
Peer Reviewed Articles (including book chapters) (for PDF copies, please contact Prof. Rosario)
- Salazar, J. R.; Pfotenhauer, D. J.; Leresche, F.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Hannigan, M. P.; Majestic, B. J. Iron speciation in PM2.5from urban, agriculture, and mixed environments in Colorado, USA. In Press,Earth and Space Sciences,2020
- Wang, L.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, B.; Bu, Y.; Chen, Y.; Ma, J.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Zhu, R. Some issues limiting the photo(cata)lysis application in water pollutant control: A critical review from chemistry perspectives.Water Research,2020, 174, 115605
- McKay, G.; Hohner, A. K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Use of optical properties for evaluating the presence of pyrogenic organic carbon in thermally altered soil leachates.Environmental Sciences: Processes and Impacts,2020,22, 4, 981-992
- Wang, H.; Lu, L.; Chen, H.; McKenna, A. M.; Lie, J.; Jin, S.; Zuo, Y.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Ren, Z. Molecular transformation of crude oil contaminated soil after bioelectrochemical degradation revealed by FT-ICR mass spectrometry.Environmental Sciences and Technology,2020, 54 (4), 2500-2509
- Thurman, E. M.; Yu, Y.; Ferrer, I.; Thorn, K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.* Molecular identification of water-extractable organic carbon from thermally heated soils: C13 NMR and accurate mass analyses find benzene and pyridine carboxylic acids.Environmental Science and Technology,2020, 54 (5), 2994-3001
- Wang, L.; Zhang, Q.; Chen, B.; Bu, Y.; Chen, Y.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Photolysis and photocatalysis of haloacetic acids in water: A review of kinetics, influencing factors, products, pathways, and mechanisms.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2020, 391, 122143
- Raseman, W. J.; Kasprzyk, J. R.; Summers, R. S.; Hohner, A. K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Multi-objective optimization of water treatment operations for disinfection byproduct control.Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology,2020, 6, 3, 702-714
- Ulliman, S.; Korak, J. A..; Linden, K. G.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.* Methodology for selection of optical parameters as wastewater effluent organic matter surrogates.Water Research,2020,170, 115321
- D’Andrilli, J.; Fischer, S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Application of high-resolution mass spectrometry for DOM assessment: Re-engaging with principles, limitations, and data analysis.Environmental Science and Technology,2020
Kasprzyk, J.; Stewart, J.; Heldmeyer, A.; Reeves, K.; Raseman, W.; Rajagopalan, B.; Summers, R. S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Livneh, B. An integrated modeling and decision framework to evaluate adaptation strategies for sustainable water utility management under drought and climate change. Report to the Water Research Foundation.2019
Hohner, A. K.; Summers, R. S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Laboratory simulation of postfire effects on conventional treatment and disinfection byproduct formation.AWWA Water Science,2019, 1, 5, e1155
Leresche, F.; McKay, G.; Kurtz, T.; Canonica, S.; von Gunten, U.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.* Effects of ozone on the photochemical and photophysical properties of dissolved organic matter.Environmental Science and Technology,2019,53, 5622-5632
Hohner, A. K.; Rhoades, C. C.; Wilkerson, P.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Wildfires alter forest watersheds and threaten drinking water quality.Accounts of Chemical Research,2019,52, 1234-1244
McKay, G.; Korak, J. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Response to comment on “The case against charge transfer interactions in dissolved organic matter photophysics”.Environmental Science and Technology,2018,52, 9, 5514-5516
Chin, Y.; McKnight, D.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. A tribute to George Aiken. Editorial for Special Virtual Issue.Environmental Science and Technology,2018,52, 8, 4489-4489
Knicker, H.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Zaccone, C. Preface-special issue in memory of Frank J. Stevenson,Journal of Soils and Sediments,2018, 18, 4, 1209-1211
Hohner, A. K.; Webster, J.; Cawley, K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Becker, W. Wildfire impacts on drinking water treatment process performance. Report to the Water Research Foundation. Project number WRF 4590.2018
McKay, G.; Korak, J. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.Temperature dependence of the fluorescence of dissolved organic matter: Implications for DOM photophysics.Environmental Science and Technology,2018, 52, 16, 9022-9032
Önnby, L.; Salhi, E.; McKay, G.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; von Gunten, U. Ozone and chlorine reactions with dissolved organic matter- Assessment of oxidant-reactive moieties by optical measurements and the electron donating capacities.Water Research,2018, 144, 64-75
Becker, W.; Hohner, A. K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Wolfe, J. Preparing for wildfires and extreme weaher: Plant design and operation recommendations.Journal of American Water Works Association,2018, 110, 7, 32-40
Cawley, K.; Hohner, A. K.; McKee, G.; Borch, T.; Omur-Ozbek, P.; Oropeza, J.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. *Characterization and spatial distribution of particulate and soluble carbon and nitrogen from wildfire impacted sediments.Journal of Soils and Sediments,2018, 18, 1314-1326
McKay, G.; Korak, J. A.; Erickson. P.; Latch, D. E.; McNeil, K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. The case against charge transfer interactions in dissolved organic matter photophysics. Environmental Science and Technology, 2018, 52, 2, 406-414 (
Ulliman, S.; McKay, G.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Linden, K. Low levels of iron enhance UV/H2O2 efficiency at neutral pH. Water Research, 2018, 130, 234-242 (
Saunders, J.; Yu, Y.; McCutchan, J. H.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Characterizing limits of precision for dissolved organic nitrogen calculations. Environmental Science and Technology Letters,2017, 4, 11, 452-456 (
Prado, M.; Lastre-Acosta, A. M.; Mostafa, S.; McKay, G. J.; Linden, K. G.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Teixeira, A. C. S. C. Photochemical generation of reactive intermediates from urban-waste bio-organic substances under UV and solar radiation. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2017, 24, 22, 18470-18478
McKay, G.; Huang, W.; Crouch, J.; Romara-Castillo, C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Jaffe, R. Assessing the dissolved organic matter photo-reactivity in a subtropical wetland ecosystem: Correlations between optical properties, antioxidant capacity, and the photochemical formation of reactive intermediates.Environmental Science and Technology,2017, In Press ()
- Hohner, A. K.; Gilmore, P. L.; Townsend, E.; Summers, R. S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Water treatment process evaluation of wildfire-affected sediment leachates.Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology,2017, 3, 2, 352-365 ()
- Raseman, W. J.; Kasprzyk, J. R.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L; Stewart, J.; Livneh, B. Decision support systems for water treatment under climate extremes: A critical review.Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology,2017, 3, 18-36 ()
- Cawley, K.; Hohner, A. K.; McKee, G.; Borch, T.; Omur-Ozbek, P.; Oropeza, J.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.Characterization and spatial distribution of particulate and soluble carbon and nitrogen from wildfire impacted sediments.Journal of Soils and Sediments,2017,In Press ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Korak, J. A. Oversimplification of fluorescence analysis of DOM.Environmental Science and Technology,2017, 51,2, 759-761 ()
- Cawley, K. M.; Hohner, A. K.#; Podgotski, D. C.; Cooper, W. T.; Korak, J. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Molecular and spectroscopic characterization of water extractable organic matter from soils exposed to simulated wildfire conditions reveal insight into disinfection byproduct precursors.Environmental Science and Technology,2017, 51, 2, 771-779 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Canonica, S. Probe compounds to assess the photochemical activity of dissolved organic matter.Environmental Science and Technology,2016, 50, 23, 12532 ()
- Hohner, A. K.; Cawley, K.; Oropeza, J.; Summers, R. S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Drinking water treatment response following a Colorado wildfire.Water Research,2016, 105, 187-198 ()
- Mostafa, S.; Rubinato, M.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Linden, K. G. Relative impact of light screening and photosensitizers onfaecalisinactivation.Environmental Engineering Science,2016, 33, 6, 365-373
- McKay, G.; Couch, K.; Mezyk, S. P.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Investigation of the coupled effects of molecular weight and charge transfer interactions on the optical and photochemical properties of dissolved organic matter.Environmental Science and Technology,2016, 50, 15, 8093-8102 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Rose, J. B.; Speight, V. L.; von Gunten, U.; Schnoor, J. How do you like your tap water?Science,2016, 351, 6276, 912-914 ()
- Arias, M.; Cawley, K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Enhanced DOC removal using anion and cation ion exchange resins.Water Research,2016, 88, 1, 981-989()
- Saunders, J.; Hohner, A. K.#; Summers, R. S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Regulating chlorophyll-a to control DBP precursors in water supply reservoirs. Submitted to theJournal of the American Water Works Association,2015,E603-E612, November ()
- Korak, J. A.; Wert, E. C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Fluorescence spectroscopy as a surrogate for the release of intracellular organic matter upon oxidation of cyanobacteria cells.Journal of the American Water Works Association.2015, E523-E532, October ()
- Prado, M.; Mostafa, S.; McKay, G. J.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Silva Costa, A. C. Environmental photochemical fate of amicarbazone in aqueous medium: laboratory measures and simulations.Environmental Engineering Science.2015,32, 8, 730-740 ()
- Korak, J. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Summers, R. S. Evaluation of optical surrogates for the characterization of DOM removal by coagulation.Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology,2015, 1, 493-506
- Wagner, S.; Cawley, K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Jaffe, R. In-stream sources and links between particulate and dissolved black carbon following a wildfire.Biogeochemistry,2015, 124, 1-3, 145-161 ()
- McKay, G.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Temperature dependence of the photochemical formation of hydroxyl radical from dissolved organic matter.Environmental Science and Technology,2015, 49, 7, 4147-4154 ()
- Cawley, K.; Korak, J. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Quantum yields for the formation of reactive intermediates from dissolved organic matter samples from the Suwannee River. Accepted toEnvironmental Engineering Science,2015, 32, 1, 31-37 ()
- Dong, M. M.; Trenholm, R.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Photochemical degradation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater.Journal of Hazardous Materials,2015, 282, 216-223()
- Korak, J. A.; Wert, E. C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Evaluating fluorescence spectroscopy as a tool to characterize cyanobacteria intracellular organic matter upon simulated release and oxidation in natural water.Water Research,2015, 68, 1, 432-443()
- Shimabuku, K. K.; Cho, H.; Townsend, E. B.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Summers, R. S. Modeling competitive adsorption with powdered activated carbon: the role of dissolved organic matter characteristics and non-equilibrium.Environmental Science and Technology, 2014,48, 23, 13735-13742 ()
- Parker, A. M.; Ferrer, I.; Thurman, E. M.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Linden, K. G. Determination of COREXIT components used in the Deepwater Horizon Cleanup by liquid chromatography-ion trap mass spectrometry. AnalyticalMethods,2014, 6, 5498-5502 ()
- Glover, C. M.; Mezyk, S. P.; Linden, K. G.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Photochemical degradation of the oil dispersant Corexit components in ocean water.Chemosphere,2014, 111, 596-602 ()
- Writer, J.; Hohner, A.#; Oropeza, J.; Schmidt, A.; Cawley, K.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Water treatment implications after the High Park wildfire, Colorado.Journal of the American Water Works Association,2014, 4, E189-E199
- McKay, G.; Kleinman, J. L.; Johnston, K. M.; Dong, M. M.#; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Mezyk, S. P. Kinetics of the reaction between the hydroxyl radical and organic matter standards from the International Humic Substances Society.Journal of Soils and Sediments,2014, 14, 298-304 ()
- Wert, E. C.; Trenholm, R. A.; Korak, J. A.#; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Effect of oxidant exposure on the release of intracellular microcystin, MIB and geosmin from three cyanobacteria species.Water Research,2014, 52, 251-259 ()
- Kover S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Linden, K. L. Photochemical fate of solvent constituents of corexit oil dispersants.Water Research,2014, 52, 101-111 ()
- Keen, O.; Mackay, G.; Mezyk, S. P.; Linden, K. G.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Identifying the factors that influence the reactivity of effluent organic matter with hydroxyl radicals.Water Research,2014, 50, 408-419 ()
- Korak, J.; Dotson, A.; Summers, R. S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.* Critical analysis of commonly used fluorescence metrics to characterize dissolved organic matter.Water Research,2014, 49, 327-338 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. The need to study organic matter. In: Advances in the characterization of dissolved organic matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems. Edited by Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. ACS Symposium Series 1160,2014,1-3 ()
- Mostafa, S.; Shimabuku, K.; Korak, J. A.; Glover, C. M.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Relation between optical properties and formation of reactive intermediates from different size fractions of organic matter. In: Advances in the characterization of dissolved organic matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems. Edited by Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. ACS Symposium Series 1160,2014,159-179 ()
- Duhl, T. R.; Clements, N.; Mladenov, N.; Cawley, K., Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Hannigan, M. P. Natural and unnatural organic matter in the atmosphere: Recent perspectives on the high molecular weight fraction or organic aerosol. In: Advances in the characterization of dissolved organic matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems. Edited by Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. ACS Symposium Series 1160,2014,87-111 ()
- Korak, J. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Summers, R. S. Fluorescence characterization of humic substance coagulation: Application of new tools to an old process. In: Advances in the characterization of dissolved organic matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems. Edited by Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. ACS Symposium Series 1160,2014,281-300 ()
- Glover, C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Impact of halides on the photoproduction of reactive intermediates from organic matter.Environmental Science and Technology,2013, 47 (24), 13949-13956 ()
- Lee, E.; Glover, C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Photochemical formation of hydroxyl radical from effluent organic matter: Role of organic composition.Environmental Science and Technology,2013, 47 (21), 12073-12080 ()
- Mostafa, S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.Singlet oxygen formation from wastewater organic matter.Environmental Science and Technology,2013,47, 8179-8186 ()
- Wert, E. C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Intracellular organic matter from cyanobacteria as a precursor for carbonaceous and nitrogenous disinfection byproducts.Environmental Science and Technology,2013,47, 6332-6340 ()
- Wert, E. C.; Dong, M. M.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Using digital flow cytometry to assess the degradation of three cyanobacteria species after oxidation processes.Water Research,2013, 47, 3752-3761 ()
- Beggs, K. M. H.; Bilica, J. A.; Korak, J. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; McKnight, D. M.; Summers, R. S. Spectral evaluation of watershed dissolved organic matter and DBP precursors.Journal of the American Water Works Association,2013,105, 4 E173-E188
- Phillibert, M.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Suffet, I. H. Comparison of two polarity measurements of hydrophobic organic matter for the evaluation of water treatment processes: XAD Resin and PRAM.Water Science and Technology,2012,66, 11, 2418-2424 ()
- Dong, M. M.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Photochemical formation of hydroxyl radical from effluent organic matter.Environmental Science and Technology,2012,46, 3788-3794 ()
- Gonzales, S.; Peña, A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Examining the role of effluent organic matter components on the decomposition of ozone and formation of hydroxyl radical in wastewater.Ozone Science and Engineering,2012, 34, 42-48 ()
- Wert, E. C.; Gonzales, S.; Dong, M. M.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Evaluation of enhanced coagulation pretreatment to improve ozone oxidation efficiency in wastewater.Water Research,2011, 45, 5191-5199 ()
- MacKay, G.; Dong, M. M.; Kleinman, J. L.; Mezyk, S. P.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Temperature dependence of the reaction between the hydroxyl radical and organic matter.Environmental Science and Technology,2011, 45, 6932-6937 ()
- Wert, E. C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Effect of ozonation on trihalomethane and haloacetic acid formation in a full-scale distribution system,Ozone Science and Engineering,2011, 33, 14-22 ()
- Dong, M. M.; Mezyk, S. P.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Reactivity of effluent organic matter (EfOM) with hydroxyl radical as a function of molecular weight.Environmental Science and Technology,2010,44, 15, 5714-5720 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Wert, E. C.; Snyder, S. A. Evaluation of UV/H2O2treatment for the oxidation of pharmaceuticals in wastewater.Water Research,2010, 44, 5, 1440-1448 ()
- Wert, E. C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Snyder, S. A. Using UV absorbance and color to assess pharmaceutical oxidation during the ozonation of wastewater.Environmental Science and Technology,2009, 43, 13, 4858-4863 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Gerringer, F.; Suffet, I. H. Application of a Novel Polarity Method for the Characterization of Natural Organic Matter during Water Treatment.Journal of Water Supply: Research and Technology – AQUA,2009, 58, 3, 159-169 ()
- Wert, E. C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Snyder, S. A. Effect of ozone exposure on the oxidation of trace organic contaminants in wastewater.Water Research,2009, 43, 4, 1005-1014 ()
- Mawhinney, D. B.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Baik, S.; Vanderford, B. J.; Snyder, S. A. Characterization of fulvic acids by liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Journal of Chromatography A,2009, 1216, 1319-1324 ()
- Gerringer, F.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Suffet, I. H. Characterization of the changes in polarity and size of natural organic matter during water treatment.Journal of Environmental Engineering and Management,2009, 19, 1, 11-20
- Philibert, M.; Bush, S.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Suffet, I. H. Advanced in the characterization of the polarity of DOM under ambient water quality conditions using the polarity rapid assessment method.Water Science and Technology: Water Supply, 8, 6, 725-733,2008
- Trenholm, R. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Snyder, S. A. Analysis of formaldehyde formation in wastewater using on-fiber derivatization solid phase extraction gas chromatography mass spectrometry.Journal of Chromatography A,2008, 1210, 1, 25-29 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Mezyk, S. P.; Wert, E.; Doud, D. F. R.; Singh, M. K.; Xin, M.; Baik, S.; Snyder, S. A. Effect of pre-oxidation on the absolute rate constants between hydroxyl radical and effluent organic matter.Journal of Applied Oxidation Technologies,2008, 11, 3, 529-535 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Mezyk, S. P.; Doud, D. F. R.; Snyder, S. A. Quantitative correlation of absolute hydroxyl radical rate constants with non-isolated effluent organic matter bulk properties in water.Environmental Science and Technology,2008,42, 16, 5924-5930 ()
- Vanderford, B. J.; Mawhinney, D. B.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Snyder, S.A. Real-time detection and identification of aqueous chlorine transformation products using QTOF-MS.Analytical Chemistry,2008,80, 11, 4193-4199 ()
2007 and before
- Vanderford, B. J.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Snyder, S. A. Analysis of-chlorobenzoic acid by liquid chromatography/tandem mass spectrometry.Journal of Chromatography A,2007, 1164, 1-2, 219-223 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Snyder, S.; Suffet, I. H. Characterization of dissolved organic matter in drinking waters sources impacted by multiple tributaries.Water Research,2007, 41, 18, 4115-4128 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Snyder, S.; Suffet, I. H. Characterization of the polarity of natural organic matter under ambient conditions by the polarity rapid assessment method (PRAM).Environmental Science and Technology,2007,41, 4895-4900 ()
- Wert, E. C.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Drury, D. D.; Snyder, S. A. Formation of oxidation byproducts from ozonation of wastewater.Water Research.2007,41, 7, 1481-1490 ()
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Al-Samarrai, H. N.; Kozawa, K.; Gerringer, F. W.; Gabelich, C. J.; Suffet, I. H. Characterization of the Changes in Polarity of Natural Organic Matter using Solid-Phase Extraction: Introducing the NOM Polarity Rapid Assessment Method (NOM-PRAM).Water Science and Technology: Water Supply,2004,4, 4, 11-18
Book Chapters
- Gerrity, D.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Wert, E. C. Application of ozone in water and wastewater. In: Advanced Oxidation Processes for Water and Wastewater Treatment. Editor: M. Stefan,2016
- McKay, G.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Photochemical reactivity of organic matter and its fractions. Submitted to Surface Water Photochemistry, to be published in the Comprehensive Series in Photochemical and Photobiological Sciences by the Royal Society of Chemistry, Editors: D. Vione and P. Calza.2015,77-95
- Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Introduction: The need to study organic matter. In: Advances in the characterization of dissolved organic matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems. Edited by Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. ACS Symposium Series 1160,2014,1-3
- Duhl, T. R.; Clements, N.; Mladenov, N.; Cawley, K., Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Hannigan, M. P. Natural and unnatural organic matter in the atmosphere: Recent perspectives on the high molecular weight fraction or organic aerosol. In: Advances in the characterization of dissolved organic matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems. Edited by Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. ACS Symposium Series 1160,2014,87-111
- Mostafa, S.; Shimabuku, K.; Korak, J. A.; Glover, C. M.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Relation between optical properties and formation of reactive intermediates from different size fractions of organic matter. In: Advances in the characterization of dissolved organic matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems. Edited by Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. ACS Symposium Series 1160,2014,159-179
- Korak, J. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L.; Summers, R. S. Fluorescence characterization of humic substance coagulation: Application of new tools to an old process. In: Advances in the characterization of dissolved organic matter: Impact on Natural and Engineered Systems. Edited by Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. ACS Symposium Series 1160,2014,281-300
- Snyder, S. A.; Vanderford, S. A.; Rosario-Ortiz, F. L. Iodate and perchlorate in bottled water: methods for discovery and impact to humans. In: Comprehensive handbook of iodine. Edited by Preedy, V.; Burrow, G.; Watson, R. Elsevier, ISBN-13: 978-0-12-374135-6,2009