Fall 2013 STEMinar Schedule


³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:ÌýTrubee Davison


°Õ¾±³Ù±ô±ð:ÌýAn introduction to fractals

´¡²ú²õ³Ù°ù²¹³¦³Ù:ÌýFractals can be thought of as objects that exhibit the same pattern at different levels of zoom. Examples of fractal-like objects found in nature include, to name a few, snowflakes, ferns, trees, shorelines, clouds, leaves, and crystals. The goal of this talk will be to give a mathematical framework for constructing fractals. In particular, we will discuss how fractal construction relies on an important mathematical relationship that exists between the notion of ‘shrinking’ and the notion of a ‘fixed point’. The talk will be non-technical and accessible to everyone.


³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:ÌýHalley Profita

Department: Computer Science

Title: The social acceptability of wearable technology: A case study of interacting with an on-body electronic-textile interface in public.

´¡²ú²õ³Ù°ù²¹³¦³Ù:ÌýWearable technology, specifically e-textiles, offers the potential for interacting with electronic devices in a whole new manner. However, some may find the operation of a system that employs non-traditional on-body interactions uncomfortable to perform in a public setting, impacting how readily a new form of mobile technology may be received. Thus, it is important for interaction designers to take into consideration the implications of on-body gesture interactions when designing wearable interfaces. In this study, we explore the third-party perceptions of a user’s interactions with a wearable e-textile interface. This two-prong evaluation examines the societal perceptions of a user interacting with the textile interface at different on-body locations, as well as the observer’s attitudes toward on-body controller placement. We performed the study in the United States and South Korea to gain cultural insights into the perceptions of on-body technology usage.


³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:ÌýWill Levandowski


Title: The math and mechanics of making mountains

´¡²ú²õ³Ù°ù²¹³¦³Ù:ÌýWhy do mountains exist? Topography is like an iceberg; elevation excess above sea level reflects mass deficit below. Using techniques to estimate density variations in the earth based on seismological characteristic and other geophysical properties, I describe the physical basis for modern topography of the entire western United States. I also offer a look at the rise ancient rise of Colorado Plateau and the relatively recent rise of the Sierra Nevada, CA. Finally, I investigate the stresses generated by density variations with a study of earthquakes in southern California.


³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:ÌýMarty Baylor

´¡´Ú´Ú¾±±ô¾±²¹³Ù¾±´Ç²Ô:ÌýVisiting Professor of Physics from Carleton College

°Õ¾±³Ù±ô±ð:ÌýTaking charge of your future from grad school to beyond: Strategic use of IDPs and negotiation skills to mold your career and find work life balance

´¡²ú²õ³Ù°ù²¹³¦³Ù:ÌýFor most of my life, I wandered through my career without an intentional plan for what I wanted to do or why. I took my experiences for granted and didn't think about how I could maximize what I gained from each opportunity that I was presented with. Despite this lack of direction early on, I worked at NASA in high school and college, participated in multiple REU programs, taught K-12, worked at NASA (again, after college), completed an internship at a laser company in China obtained a PhD in physics, and became a professor at Carleton College. I have found that toward given to me towards the the latter part of my career have allowed me to be more intentional about by career. As a result, I have been able to discover and nurture my passion for teaching (i.e., my career) and make room for the things that keep me sane: alone time, family/friends, exercise, international travel and whitewater rafting. During this talk, I would like to spend a little bit of time telling you about my research in analog optical signal processing and integrated optofluidic devices. Then, I would like to spend the rest of my time sharing tips and strategies for directing your career and creating a balanced life during grad school and into the future.


³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:ÌýJanet Tsai

Department: Mechanical Engineering

Title: Current trends in engineering education

´¡²ú²õ³Ù°ù²¹³¦³Ù:ÌýThis talk will explore the current state of engineering education at CU and beyond, explaining some of the historical motivations and current funding opportunities for engineering education research projects. Attendees will be invited to consider their own experiences being educated as engineers or scientists and how they align with the main research thrusts in the field. A slew of interesting findings will be presented for discussion, as well as explanation of the educational research process and qualitative methods in contrast to the quantitative methods we are more familiar with as STEM practitioners.


³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:ÌýSteven Moses


Title: Creating really cool forms of matter

Abstract:The advent of laser cooling and the creation of a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate of alkali atoms (which was first done in 91¸£ÀûÉç) sparked an exponential growth in the field of atomic physics. We can now create and study quantum degenerate gases in the lab with exquisite precision. The applications of atomic physics are widespread, and include precision measurements and timekeeping, building better sensors and detectors, and studying fundamental physics that can help to elucidate the processes that govern the behavior of complex materials that are very relevant to everyday life. In this talk, I will start by giving an overview of the field of atomic physics. Then I will describe some of the tools, such as laser cooling and evaporative cooling, that are necessary ingredients to making really cold matter. Finally, I will describe the experiment that I work on, in which we create ultracold polar molecules in their ground state at temperatures of around 200 nK. I will focus on the particular example of exothermic chemical reactions that occur at ultralow temperatures and how we have been able to control these reactions very precisely. The talk will be self-contained and accessible to everyone.


³§±è±ð²¹°ì±ð°ù:ÌýMegan O’Brien

¶Ù±ð±è²¹°ù³Ù³¾±ð²Ô³Ù:Ìý Mechanical Engineering

Title: Movement under risk: a decision-making process

´¡²ú²õ³Ù°ù²¹³¦³Ù:ÌýNearly every aspect of our behavior is framed by risk, and people can respond to risk very differently. While some individuals readily confront high-risk situations in order to obtain high rewards (risk-seeking behavior), others may prefer low-risk situations even if it means obtaining low rewards (risk-averse behavior). Presently, the role that risk plays in our decisions about movement is poorly understood. For example, when do we choose to hurriedly cross a busy street versus sacrifice a few minutes and cross when the road is clear? Deciding on an appropriate movement strategy is not a trivial matter, and yet most of the time our brains find a solution to this problem with minimal hesitation.

In this talk, I will describe human movement using a decision-making framework. Such a framework allows us to formulate movement tasks in statistical terms, where we combine the probability of a movement outcome and the reward associated with that outcome to find an optimal solution for how to move. I will also present my doctoral work to date, examining how implicit and explicit risk can affect our movement decisions.