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Diversity Programming (2022–23)

Event DateTitleDetailsSponsoring Department or Organization
June 8- 9, 2023Natural Resources Crisis on the Colorado River: From Short-Term Solutions to Long-Term SustainabilityThe Colorado River is in crisis. Rapid declines in reservoir storage now threaten many longstanding agreements and operational norms, triggering curtailments in water deliveries and prompting emergency interstate and federal/interstate negotiations. The challenge is two-fold: adopting rules to equitably “share the pain” in the short-term, while transitioning to a management framework to support long-term sustainability in what will likely be an increasingly arid future. It is both a water and a “people” problem, requiring innovations for stretching limited supplies through processes emphasizing equity and inclusion across all values, stakeholders, and sovereigns, including the United States, Mexico, Tribes, and the seven basin statesGetches-Wilkinson Center and Water & Tribes Initiative
May 11, 2023BIPOC Cord CeremonyThis event celebrated BIPOC graduates as they mark their adventure into the legal field.Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence, and the Council for Racial Justice and Equity
May 1-2, 2023Agreeing to Disagree: Legal Diversity and Controversy in Islamic and Jewish LawThe workshop focused on diversity of opinion within religious law. Both Jewish and Islamic law have a long history of respecting and fostering legal diversity and difference of opinion within the law. As both legal systems attempt to understand divine revelation considering ever-evolving social conditions, part of the legal theory that developed in each was an understanding and commitment that their attempt to decipher divine law was a fundamentally human endeavor subject to the possibility of a multiplicity of approaches. This diversity of opinion was further bolstered by the reality that for much of Islamic and Jewish history the law was not backed by the coercive power of the state. Rather, adherence to social and religious norms drove adherence to the law. The aim of the workshop is to compare the respective legal theories of diversity of opinion in Islamic and Jewish law. The workshop also served as a locus for bigger picture thinking regarding the theories of legal diversity within Jewish and Islamic law and how these theories might serve the American legal system.Faculty
April 20, 2023On Genocide and Crimes Against Humanity: from East West Street to the Rohingya and UkraineColorado Law and Holocaust, Genocide, and Contemporary Bioethics Program presents a Conversation with Philippe Sands and S. James Anaya University Distinguished Professor and Nicholas Doman Professor of International Law. Philippe Sands is an International Human Rights Lawyer, Professor of Law University College London and author of East West Street: On the Origins of Genocide and Crimes against Humanity.Faculty and the Doman Society of International Law
April 17, 2023Immigration Law and Policy Society Speaker Event: Karla Cornejo VillavicencioKarla Cornejo Villavicencio is the author of the National Book Award finalist The Undocumented Americans. Her work, which focuses on race, culture, and immigration, has appeared in numerous articles, including The New York Times, The Atlantic, Vogue, and Elle. Born in Ecuador, she later became one of the first undocumented students admitted to Harvard University. She is a fellow at Laurene Powell Jobs’s Emerson Collective and is currently a doctoral candidate in the American studies program at Yale University.Immigration Law and Policy Society
April 14, 202331st Annual Ira C. Rothgerber Jr. Conference on Constitutional Law: “The Role of States in the Midst of Federal Court Crisis”Scholars, lawyers, advocates and leaders from across the country convened at this remote/in-person conference to grapple with the role of the states in responding to the U.S. Supreme Court’s modern jurisprudence. With the disruption of long-standing rights, controversial rulings and procedures, and an increase in skepticism about the Court’s legitimacy, speakers examined the role of state and tribal courts, state constitutions, and state law in responding to growing threats to democracy. Keynote was followed by panels on civil rights, voting rights and reproductive justice.Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law
April 5, 2023Iftar with the Muslim Law Students AssociationThe Muslim Law Students Association hosted a Ramadan hearty iftar with delicious Middle Eastern Arab food!Muslim Law Students Association
March 22, 2023Arabic Calligraphy EventThe Arab Law Student Association hosted an exciting and unique opportunity to experience the art of Arabic calligraphy! The offered different textiles (tote bags, hats, t-shirts) to practice calligraphy on and had Middle Eastern sweets and drinksArab Law Student Association
March 22, 2023Colorado Reproductive Justice Legislation: A Conversation with Cobalt ActivistsIf-When-How hosted a lunchtime event about the protective reproductive bills that have were introduced at the Colorado legislature. They had special guests Selina Najar (Cobalt’s Political Director) and Philip Shimel (Cobalt’s Policy Associate) discussing their work on The Safe Access to Protected Healthcare Package.If-When-How
March 17, 2023New Student Leader Training - Inclusive Leadership led by Dean Fernando GuzmanIncoming student leaders learned best practices for inclusive leadership.Student Affairs and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
March 7 & 8, 2022Pushing Back: Navigating Reproductive Justice Post-DobbsPersonal storytelling took place the first evening. A reception, keynote address by Professor Jennifer Hendricks, and a panel discussion took place the second evening. Experts from the legal, health, and policy fields joined together for a multifaceted educational event that examined the consequences of Dobbs v. Jackson Women's Health Organization, the Supreme Court case that overturned the constitutional right to abortion. This two-day event featured personal storytelling, a keynote explaining the Dobbs decision and its potential impact, and a panel discussion between reproductive health providers and policy advocates.Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law, Women's Law Caucus, the Health Law Society, and If/When/How. Co-sponsored by the Colorado Women’s Bar Association.
March 1, 2023International Human Rights with S. James AnayaThis seven-week series in Spring 2023 focused on cutting-edge legal issues in the news. Open to all, this program is designed for non-lawyers, is an excellent lifelong learning opportunity, and is a great chance to get a taste of what law school is like. Participants who view at least five of the seven sessions receive a Mini Law School Certificate (no academic credit is received for participation). There are no required readings, tests, or homework assignments - just a great opportunity to learn about the law!Mini Law School
February 2023Diverse Students Visitation WeekendA two-day event that introduces diverse admitted students to members of the Colorado Law community and the enjoyable lifestyle of Colorado. In addition to attending the open house for admitted students, diverse admits attend a welcome reception at Colorado Law, a social event with current students, a tour of the Ralph L. Carr Colorado Judicial Center and meeting with Justice Monica M. Márquez of the Colorado Supreme Court, and an evening reception at Ballard Spahr LLP. All events include diverse members of the Colorado Law community to allow admits to meet with current students, staff, faculty, alumni, lawyers, and affiliates of Colorado’s specialty bars.Office of Admissions
February 28, 2023Black History Month: A Celebration!Faculty, staff, students and community leaders celebrated Black history and culture—including food, music, dance, and spoken word. Local Black-owned businesses were featured.Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law, Colorado Law Black Law Students Association, University of Denver Sturm College of Law, Black Law Students Association, and the Sam Cary Bar Association.
February 28, 2023Practical Steps for Achieving Success in the Legal Profession Despite BiasUnconscious bias will continue to cause hidden barriers to success, despite increased efforts to eradicate it in the legal profession. In this session, participants learned what they can do, starting now in law school, to build a successful career and the skills/mindset to successfully navigate any hidden barriers caused by unconscious (or conscious) bias. Specifically, attendees learned how to counteract stereotype threat and imposter syndrome, as well as how to build various forms of personal capital and develop a growth mindset.Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
February 22, 2023Q&A with Nancy Hollander and Mohammedou Ould SlahiThe Muslim Law Student Association presented a Q&A with internationally renowned criminal defense lawyer, Nancy Hollander, and former Guantanamo Bay prisoner, Mohammedou Ould Slahi.Muslim Law Students Association
February 16, 2023"The Mauritanian" - Movie NightA movie night to learn about the story of former Guantanamo detainee, Mohamedou Ould Slahi.Muslim Law Students Association
February 15, 2023Virtual Lecture & Discussion: “The Long Struggle to Abolish Reproductive Slavery”The University of Texas hosted Dorothy Roberts, author of Killing the Black Body, for a lecture on the intersections among reproductive rights, criminalization of pregnancy, and the family policing/separation systems in the aftermath of the June 2022 Dobbs decision. Roberts explored the histories of compelled births in the US dating back to Black women’s reproductive bondage during slavery, and the abolitionist frameworks that call for the dismantling of these targeted, oppressive structures for more compassionate and equitable reproductive rights and family support systems. Colorado Law Professor Jennifer Hendricks hosted a discussion on Zoom immediately after the lecture for CU students.Women's Law Caucus
February 14, 2023How to Interrupt Unconscious Bias and Navigate Hidden Barriers to SuccessWhile everyone has unconscious bias, there are methods for uncovering and interrupting it – on an individual and organizational level. At this workshop, students learned what they can do to address their own biases and the hidden barriers to success that disproportionately impact attorneys in underrepresented groups. Students also learned what legal organizations across the U.S. are doing to address unconscious bias.Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
February 14, 2023OUTLaw & LLSA Lunch SocialOUTLaw and LLSA hosted a lunch hour social event.OUTLaw & Latinx Law Students Association
February 14, 2023Sex Education & Stigma for People with DisabilitiesStudents discussed the stigma involved with sexual education for people with disabilities. To inform the discussion, participants chose one of the following 4 sources: an episode of the Sex & Psychology podcast; a 2021 report on the state of sex education; an article on sex educators' experiences teaching students with learning disabilities; and an article proposing a social-sexual education programIf-When-How and the Colorado Disability Justice Alliance
February 9, 2023Movie Night: MoonlightBLSA and OUTLaw presented Moonlight, inviting a discussion about intersectional identities.Black Law Students Association (BLSA) and OUTLaw
February 2, 2023Being Black in the Legal Field: A DiscussionA panel of Black attorneys discussed their experiences within the legal field.Black Law Students Association
January 31, 2023Lunch + LearnTopics ranged from the intern/externship experience during law school, employment after law school, non-traditional paths to obtaining work both during law school and post-law school, financial assistance resources in the community for law school expenses and bar preparation, CHBA involvement and community, to any other questions that arose.Latino Law Student Association (LLSA) and Colorado Hispanic Bar Association (CHBA)
January 31, 2023What You Don't Know Can Hurt You: The Hidden Impacts of Unconscious BiasDespite our best intentions, research shows we all have it – unconscious, unintentional bias. Unconscious attitudes and beliefs are shaped by all kinds of influences – some of which we would not agree with or accept on a conscious level. Yet, these unconscious thoughts can influence our decision-making, the law school and workplace environment, and our interactions with everyone we encounter: fellow students, faculty, staff, work colleagues, clients, jurors, judges, witnesses, and community members. Attend this workshop to learn about unconscious bias and its impacts.Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
January 27, 2023Lawyering for Economic JusticeTo explore changes and intersections in the laws used to defend and empower low-income clients and consider the systemic legal and policy issues confronting marginalized communities. The conference was designed to share updates on case law, legislation related to economic justice, and break down traditional silos within poverty lawyering.Faculty
January 26, 2023LBGTQ Rights at the Supreme CourtColorado Law students, staff, and faculty members gathered to learn about and discuss the U.S. Supreme Court case, 303 Creative LLC v. Elenis. This case explores whether a Colorado-based website design company’s free speech rights would be violated by Colorado’s antidiscrimination law if the company was required to make wedding websites for same-sex marriages if it does so for opposite-sex marriages. Colorado Law Professor Helen Norton, counsel on the Colorado State Attorney General’s team, discussed the case’s potential far-reaching implications.Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law and OUTLaw
January 26, 2023Lunar New Year CelebrationThe Asian Pacific American Law Students Association hosted its first Lunar New Year Celebration at the law school. They provided dinner from a local Vietnamese restaurant in Denver and Lion dancers performed. Andrea Wang, a deputy U.S. attorney, Colorado Law alumna, and former president of the Asian Pacific American Bar Association of Colorado provided brief remarks.Asian Pacific American Law Students Association
January 19, 2023Discussion on LGBTQ Community Well-BeingOUTLaw Discussion on LGBTQ Community Well-BeingOUTLaw
November 2022Law School Yes We Can Law School Admissions WorkshopMembers of the law admissions offices for the University of Colorado and University of Denver hosted a workshop for Judge Arguello’s pipeline program in Colorado that targets high-achieving college freshmen from diverse backgrounds and mentors and trains them for four years as Fellows to help them get access to a legal education. This workshop demystifies the application process to law school with a comprehensive overview of all elements of the application and supporting materials with pro tips on how to submit the most competitive law school application.Office of Admissions
November 20, 2022Veteran’s Day LunchLunch with veterans, active military, and reserves.Student Affairs
November 17, 2022Fall HarvestFeaturing free food and community conversation.Native American Law Students Association
November 17, 2022Abortion Results & Reporting from the MidtermsIf-When-How and Professor Doug Spencer hosted a discussion about abortion-related midterm results--and the abortion restrictions that midterm reporting forgot.If-When-How
November 8, 2022Discussion with Civil Rights Attorney Azra TaslimiGuest speaker Azra Taslimi discussed what it is like being a diverse woman in the Colorado legal community.Arab Law Students Association and Muslim Law Students Association
November 1-2, 2022Dia de Los Muertos - Day of the Dead CelebrationThe Latinx Law Students Association hosted its annual Dia de Los Muertos celebration. Tuesday was an evening celebration with catering, drinks and a live dance performance. Wednesday morning was a cafecita and pan dulce (coffee and sweets before sealing the ofrenda (altar).Latino Law Student Association
October 2022Virtual Student & Alumni Panel - Inclusivity at Colorado LawStudent members of the Council for Racial Justice and Equity organized a panel of current students and alumni to discuss their experience at Colorado Law, the school and campus climate for diverse students, along with some tips/things to consider in the application process. They led an open and honest conversation on finding your community in law school to prospective students.Office of Admissions and the Council for Racial Justice and Equity
October 20-23, 2022The 54th Algonquian Conference: The International Decade of Indigenous Languages 2022-2032As decided at the last Algonquian Conference, there will be a special theme for the 54th Conference: The International Decade of Indigenous Languages, 2022-32, and how the Algonquian language community can respond to, influence, and benefit from this ten-year opportunity. Two plenary speakers were invited to address this issue, from broader legal, political and other perspectives that will complement work in language documentation, study, maintenance and revitalization, and there were special panels on this topic. Both US and Canadian political and legal landscapes will be addressed, as well as potential international cooperation.American Indian Law Program
October 18, 202211th Annual John Paul Stevens Lecture: "The Third Sovereign: Tribal Courts and Indian Country Justice"Justice Angela R. Riley, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation of Oklahoma, conducted a fireside chat with Professor Suzette Malveaux and answered student questions before a national audience of over 200. Justice Riley spoke about tribal courts as the “Third Sovereign” in the United States and their role in ensuring justice in Indian country. Justice Riley's lecture marked the first time that a justice of the high court of an Indigenous Nation has presented this prestigious lecture. Justice Riley became the youngest person and first woman to be elected as justice of the Supreme Court of the Citizen Potawatomi Nation of Oklahoma in 2003 and in 2010 was elected as Chief Justice.Byron R. White Center for the Study of American Constitutional Law and the American Indian Law Program
October 13, 2022Wellness and First Generation presented by Dean Fernando GuzmanExplore unique challenges and considerations for first-generation students exploring ways of well-being.Student Affairs and the Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
October 13, 2022Ruth Wright Distinguished Lecture in Natural Resources: Mobilizing the Global Community on Climate Change: An Indigenous Leadership PerspectiveIndigenous Peoples have long embraced a special responsibility to care for all living beings and steward their lands consistent with cultural, spiritual, and economic traditions. Fawn Sharp will share her perspectives on the relationship between human rights and climate justice, as well as advocacy under the UN Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples, comparative experiences among Indigenous Peoples around the world, and local needs of tribal leaders and communities in the U.S.Getches-Wilkinson Center and the American Indian Law Program
October 12, 2022Indigenous Youth and Human Rights: An Indigenous Peoples Day EventThis event celebrated Indigenous Peoples Day with a meal prepared from Native-sourced recipes and ingredients, free t-shirts, stickers, and an opportunity for activism! They discussed the importance of the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples in the struggle for human rights and the well-being of the Earth! Renowned author and speaker, Walter Echo-Hawk, President of the Pawnee Nation, spoke virtually about the Declaration and the current Indigenous rights movement. Colorado Law students led interactive discussion about the Declaration’s provisions and there was an opportunity to create art for advocacy to be shared on social media.American Indian Law Program
October 5, 2022Critical Race Theory/Legal History with Dean Lolita Buckner InnissThis six-week series in Fall 2022 focused on cutting-edge legal issues in the news. Open to all, this program is designed for non-lawyers, is an excellent lifelong learning opportunity, and is a great chance to get a taste of what law school is like. Participants who view at least four of the six sessions receive a Mini Law School Certificate (no academic credit is received for participation). There are no required readings, tests, or homework assignments - just a great opportunity to learn about the law.Mini Law School
October 4, 2022Pre-Fast Break-the-FastThe Jewish Law Students Association hosted a pre-Yom Kippur lunch with bagels and schmearJewish Law Students Association
September 27, 2022BIPOC New Student WelcomeThis annual event celebrating incoming BIPOC students.Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
September 26, 2022Inclusion in Tech Law: A Focus on GenderAt the luncheon students had an opportunity to talk with professional women working in technology law. Individuals from across the gender spectrum are making advances in the historically male dominated field of tech law.Silicon Flatirons Center
September 23, 2022Conversation with Korey WiseKorey Wise, a member of the Exonerated Five, was wrongfully convicted of the brutal attack and rape of a female jogger in New York’s Central Park. Korey spent more than 11 years in prison before he was exonerated by new DNA evidence and a full confession from the real perpetrator.Korey Wise Innocence Project
September 20, 2022LGBTQ+ New Student WelcomeThis annual event welcoming incoming LGBTQ+ students.Office of Diversity, Equity, and Inclusive Excellence
September 16, 2022Introduction to the University of Colorado's Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance (featuring OIEC staff)Incoming students learned about CU's OIEC policies and procedures. Participants enjoyed a series of hypos and were asked how they should proceed while considering OIEC policies.Student Affairs
September 8, 2022Navigating Disabilities & AccommodationsLearn how to register with Disability Services and navigate accommodations in law school.Student Affairs and Disability Services
August 17, 2022New Student Orientation - The Diversity, Equity & Inclusion ImperativeLaw schools and legal organizations are working hard to create more inclusive environments where people from all backgrounds and social identity groups can thrive. Advancing diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) is not just the right thing to do, people and organizations thrive and achieve at higher levels when the culture embraces and leverages DEI.Student Affairs