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online healthcare for high blood pressure

Sys… what?

I know, I know. We’ve talked about this before, but the basics are worth repeating. Blood pressure is the pressure that occurs in the blood vessels when the blood is driven from the heart to the rest of the body. The peak in pressure is the so-called systolic or upper pressure, whereas the lower or …

What can I do to lower my blood pressure

If you only have a slight blood pressure increase, it is often enough to start by changing your lifestyle. It may not affect the pressure itself all that much, but it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure is affected by your weight, so it might help to try and lose some weight …

Pomegranate – the tasty juice that lowers your blood pressure

The pomegranate originated in the middle east and has since spread to other parts of the world. Throughout the centuries it has been highly prized for its healing powers. Modern day research shows that drinking just 2 ounces (~50 ml/0.5 dl) daily of the juice from this powerful fruit can lower your blood pressure. It …