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online healthcare for high blood pressure

Do I need medication?

The reason why lowering your blood pressure is important, is that hypertension is a risk factor for future cardiovascular disease. However the risk of cardiovascular disease is not only affected by blood pressure and it is not just your blood pressure level that determines if you need medication. Your doctor will assess the overall weight …

5 things to ask your Doctor

Ever felt like you have a billion questions to ask your Dr when your at home, but then when you meet them your mind goes blank? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. When you are diagnosed with high blood pressure, it may be helpful to answer the following questions may be a good start: How …

To salt, or not to salt?

The importance of salt for hypertension is controversial, but eating less salt is usually included in the dietary advice to lower one’s high blood pressure. Most likely, the effect of reduced salt intake varies between different people, being most important in elderly people or people with heredity for high blood pressure. Generally speaking, an adult …

What can I do to lower my blood pressure

If you only have a slight blood pressure increase, it is often enough to start by changing your lifestyle. It may not affect the pressure itself all that much, but it can reduce the risk of cardiovascular disease. Blood pressure is affected by your weight, so it might help to try and lose some weight …

How do I know my blood pressure is high?

A question I often get from my hypertension patients is “How do I know when my blood pressure is high?”. Simple answer is, I don’t know, and you won’t either (without doing a reading). It is a common myth that elevated blood pressure causes nausea, headaches and nose bleeds. High blood pressure sometimes causes these …

Pomegranate – the tasty juice that lowers your blood pressure

The pomegranate originated in the middle east and has since spread to other parts of the world. Throughout the centuries it has been highly prized for its healing powers. Modern day research shows that drinking just 2 ounces (~50 ml/0.5 dl) daily of the juice from this powerful fruit can lower your blood pressure. It …

music can lower your blood pressure

10 best songs to lower your blood pressure

Music – it can lift you up and chill you out. No matter where you are in the world, music is there in some form or other. Listening to music can actually lower your blood pressure too!Research has found that listening for 25 minutes to Mozart or Strauss reduces your blood pressure and stabilises your …

How and Why to Measure your Blood Pressure at home

When my wife got diagnosed with high blood pressure there were so many things to learn. One of those things is to measure your blood pressure at home. It really is a fundamental skill and habit that is so very important to pick up. Why is it so important to measure at home? A number …

high blood pressure consequences

6 serious consequences of high blood pressure

High blood pressure is a condition that often has no visible symptoms. Because of this it is sometimes referred to as “the silent killer”. If your blood pressure is not brought under control it comes with some really serious consequences on your arteries, heart, brain, kidneys, eyes and sexuality. The world health organisation (WHO) reports …

medicine blood pressure

6 types of medicine for high blood pressure

So your doctor prescribed medication for your high blood pressure but what are the different types of medicines available and how do they work? Here’s a breakdown of the types of medicines for high blood pressure, a little about how they work and if there are any side effects. If a particular type of medication …