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Faculty: Nominate your course for the new Arts and Sciences curriculum

Last week, the College of Arts & Sciences (A&S) announced the implementation of the new general education (gen ed) requirements, which will replace the A&S core curriculum, effective this August.

The General Education Implementation Committee has completed its work of assigning A&S courses to the appropriate division(s) in the gen ed distribution requirement. It also determined where courses that were grandfathered from the A&S core curriculum best fit in the gen ed skills and diversity requirements. Courses that were not grandfathered into skills or diversity will need to be nominated to count in those requirements.

Departments or programs that wish to nominate a non-grandfathered course to count for one or more of the requirements in the new gen ed curriculum should visit the Academic and Curricular Affairs website. There, you can choose to submit a nomination to the Arts and Sciences’ Curriculum Committee for the following categories of courses:

  • New A&S courses
  • Existing A&S courses
  • Courses from units outside the College of Arts and Sciences

The began accepting nominations for courses to count for one or more of the requirements of the new general education curriculum in December, and it will continue to accept nominations throughout the spring semester. The Arts and Sciences’ Curriculum Committee, which meets every two weeks during the academic year, is chaired by Professor Leslie Irvine from the Department of Sociology.