public lecture /rlst/ en Aun H. Ali to speak at IBA - Karachi, School of Economics and Social Sciences on Twelver Shi‘ism and the Concept of Tradition /rlst/2023/06/14/aun-h-ali-speak-iba-karachi-school-economics-and-social-sciences-twelver-shiism-and Aun H. Ali to speak at IBA - Karachi, School of Economics and Social Sciences on Twelver Shi‘ism and the Concept of Tradition Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 06/14/2023 - 12:30 Tags: faculty news news public lecture religious studies

Against the background of long-standing narratives in which Twelver Shi‘ism is viewed as fundamentally authoritarian, this talk builds upon recent scholarship in the fields of Religious Studies and Anthropology to argue that Twelver Shi‘ism is better understood as a discursive tradition. At a conceptual level, this solves the basic problem of how to integrate the extraordinary diversity of Twelver Shiism across time and space into a single historical category without engaging in a normative assessment of its underlying essence. Furthermore, it is in light of this conception of tradition that the School of Hillah stands out as a seminal period in the archive of Twelver Shi‘ism, though it has seldom been recognized as such in European-language scholarship.


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Wed, 14 Jun 2023 18:30:35 +0000 Anonymous 1388 at /rlst
Event: Sacred Responses to Climate Change: Seeking Common Ground /rlst/2022/09/19/event-sacred-responses-climate-change-seeking-common-ground Event: Sacred Responses to Climate Change: Seeking Common Ground Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 09/19/2022 - 10:41 Tags: climate change news public lecture religious studies

Sacred Responses to Climate Change: Seeking Common Ground
Friday, September 23, 1:00-5:00 pm
Abrams Lounge C4C

This inter-faith panel discussion focuses on sacred responses to environmental crisis. Panelists will discuss how religious ethics are shaping environmental ethics from a Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Muslim, and Indigenous perspective. Panelists include: Loriliai Biernacki, Tink Tinker, Sam Boyd, David Takahashi, Christinia Eala,Nana Firman, and Lindsay Garcia. Each panelist will present on the topic from their particular perspective. We will then have a moderated discussion among the panelists, followed by a moderated discussion including questions from audience members.

This event is sponsored by the Center for Native American and Indigenous Studies and by the Department of Religious Studies at CU-91.


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Mon, 19 Sep 2022 16:41:12 +0000 Anonymous 1344 at /rlst
The Demonization of Malcolm X, The Sanitization of Dr. Martin Luther King /rlst/2022/09/19/demonization-malcolm-x-sanitization-dr-martin-luther-king The Demonization of Malcolm X, The Sanitization of Dr. Martin Luther King Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 09/19/2022 - 09:18 Tags: news public lecture religious studies

The CU Mediterranean Studies Group presents a public lecture: “The Demonization of Malcolm X, the Sanitization of Dr. Martin Luther King”
Dr. Nebil Husayn, Religious Studies, University of Miami
Thursday, September 15, 2022
6:00–7:30, HUMN 250

This lecture challenges the ways in which two icons of the 1960s, Dr. King and Malcolm X, are popularly characterized as rivals. Dr. Nebil Husayn argues that the two icons, in fact, represented a radical black tradition of political action that was subversive to narratives of American exceptionalism. As a consequence of myth-making and a process of collective remembering and forgetting, Dr. King is largely sanitized of this radicalism, which lingers with the legacy of Malcolm. Dr. Husayn argues that such mythmaking is also apparent in how we conceive of our presidents, police officers, and to the detriment of black activists, those who devote themselves to racial justice.

Nebil Husayn teaches in the Department of Religious Studies at the University of Miami. His research explores authoritarianism in the Middle East, debates on the caliphate, and the development of Islamic thought. Dr. Husayn began his work as an undergraduate at the University of Virginia, where he studied Arabic, Persian, Islamic history and Muslim cultures before pursuing study abroad in Syria and Yemen for four years. During his time abroad, he pursued a seminary education with traditionally-trained Sunni and Shiʿi scholars. Dr. Husayn returned to the United States to obtain an M.A. in Arabic and Islamic Studies from Harvard University and a Ph.D. in Near Eastern Studies from Princeton University. He is the recipient of a Fulbright award and the University of Miami Fellowship in the Arts and Humanities. The family of the Prophet Muhammad, Ali b. Abi Talib, and their descendants (known as Alids) occupy a central place in his research. Husayn’s first book, Opposing the Imam (2021), published with Cambridge University Press, examines the history of early Muslims who were hostile to Islam's fourth caliph, Ali, and his descendants. Husayn aims to continue interrogating the intellectual and political histories of the Alid family in his future work.


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Mon, 19 Sep 2022 15:18:33 +0000 Anonymous 1338 at /rlst