Colorado Places: Their Native American Names

This is a project to document in one place all the Indigenous place names known for Colorado. Eventually, we plan to have a scroll-over map, and ideally sound recordings of each name. Prior to that, we will eventually have at least have a guide to the orthography for each Indigenous language. But until that time, we are operating on the principle that something is better than nothing. So below is a list of Colorado places, and the Indigenous name for that place (in as many languages as available). Where we have it, we give the Indigenous word. In other cases, we have only the Indigenous translation, but not yet the original word. We will use the official established tribal orthography in all cases to write the Indigenous languages.

Colorado English Name听Indigenous Name = Meaning of Indigenous Name听尝补苍驳耻补驳别听
Apishapa River听

艒evozeoho = 鈥榪uarreling river鈥

Arikaree River听

ononeohe = 鈥榓rikara river鈥檚

p葻al谩ni wakp谩 = Arikara River听



Arkansas River

mozooeneohe = 鈥榝lint arrowpoint river鈥 > mots臈s贸on-e-听 -贸鈥檋别鈥檈

鈥榓rrowhead/flint river鈥

鈥榣ong river鈥

wah铆艐 wakp谩 = flint river ***





Bear Creek (flows into Arkansas River)

鈥榖ison bull river鈥 [may be Two Buttes Creek]

鈥榖uck antelope corral creek鈥



Beaver Creek/Little Beaver Creek (flows into Republican River)

Beaver River

Beaver Water


Black Mesa

鈥榙ark cove/bluff concavity鈥
bluff in Baca or Las Animas County


Caddo Creek or Rate Creek (enters Arkansas)

'prickly pear creek'

Cimarron River听

听hotoaeohe = 鈥榖ull river鈥 > hot贸谩鈥檈- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈

鈥榖uffalo bull river鈥; formerly 鈥榤any pipe dance river鈥



Clay Creek听(enters Arkansas River; Prowers County, CO)'creek where there is paint'

'hill creek'

Colorado River'big river'听碍颈辞飞补听

Colorado Springs/Manitou Springs

鈥榖oiling water鈥

'Medicine Fountain'

Crow Creek (enter South Platte River)听鈥楥row (Indian) river鈥 or 鈥榗row (bird) river鈥颁丑别测别苍苍别听
Denver听葻esk谩 ot葻煤艐wahe = rocky mountain听尝补办辞迟补听
Fountain Creek

esevoteohe = 鈥榮eething river鈥


Frenchman Creek (flows into Republican River)

vehoeohe = 鈥榳hite man鈥檚 river鈥 > v茅鈥檋o鈥櫭- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈

Laramie River听henaeneohe = 鈥榞oose river鈥 > h茅na鈥榚- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈

ma臒谩 wakp谩 = goose river ***



Longs Peak听esevonev膿 = buffalo peak/lodge/tipiCheyenne

Manitou Springs/Fontaine qui bouille Creek

'boiling river'
'spring creek'听
'boiling water'


Mud Creek (flows into Arkansas River)

hek艒maeohe 鈥榤iry creek鈥 or 鈥榮oft ground鈥 > 丑别鈥檏贸尘补鈥檕鈥檈-Cheyenne
North Platte River听meneeohe = 鈥榮hell river鈥颁丑别测别苍苍别听
Pikes Peak听

鈥榳hite mountain鈥 [see Lakota for Rocky Mountains]

ookoomenev贸s or ookoomeneta = bald peak > 辞辞鈥檏-



Platte River听

听p葻a艐k茅ska wakp谩 = shell river *** [North Platte]

meneeohe = 鈥榮hell river鈥 : m茅ne鈥檈-



Purgatory River (or Las Animas River)

hotoanaohe = 鈥榙ifficult river鈥 : h贸toan谩- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈

'rock river'

Redwillow River, flows into Republican below Beecher's Island听Mak艒mehesseohe = red willow river > ma鈥櫭斥榟am贸鈥榮eo鈥榦- ?? -贸鈥檋别鈥檈颁丑别测别苍苍别听
Republican River, South Fork听vehoneohe = 鈥榗hief river鈥 > v茅hon- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈颁丑别测别苍苍别听

Republican River, North Fork

听鈥榗annonball river鈥 (Republican generally)

mah艒hevaeohe = 鈥榬ed shield river鈥 (Republican generally)

鈥榤anure river鈥 (Republican generally)

p葻a艐臒铆 wakp谩 = Jerusalem Artichoke river (Republican generally) ***

听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 Petter CH: hohozeohe(?) = 鈥榓rtichoke river鈥 [but no location given]





Rio Grande River听Vehoeohe=white man river听颁丑别测别苍苍别听
Rocky Mountains听'Ute Mountains'

葻e-sk谩 = mountain-white ***

hohona, pl. hohon膩 = rock, rocks = ho鈥榟ona谩谩鈥榚


Salt Fork of the Arkansas听voxpomaozeohe = 鈥榮alt river鈥 = v贸hpoma鈥樑憈se- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈听颁丑别测别苍苍别听
Sand Creek听

ponoeohe = 鈥榙ry creek鈥 > p贸noe- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈

'dry creek'


Smoky Hill River, South River听'pawnee river'
'sandy river'

man贸eohe = 鈥榖unch of trees river鈥 (Smoky Hill generally) or 鈥榯imber grove river鈥

鈥榶ellow banks鈥 (Smoky Hill generally)


South Platte River听'fat/tallow river'

'vitaneohe = 'fat/tallow river' >听 听veta- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈

'broad river' (Platte generally)

听wa拧铆艐 wakp谩 = tallow river ***




Two/Twin Buttes:

鈥榟ill鈥 or 鈥榯wo hills鈥 (287)

Two Butte Creek听'driftwood creek'Kiowa
Yellowpaint River (Flows into Purgatory River)听

heovoneohe 鈥榶ellowpaint river鈥 > he贸v- -贸鈥檋别鈥檈

Achonee, Mount, Grand, CO听Chief 听贸鈥榢茅n臈stse 鈥極ne Eye鈥 ***颁丑别测别苍苍别听
Amache, Camp, ProwersCO听

Chief鈥檚 Daughter am氓ht贸ohe 鈥楬owls Along Woman鈥 ?? ***

Arapaho Name Places in Colorado
Places听Arapaho NameArapaho Translated to English听
Baker Mountain/Pass, Grand CO听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听heeyeisoono'toh'ou3i'I听Where The Sparrow Hawk's Young Hang
Baker-Brooks Meadow, Rocky Mountain National Park (RMNP)heebe3iboo3etiit听Big Battle
Bartholf Park/ Glacier Basin, RMNPheetohso'owu'听Where the Land is Flat
Beaver Creek, RMNPbih'ihiikoh'owu'听Deer Creek听
Bierstadt Lake, RMNPni'ec honoute'听Hanging Lake
Big Creek Lake, Jackson CO听ni'eciikoh'owu'听 听Lake Creek
Big Meadows, RMNPtoonoxutee'It is a Meadow
Big Thompson River. RMNPhiicoooThe Pipe River
Blue River, Summit CO听biisee3 tih'iikou'uni'Were Blue Paint was Gathered
91福利社 Brook, RMNPce'eiinoonoohoetRawhide Dish
Buckhorn Creek, Jackson CO听coo'oo'oe'Thick Brush听
Buffalo Mountain, Jackson CO听hii3einoteyoo'Buffalo Mountain听
Buffalo Pass, Jackson COheneeceiboooBuffalo Trail听
Bull Frog Rock and Sheep Creek, RMNP听niiinonThe Tipi
Cabin Creek, RMNPwoo3ee3i' hebesiiLots of Beaver
Chauncey, Mount, Grand CO听 听 听 听beiines heetohkokoyoo'Square Forts
Hosa, Jefferson COhouusoo

Chiefs Name: Crow Offspring

Chiefs Head Peak, RMNP听hookuhu'eenoHeads
Clarks Peak, Larimer, CO听hiwoxuuhuunisoo'Elks Horn听
Collegiate Range and Mount Massive, Lake CO听 听听hiwoxuu hookuhu'eeElk's Head听
Craig, Mount, RMNP听neneehii3ei'oteyoo'Middle Mountain
Crystal Mountain, Larimer CO听hinooox hoono'uuMica Hill听
Cub Lake, RMNPtihoo'oenootee' ni'eci'Where there was a Camp around the lake
Deer Mountain, RMNP听cenii3oteyoo'Going-Inside Mountain听
Denver, Denver CO听 听 听 听 听niineniiniicieTallow River
Devil's Washboard/McCreary, RMNPhoh'onookeenooxebRock Spring听
Eagle Rock and School Section Rocks, Larimer COnouuteyoono'听 听听Bone Pipes
Echo, Shadow and Lookout Mountain, RMNPbeniisoteyoo'听 听 听Piney Mountain
Elk River, Jackson CO听 听 听听neetookooneeniiciihehe'Drowning River听
Enetah, Mount, RMNP听 听hineniteenoteyoo'听 听 听 听 听 听听Person Mountain听
Estes Cone and Wind River Cliffs, RMNPneneesoteyou'uThree Mountains
Estes Park, Larimer CO听heetko'einoo'Where it is Circular
Fall River, RMNPhecesiicoooLittle Pipe River
Flatiron Mountain, Larimer CO听 听neenowuxootei'iThey Face to The North听
Flattop Mountain, RMNPheebe3boooBig Trail听
Fountain Creek, El Paso, CO听konootoowu'听 听 听Boiling Water
Fraser River, Grand CObenii3oonoo'听 听 听听It is Steep
Giant track Mountain, Larimer, COhinenitee tohnooxeihitGiant Tracks
Glacier Basin, RMNPheetohso'owu'Where the Land is Flat
Grand Lake, Grand, CObeteeni'ecHoly Lake
Grand Lake, Grand, COheebe3ni'ecBig Lake听
Grand Lake, south point of, Grand COkokuy听 听听Gun
Grand Lake area, Grand COce'eiinoxGame Bag
Grays Peak and Torreys Peak, Summit COheeniiyoowuuAnt Hills听
Green Mountain ?Sage Hills
Hallett Peak, RMNPbonoh'ooonoteyoo'Thunder Peak听
Harm's Peaknii'eetei'i tih'iikou'uni'iWhere White Turnips were Gathered
Haynach Lakes, RMNPhiiinecSnow Water
Hedricks Flats, RMNPniitohnonouhti'Where We Race
Horseshoe Park, RMNP听听ciitoowuu'Inside the Lodge听
I-25, CO/WY border, rock formation, Larimer COnih'iitkotousi'IWhere They Took Shelter
James Peak and south, Gilpin COhooxei hookute'Wolf's Canine
Joe Wright Creek, Larimer COhiwoxuukoh'owu'Elk Creek
Julian, Mount, to Stones Peak and intervening area, RMNPwoxse'eihtoo听 听 听The Bear Paws
Kaly Cook Springs, RMNPhoh'onookeenooxebRock Spring听
Kawuneeche Valley, RMNP听 听 听 听 听听koo'ohwuuniiciiCoyote River
Kawuneeche Valey, area in, RMNPbexookeinokoy听听Mountain Lions' Den
Lake Haiyaha, RMNPhoh'oooyoo'Rocks All Around
Laramie Plains, Larimer, CO听heneeceiboooBuffalo Trail听
Lily Lake, RMNPhebesokoyBeaver Lodge听
Lily Mountain, RMNPheebesokoyonoteyoo'听 听听Beaver Lodge Mountain
Little Beaver Creekboo'oowu'Flows Red
Little Beaver Riverhonooxoehibiisii'iini'听 听 听 听听Bullberry Bushes听
Longs Peak, RMNP听neniisoteyou'uTwo Mountains听
Longs Peak Inn Area, Larimer COhisei tih'iinoxowuso'oneit besWhere Woman Was Killed听
Lookout, Shadow and Echo Mountain, RMNPbeniisoteyoo'听 听 听Piney Mountain听
Lulu Pass, RMNPbooh'ooni3esoo'Thunder Pass
Manitou Springs, El Paso CObeteenooxebHoly Spring
Massive, Mount and Collegiate Range, Lake COhiwoxuu hookuhu'eeElk's Head听
McCreery Hill Spring, RMNP听 听 听 听听bih'ihiikoh'owu'听听Deer Creek听
McHenry's Peak , RMNPbeniixoteyou'u听 听Bare Miuntains听
Michigan Creek , Jackson CO听 听 听 听bei'i'einiiciihehe'Little Shell Creek
Kawuneeche Valley, area in, RMNPtoh'okooxeeeni'听 听 听 听 听 听 听 听Where We Get Poles听
Mills Lake, RMNPteiitooni'ecStill Lake听
Milner Pass, RMNPbih'iiboooDeer Road
Mountain, east side of North Park, Jackson COheneeceinokoyBuffalo Lodge听
Mummy Range, RMNPnookbee3eino'White Owls
Needles, Larimer CO听3ee3i'oteyoo'Lumpy Mountain
Neota Mountain, Larimer COhote' hiteeMountain Sheeps Heart
Nisa, Mount, RMNP听 听 听 听 听niisooTwin
Niwot City, 91福利社 COnowoo3Chiefs Name; Left Hand. Arapaho Chief
Niwot Mountain, 91福利社 COnowoo3Chiefs Name; Left Hand. Arapaho Chief
Nokhu Craggs, Jackson COnohuux听听Saw Tooth Mountain or Eagles Nest
North Park, Jackson COheneeceiboooBuffalo Road听
Kawuneeche Valley, area in, RMNPhiwoxuuhuu3o'ohcooPounded Elk Meat听
Notchtop Mountain, RMNPhoteinetihiiMountain Sheeps Trail
Old Man Mountain, Larimer CO听听hinen toh3i'okutWhere a Man is Sitting听
Olympus, Mount, and two other mountains, Larimer COneeneb3i'eiitei'iFaces to the Wind听
Onahu Creek, RMNPhoonouhutWarms Himself
Owl Canyon, Larimer COhookoh'o' heetohwoo3ee3ei'Where there are Many Miller Moths
Park on West Creek, RMNPwoo'teenehi3i' niih'eikuhnee3i'Where Utes were Scattered
Pikes Peak, El Paso CO听 听听heeyoteyoo'

Long or Tall Mountain

Porphyry Peaks听 , Grand COhite3ounokoy听 听 听Crane Lodge
Poudre Valley, Larimer COce'eiinox听 听 听 听 听 听 听听

Game Bag听

Prospect Mountain, Larimer CObiixuut听 听The Shirt听
Never Summer Mountains, Grand COniiciibiicei'iIt is Never Summer
Sage Brush Flats, Grand CO听 听 听 听 听听nookhoosei'iini'There is Lots of Sagebrush听
Seven Utes Mountain, Jackson COniisootoxu3i' heetohwo'teenehi3i'The Seven Utes听
Shadow, Lookout and Echo Mountain, RMNPbeniisoteyoo'Piney Mountain
Signal Peak, RMNPhonooxoenoteyoo'听Wolf Mountain听
Signal Peak/Mountain, RMNPtooxu'oo' hisei to'uut听 听 听听Womans Sharp Hammer
Owl Creek, Jackson CO听 听nihoonoobe'听 听 听 听Yellow Paint/Earth
Specimen Mountain, RMNPheetohxouu'oo'Where it Smokes
Steep Mountain听听听听听听听听听听听听听听听 , RMNP听heneecee teesnoh'kuhneet听 听 听 听 听听Buffalo Bill Chased up to the top

is Petter鈥檚 Cheyenne dictionary, river names. See also entry for 鈥榤ountain鈥 and 鈥榩eak鈥