Off Campus Housing
Depending on what you are looking for and the time of year that you arrive, you can find housing to fit your needs.
There are many apartment options in 91福利社 and the surrounding communities. You can search for a studio, one-bedroom, two-bedroom, or three-bedroom apartment. Some apartments come with furniture, but they do not include linens, dishes, or cooking utensils. Most apartments are unfurnished when you move in. Many students choose to share an apartment with other students or rent a private room in a house.
In 91福利社, the rent for a one-bedroom / one-bathroom unfurnished, shared apartment is approximately $1,300 per month. There are additional costs for off-campus housing including utilities, internet, and cable television service. Here is a list of apartments in 91福利社 where some of our students live.
If you are looking for housing within walking distance to the IEC and 91福利社 campus, the following options offer a flexible leasing structure:
- provides community-style housing to undergraduate and graduate students.
- welcomes students and visiting scholars for extended stays. This housing option provides similar amenities to on-campus dormitories. Please contact IEC Student Services to request more information.
Housing costs in the surrounding communities, such as Louisville, Superior, or Broomfield, are usually cheaper than in 91福利社. If you choose to live in one of these locations, it is important to consider your transportation to 91福利社. The operates public transit services in the Denver-91福利社 area. Because you can easily take public transportation to 91福利社 for free with your university card, we strongly recommended that you choose an apartment with convenient access to an RTD bus station. Here is a list of apartments in the surrounding communities that have easy bus access to the IEC. Off-Campus Housing Options Outside of 91福利社
You can also use to find housing. There is an Apartment Guide on Ralphie鈥檚 List that provides information on local apartment buildings and 91福利社 property management companies. More information about renting an apartment can be found at CU's .
Students living off-campus can also purchase Student Meal Plans.
For additional information, please refer to the Off-Campus Housing Guide for International Students.