Canvas - Student Support

Access your Canvas Courses

  1. Go to
  2. Login with your IdentiKey username and password.
  3. Your courses will appear on the Canvas dashboard.

Don’t see a course?

Your instructor may not have requested a Canvas course. Contact your instructor to find out if they are using Canvas, and if so, when the Canvas course will be available.

Canvas Tips & Videos for Students

There are a lot of things you can do in Canvas and you might not be aware of all the useful tools that can help you make the most of Canvas. Here are some quick tips to help improve your Canvas experience:

Change your Profile picture

Want to change your Canvas profile picture? You’ll need to do so by changing your Buff OneCard photo:

  1. Download the GET Mobile app from the Apple Store or Play Store
  2. Log in using your IdentiKey username and password
  3. Navigate to the settings tab and click on "Update Photo"
  4. Upload photos of the front and back of your government-issued photo ID
  5. Upload your desired photo (follow U.S. Passport photo guidelines when uploading your Buff OneCard photo)
  6. The app includes a cropping feature so that you can adjust your photo before uploading
  7. Submit  your photo for review

NOTE: Canvas shows the option to change your profile picture in the user settings, but if you don’t upload a new photo through the Buff OneCard portal, it will reset to the original picture.

Access past Courses

Did you know Canvas automatically restricts access to courses from past semesters? Try to download all the materials you think you’ll need in advance. After a course is closed, you’ll need to reach out to your instructor to see if they will unlock the course for you. Keep an eye out for reminders regarding course end dates for the current semester!

Download the Canvas app

Download the Canvas Student App to view your courses and grades, submit assignments, take quizzes, and participate in your course in a number of other ways. Visit the Canvas - Mobile Apps page for additional information.

Does something not look right in Canvas? If you’re on a computer, check your browser to make sure you’re using Google Chrome. Other browsers like Firefox or Safari are less optimized to work with Canvas.

De-clutter your Dashboard

Is your Canvas Dashboard looking cluttered? Check out this video tutorial to see how you can customize your dashboard to look more organized!

Manage Course Notifications

Are you receiving all of your course updates? Check out this Canvas guide on setting notifications.

Make the most of the Canvas Calendar & Inbox

Curious about how you can make the most of Canvas? Check out this video tutorial to learn more about the Calendar and Inbox functionalities!

You can also check out Canvas guides on using the Calendar and using the Inbox.

View Your Grades in the Canvas Gradebook

In this tutorial, we cover how to navigate the Canvas Gradebook, including where to find assignment feedback. The Canvas Gradebook is a tool instructors use to enter student grades and allows students to view current grades at any point in the semester. You will only see graded items in the Gradebook; you will not see practice quizzes, ungraded surveys, or ungraded discussions.

Find Feedback on your Assignments

There are three types of feedback you can receive on an assignment: rubric feedback, overall assignment comments, and annotated feedback. In this tutorial, we will cover how to view the different kinds of feedback and comments that instructors might leave on your assignment submissions.

Understanding Common Methods of Canvas Grading

In this tutorial, we are going to discuss the different ways your instructor may use Canvas to calculate a final grade. We will discuss the two main approaches used by most instructors: calculations using simple addition of points, and calculation using weighted assignment groups.

Need help using Canvas?

  • Within the Help Menu in Canvas, search the Canvas support guides, report a problem or chat with Canvas Support 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
  • Browse Canvas Guides or help videos for help
  • Contact Canvas for direct support at (833) 237-4878 or email (link sends email)
  • For additional technical assistance, contact the IT Service Center 303-735-4357 or (link sends email)