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The dean’s list of advice: 3 ways to make it through midterms

As we move further into the fall semester, it may feel like things are getting tough. Many of us are still adjusting to new routines and being in person again on campus. Some may be worried or stressed about midterms, and others may feel like they haven’t found their place yet on campus. Many students may be feeling overwhelmed as the semester progresses, and all these feelings are common. During times of stress and uncertainty, remember that you are a part of the Buff family. It’s important to not only look out for yourselves, but also each other. 

Be respectful and kind

First, be kind to yourself—especially if you’re feeling stressed or overwhelmed. Make sure you’re taking breaks in your day to get outside or enjoy a favorite hobby. Do your best to get enough sleep (7-9 hours each night), eat regular and balanced meals, stay hydrated and find time for physical activity.

You never know what someone else is going through and how your actions may affect them. That’s why we commit to acting with integrity, honor and respect.

Whether it’s in your residence hall or classroom, at Folsom Field on game days or walking around the Hill, I encourage you to be respectful, kind and considerate of others. Pay attention to your noise levels and behavior, and consider how that may affect someone who is trying to study or rest. And when many are feeling stressed right now, small acts of kindness may not seem like much but could make all the difference to someone else.

I also want to thank those who have been wearing face masks and continue to follow public health guidance this semester. Wearing face masks can be a sign of respect towards others, showing that we’re all doing our part to keep each other safe and healthy. 

Look out for your fellow Buffs

When times feel stressful, some folks may choose to engage in riskier behaviors. We can all do our part to look out for members of our Buff family, both on and off campus.

  • If you are concerned about your safety or someone else's, keep an eye on the situation and don’t hesitate to call for help.
  • Review more information about how you can be an effective bystander and look out for other members of our community.
  • Review the Amnesty Policy also to learn more about what to do if you need to call for help in an alcohol- or drug-related emergency.
  • Try to take safety precautions when you can, like using the buddy system and getting home safely by using CU NightRide.
  • Continue to follow good hygiene practices and wear your face mask indoors in public spaces to help keep yourself and our community members safe.

Take advantage of campus events and resources

Taking care of your emotional and physical well-being can help as we continue through the semester. To learn about mental health, self-care and more, I encourage you to register for the Health & Wellness Summit taking place Oct. 12-14. This summit will have both in-person and virtual sessions, allowing you to participate in free fitness classes, educational presentations, fairs and expos.

Continue to get involved and attend student events. Events are a great way to connect with fellow Buffs and take breaks from studying. Whether you like to play video games, make crafts, sing karaoke or volunteer, there is something out there for everyone.

If you are struggling, or are worried about a friend who is struggling, there are support resources that can help. And I’m here for you also. My next office hours are on Oct. 21 from 10:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. in UMC 308. I hope you’ll stop by to say hi—I’d love to hear how your semester is going. 

JB Banks
Dean of Students and Associate Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs