Harold D. Kelling Essay Prize
This prize was set up in 1979 as a fitting memorial to Professor Kelling, an excellent scholar, writer, and teacher. The author of the winning essay will earn the prize, to be applied to student tuition. Depending on the quality of the essays, a second prize may be awarded.
Click here for more details and award amount.
Award Recipients
2024-25 award recipient: Ava Morgan
2023-24 award recipient: Alyssa Flamm
​Read Alyssa's winning entry
2022-23 award recipients: Caroline Cappelletti and Charlotte Whitney
​Read Charlotte's winning entry
2021-22 award recipient: Rowan Bopardikar
​Read Rowan's winning entry.
2020-21 award recipient: Mika Mildenberger
Read Mika's winning entry
2019-20 award recipient: Lauren Adler
​Read Lauren's winning entry
2018-19 award recipient: Sara Cooley
2017-18 award recipient: Tyler Pryor