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Engaged Citizenship: A #BuffsUnited Teach-In

Join with for a teach-in on the current state of American politics and society and the practice of engaged citizenship.
Tuesday, Feb 14
UMC West Ballroom

Roundtable 1: Public Discourse and Social Polarization (11- 12:15)
Roundtable 2: Expertise, Truth and Engagement (12:30-1:45)

CU faculty and Colorado professionals from the fields of law, government, history, media and ethnic studies will speak on a range of topics pertinent to understanding our current political moment, and the roles, opportunities and responsiblities of being an engaged citizen.

For information on volunteering with this and future #BuffsUnited events, please email cubuffsunited@gmail.com

Join the event on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/events/1380544431987636/