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New WGST Faculty: Maisam Alomar

The Department of Women and Gender Studies is pleased to announce that Maisam Alomar will join our department faculty as an assistant professor in fall 2018. Alomar is currently a PhD candidate in the Department of Ethnic Studies at the University of California, San Diego.

Alomar's dissertation, "‘To Be Seen Whole’: The Racialization of Disability after World War II" examines cinema, law and medicine in and beyond the United States through the intersecting frameworks of critical ethnic studies, disability studies, and gender & sexuality studies in order to ask how ideologies of race and gender have interacted to construct disability as a social and scientific category since the mid-twentieth century. Her research has been supported by grants from the Black Studies Project and the Institute of Arts and Humanities at UCSD, and by the University of California Humanities Research Institute.

We look forward to welcoming Alomar into our vibrant WGST and affiliated faculty community.