction
- Jennifer Knievel, faculty director for arts and humanities, University Libraries
- Jenny Knight, associate professor, MCDB, College of Arts and Sciences
- Ruth Ellen Kocher, divisional dean of arts and humanities, College of Arts and Sciences
- Patrick Kociolek, director, CU Museum of Natural HistoryÌý
- David Kohnke, director of IT, Leeds School of Business
- Mary Kraus, vice provost and associate vice chancellor, Undergraduate Education
- Beth Kroger, chief of operations, JILAÌý
- William Kuskin, vice provost/associate vice chancellor, strategic initiatives, Academic Affairs
- Lisa Landis, director of operations, Human Resources
- Jon Leslie, associate vice chancellor, Strategic Relations and Communications
- Brian Lindoerfer, assistant vice chancellor, Facilities Operations and Services
- Robert Linz, associate director, School of Law
- Kevin MacLennan, assistant vice chancellor, Enrollment Management
- Daryl Maeda, associate dean for student success, College of Arts and Sciences
- Grace Maniscalco, executive assistant to the dean, School of Education
- Andy Martin, professor, Ecology and Evolutionary Biology
- Samantha Martin, senator, Arts and Sciences Student Government
- Robert McDonald, dean, University Libraries
- Jennifer McDuffie, assistant vice chancellor, Student Affairs
- Bob McGrath, director, RASEIÌý
- Peter McGraw, associate professor, Leeds School of Business
- Robert McLeod, professor, optics, nanostructures and bioengineering, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- John Meister, director of disability services, ODECE
- Elizabeth Meyer, associate dean of students, School of Education
- Laura Michaelis-Cummings, chair, linguistics, College of Arts and Sciences
- Kenny Nelson, assistant director, HR Service Center, Human Resources
- Margot Neufeld, assistant vice chancellor for parent giving and 91¸£ÀûÉç advancement programes, Advancement
- Wayne Northcutt, facilities planner, Planning, Design and Construction
- Gretchen O'Connell, senior assistant dean, Graduate School
- Mark Opp, chair, integrative physiology, College of Arts and Sciences
- Christopher Pacheco, executive director, Pre-College Outreach and Engagement
- Martha Palmer, professor, linguistics and computer sciences engineering, RIO
- Armando Pares, assistant dean, Continuing Education
- Thomas Perkins, director, JILA
- Gwen Pomper, associate vice chancellor, Enrollment Management
- Anthony Price, director of recreation services, Student Affairs
- Laura Ragin, assistant vice chancellor/controller, Finance and Business Strategy
- Kathy Ramirez-Aguilar, program manager, CU Green Labs
- Karen Regan, assistant vice chancellor, RIO
- Blake Reid, associate clincial professor, School of Law
- Richelle Goedert, campus landscape architect, Planning, Design and Construction
- Jon Reuter, director, animal resources, RIO
- Leslie Reynolds, interim dean, Graduate School
- Amanda Rochette, assistant director of operations and finance, School of Law
- Ever Rodriguez, student, Engineering
- Matthew Roeder, director, Golden Buffalo Marching Band, College of Music
- Raychel Roy, campaign planning director, Advancement
- Roxane Sue Ruggles, assistant director, CU events planning and catering and non-academic scheduling, Student Affairs
- Sindhu Sadineni, student, Engineering
- Diana Salazar, director of international student and scholar services, Undergraduate Education
- Sandra Sawaya, experience success manager, OIT
- Ann Schmiesing, senior vice provost, academic resource management, Academic Affairs
- Bobby Schnabel, department external chair, Engineering
- Kirsten Schuchman, assistant vice chancellor for public policy and advocacy, Strategic Relations and Communications
- Kathy Schultz, dean, School of Education
- Lindsay Schumacher, facilities planner, Planning, Design and Construction
- Tayler Shaw, student, College of Media, Communication and Information
- Robert Shay, dean, College of Music
- Sean Shelby, chief financial manager, Institute for Behavioral Genetics
- Randy Siders, executive associate director for finance and operations, LASP
- Lee Silbert, director of operations and financial management,ÌýBioFrontiers
- Derek Silva, executive director, Real Estate Services
- Valerie Simons, executive director, OIEC
- Al Smith, associate dean for undergraduate affairs, Leeds School of Business
- Douglas Smith, assistant dean for programs and engagement, Engineering
- Jeremy Smith, professor, College of Music
- Julia Christie Smith, student, Education
- Meredith Smith, program manager for ADA compliance, OIEC
- Eric Stade, academic program director, math, College of Arts and Sciences
- Dylan States, student, Engineering
- Andrea Straccia, director, residential academic program, Leeds School of Business
- Elvira Strehle-Henson, managing associate, University Counsel
- Robin Suitts, capital program administrator, Planning, Design and Construction
- Jennifer Sullivan, senior assistant dean for adminstration and program development, School of Law
- Cherie Summers, assistant dean for administration, College of Engineering and Applied Science
- Sara Swain, student, Education
- Tom Thibodeau, chair, global real estate capital markets, Leeds School of Business
- Sara Thompson, dean, Continuing Education
- Zack Tupper, assistant dean of infrastructure, College of Arts and Sciences
- Louise Vale, director, Office of Integrity, Safety and Compliance
- Heidi VanGenderen, chief sustainability officer, Infrastructure and Sustainability
- Christopher Vargo, MSBA CMCI director, College of Media, Communication and Information
- Stephanie Wanek, assistant director of operations ATLAS Institute
- Denitta Ward, assistant vice chancellor for research/director, Office of Contracts and Grants
- Jim White, dean, College of Arts and Scienes
- Kristi Wold-McCormick, university registrar, Enrollment Management
- Danielle Yatrakis, director of ADA compliance, OIEC
Consultants, AECOM Strategy Plus
- Mark Whiteley, principal in charge
- Jill Kurth, project director
- Agata Malkowski, design strategist
- Leah Goodman, organizational strategist