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From the Dean of Students: Congratulations

With summer break just around the corner, I hope you have some time over the next few weeks to de-stress, relax and recharge. After finals and end-of-the-school-year events, you deserve it!

If you are graduating this week, I wish you the best of luck to you in the future. Your hard work has paid off and I hope you take some time this week to celebrate your accomplishments. I also hope you’ll with your Forever Buffs community.

Dean of Student Sandy Jones

Dean of Students Sandy Jones

If you are returning in the fall, I encourage you to take time over the summer to set yourself up for future success. One way to begin is by reflecting on your past semester. What went well? What classes did you enjoy, and why? What could have gone better? What can you adjust to finish even stronger next semester? Use the answers to these questions to create some goals and a strategy for the next semester.

Remember that campus resources are still available to you. After going through the stress that comes with finals, I encourage you all to check out SilverCloud Health over the summer. SilverCloud is a free and confidential online tool and app. With SilverCloud, you can learn information and tips for managing stress, anxiety and depression. Finding and practicing these management techniques now can make it easier to do during the school year.

Have a great summer, and remember, you are Buffs wherever you are!

Sandy Jones
Dean of Students