
Current PhD Students

Sergio Coll Ibars (co-advised with Daniel Scheeres)

Mikaela Dobbin

Laura Davies

Current MS and Undergraduate Research Students

Alex Moody

Emily Matteson听

Austin Hunter

Conner Parker

Taiy艒 Takanashi Forbes - Discovery Learning Apprentice

Taylor Luciani - Discovery Learning Apprentice

Samuel Hollrah

Ph.D. Graduates听

1995: Bruce C. Chesley - An Integrated GPS Attitude Determination System for Small Satellites

1996: Lisa M. Ward - Spacecraft Attitude Estimation Using GPS: Methodology and Results

1996: Christopher J. Comp - GPS Carrier Phase Multipath Characterization and a Mitigation Technique Using the Signal-to-Noise Ratio

1997: James L. Garrison - Recursive Nonlinear Estimation for Relative Navigation in Elliptical Orbits

1997: Charles P. Behre - GPS Based Attitude Algorithms for Low Cost Satellite Missions

1999: Angela (Reichert) Dorsey - Correction Algorithms for GPS Carrier Phase Multipath Utilizing the Signal-to-Noise Ratio and Spatial Correlation

1999: Franklin Ascarunz - Timing Errors in Two-Way Satellite Time and Frequency Transfer Using Spread Spectrum Modulation

2000: Dolan Highsmith - Precise Satellite-to-Satellite GPS Time Transfer in Near Real-Time

2001: Michael Armatys - Estimation of Sea Surface Winds Using Reflected GPS Signals

2001: Michael Moreau - GPS Receiver Architecture for Autonomous Navigation in High Earth Orbits

2002: Premal Madhani - GPS Receiver Algorithms for Suppression of Narrowband and Structured Wideband Interference

2004: Dallas Masters - Surface Remote Sensing Applications of GNSS Bistatic Radar : Soil Moisture and Aircraft Altimetry

2007: Maria Belmonte Rivas - Bistatic Scattering of Global Positioning System Signals from Arctic Sea Ice

2007: Jan-Peter Weiss - Modeling and Analysis of Multipath in Global Navigation Satellite System Ranging Signals

2007: Christopher Lane - Formation Design and Relative Navigation in High Earth Orbits

2011: Jill (Tombasco) Seubert - Orbit Estimation of Geosynchronous Objects Via Ground-Based and Space-Based Optical Tracking

2015: Ben K. Bradley - Numerical Algorithms for Precise and Efficient Orbit Propagation and Positioning

2016: Steven Gehly - Estimation of Geosynchronous Space Objects Using Finite Set Statistics Filtering Methods

2019: Jake R. Mashburn - Analysis of GNSS-R Observations for Altimetry and Characterization of Earth Surfaces

2020: John Gaebler - CubeSat Cluster Deployment Tracking

2020: Viliam Klein - Advanced GPS Multipath Modeling for Receivers On-Board the International Space Station

2020: Kirsten Strandjord - Urban Navigation with Global Satellite Navigation Systems

2020: Damon VanBuren (co-advised w/Scott Palo) - Techniques for Precise Timing Onboard Small Satellites

2022: Shaylah Mutschler - Global Thermospheric Density Estimation using CubeSat GPS Data and a Physics-based Space Environment Model

2022: Margaret Rybak - Atomic Clock and Inertial Sensor Applications for Space Navigation

2023: Alex Conrad - 听Advances in Measurement and Force Modeling for Improved GNSS-based Precise Orbit Determination of CYGNSS and Sentinel-6 MF

2024: Christopher Flood - Time Transfer Architectures for Small Satellite Platforms听