faculty news
- Read about Dr. SamBoyd's work with the Bible in the A&S Magazine here.
- Brian Catlos’s latest book, Kingdoms of Faith: A New History of Islamic Spain (Basic: 2018) is now available as an audio book on audible.com — listen to it here.
- Prof. Catlos’s latest book, Kingdoms of Faith. A New History of Islamic Spain, is reviewed this week in the AAR’s Reading Religion; see the review here: http://readingreligion.org/books/kingdoms-faith
- Professor Sam Boyd was featured in the Daily Camera on 10/17 as one of 9 faculty fellows who presented "TED-style" talks as part of CU's Research and Innovation Week. Professor Sam Boyd and the other RIO Faculty Fellows Read
- Professor Brian Catlos' recent article entitled "Western Culture’ and Where it Really Came From" on the Hurst Publishers' website. Catlos writes: This summer President Trump warned European leaders that immigration is “a very negative
- From June 3 to 24, Aun Hasan Ali was a Short-term Visitor at the Institute of Advanced Study in Princeton, NJ. The visitorship was part of the School of Historical Studies' Shii Studies Research Program. During his stay, Dr. Ali studied Istiqsa
- Professor Catlos published an article for History News Network entitled: Islamic Spain Ended in the 15th Century and We Still Can’t Agree If It Was a Paradise or Hell? Read the article here.
- Dr. Shneer recieved the 2018 BFA Award for Excellence in Research, Scholarly and Creative Work. The award will be presented on April 26. Congratulations Dr. ShneerRead about the BFA award winners here