Fall 2022 /registrar/ en Fall 2024 Grades Overdue (Targeted Message) /registrar/2024/12/24/fall-2024-grades-overdue Fall 2024 Grades Overdue (Targeted Message) Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 12/24/2024 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2022 Grading Targeted (Fac/Staff) Office of the Registrar Who Received This Email?

We sent this email on Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2024, to instructors with post access who had unapproved grades in one or more Fall 2024 classes (law, specialized program, thesis and dissertation classes excluded).

Dear [instructor],

The final deadline to post Fall 2022 grades has passed. It is critical that you post your grades for the class(es) listed below as soon as possible.

Class InfoClass #Class Description# Enrolled

Web grading is the only method of posting grades, including late grades. Do not email grades, as this violates campus security policies.

To complete the grading process:

  1. On 's Teaching Tools tab, click "Go to Web Grading."
  2. If the wrong term is selected, click "Change Term."
  3. Click the grade roster icon next to the class you want to grade.
  4. Sync, upload or enter your grades.
  5. Approve and post your grade roster(s).

For online assistance, see OIT’s and the Office of the Registrar’s step-by-step instructions and videos, or reference our FAQs. You may also contact:

Office of the Registrar
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. MT

Winter Break Notice: The Office of the Registrar will be closed for Winter Break beginning Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. and will reopen Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025, at 8 a.m.

Please note: On January 9, 2025, all students who remain ungraded for Fall 2024 will be assigned a grade of NR (not reported). After NR grades are assigned, instructors must submit an individual grade change request to assign a final grade for each student.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.


Erika Randall
Interim Dean & Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

E. Scott Adler
Dean of the Graduate School & Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs

The final deadline to post Fall 2024 grades has passed. It is critical that you post your grades for the class(es) listed below as soon as possible.


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Tue, 24 Dec 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2925 at /registrar
Fall 2024 Grading Deadline Reminder (Targeted Message) /registrar/2024/12/23/fall-2024-grades-due-today Fall 2024 Grading Deadline Reminder (Targeted Message) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 12/23/2024 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2022 Grading Targeted (Fac/Staff) Office of the Registrar Who Received This Email?

We sent this email on Monday, Dec. 23, 2024, to instructors with post access who had unapproved grades in one or more Fall 2024 classes (law, specialized program, thesis and dissertation classes excluded).

Dear [instructor],

Reminder: All final grades must be posted by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 23, 2024.

According to the Office of the Registrar, you have not finished posting grades for the following class(es):

Class InfoClass #Class Description# Enrolled

Web grading is the only method of posting grades, including late grades. Do not email grades, as this violates campus security policies.

To avoid causing serious negative impacts to your students, which may include academic standing, financial aid and graduation eligibility, complete the following steps by 11:59 p.m. on Dec. 23:

  1. On 's Teaching Tools tab, click "Go to Web Grading."
  2. If the wrong term is selected, click "Change Term."
  3. Click the grade roster icon next to the class you want to grade.
  4. Sync, upload or enter your grades.
  5. Approve and post your grade roster(s).

For online assistance, see OIT’s and the Office of the Registrar’s step-by-step instructions and videos or reference our FAQs. You may also contact:

Office of the Registrar
Phone: 303-492-6970
Hours: Monday–Friday, 9 a.m.–4:30 p.m. MT

Winter Break Support: The Office of the Registrar will be closed for Winter Break beginning Tuesday, Dec. 24 at 5 p.m. and will reopen Thursday, Jan. 2, 2025, at 8 a.m.

The university and your students appreciate your dedication to timely grading.


Erika Randall
Interim Dean & Vice Provost for Undergraduate Education

E. Scott Adler
Dean of the Graduate School & Vice Provost for Graduate Affairs

All final grades must be posted by 11:59 p.m. on Monday, Dec. 23, 2024.


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Mon, 23 Dec 2024 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2927 at /registrar
Summer & Fall 2024 Post-Enrollment Requirement Checking (PERC) /registrar/2024/05/14/summer-fall-2024-perc Summer & Fall 2024 Post-Enrollment Requirement Checking (PERC) Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 05/06/2024 - 00:00 Tags: Enrollment Processing Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2022 Summer 2022 CU-SIS Development Team

Following what we've done in previous semesters, we'll be running the PERC process in batch for summer and fall according to the schedule below.

Just a reminder that post-enrollment requirement checking (PERC) gives admin users the ability to see if an enrolled student has met the requirements for a class and, if not, which requirements have not been met. Please note that the PERC process looks at both restrictions (major restrictions, minimum unit restrictions, etc.) and prereqs/coreqs that are set up as a requisite on the class.

For more detailed information about using PERC, navigation, using the drop feature via the PERC roster, etc., please see our PERC webpage.

Please note: If you want to drop a student because they do not meet the requirement, you can do so through the deadline to drop without a W grade. However, you should try to have these done before the first day of classes when possible. If you do drop a student, you are responsible for contacting the student to let them know they've been dropped and why.

Summer 2024 PERC Schedule

PERC will run for spring classes in the evening on the following dates:

  • May 16: After spring grading deadline and I-to-F conversion
  • June 5: After Maymester grading deadline (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • July 10: After grading deadline for sessions A, BS1 & E (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • July 31: After grading deadline for session C (could be a prereq for Augmester)

Fall 2024 PERC Schedule

PERC will run for fall classes in the evening on the following dates:

  • May 16: After spring grading deadline and I-to-F conversion
  • June 5: After Maymester grading deadline (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • July 10: After grading deadline for sessions A, BS1 & E (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • July 31: After grading deadline for session C (could be a prereq for a later session)
  • Aug. 14: After grading deadline for B/D sessions
  • Aug. 22: The Thursday before the first week of classes
  • Aug. 26: At the beginning of the semester
  • Aug. 30: After the first week of classes

Running PERC Manually

If you have class rosters that do not have the Post Enroll Req Status field populated after our last run of PERC on Aug. 30 (see example screenshot below), and the students without this field populated added the class prior to that date, please contact cusisdev@colorado.edu to inquire about running PERC manually on your class roster.


Contact cusisdev@colorado.edu.

Following what we've done in previous semesters, we'll be running the PERC process in batch for summer and fall according to the schedule below.


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Mon, 06 May 2024 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2199 at /registrar
Notice of Academic Standing - Continuation of Academic Suspension and Next Steps (Targeted Message) /registrar/2023/01/31/notice-academic-standing-continuation-academic-suspension-and-next-steps-targeted-message Notice of Academic Standing - Continuation of Academic Suspension and Next Steps (Targeted Message) Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/31/2023 - 13:24 Tags: Fall 2022 Student Announcements Targeted Who Received This Email? We sent this email on Tuesday, Jan. 31, 2023, to undergraduate students who were on scholastic suspension prior to Fall 2022 and will continue on academic suspension following the Fall 2022 semester.

Dear [first],

Your academic record reflects that you were placed on scholastic suspension prior to the Fall 2022 semester. Effective Fall 2022, 91¸£ÀûÉç introduced a unified academic standing policy for undergraduate degree-seeking students across all colleges, schools and programs. 

Following the posting of grades for the Fall 2022 semester, your academic record was carefully reviewed. You have not met the required 2.000 cumulative CU GPA minimum and, therefore, will continue on academic suspension and be evaluated for academic standing in accordance with the new policy from this point forward.

Note that if you are enrolled in Continuing Education courses you will need to maintain a 2.300 semester GPA or above for each fall and spring enrolled semester, including the Spring 2023 semester, in Continuing Education. You will not be eligible to enroll in Main Campus courses during the fall or spring semesters until you have completed the requirements for reinstatement after academic suspension through the options explained below, which includes earning the required 2.000 cumulative CU GPA minimum or returning through conditional enrollment.

As a reminder, a registration hold related to your academic suspension status has been placed on your record and your official transcript still shows that you are on academic suspension.

Federal regulations require students to make satisfactory academic progress in a program of study to be eligible for financial aid. For additional information, see the Satisfactory Academic Progress (SAP) Policy webpage.

Options for Reinstatement after Academic Suspension

Please consider the following options available to you for raising your cumulative GPA, and view 91¸£ÀûÉç’s academic standing requirements for more detailed information.

  • Take courses offered through .
  • Take summer courses at any University of Colorado campus.
  • Take courses at another accredited college or university.
  • Take at least one calendar year off with no enrollment at any institution.

Your Next Steps

  • Log in to Buff Portal to for more information about your suspension status and any next steps specific to your college, school or program. (Learn more about how to resolve your holds & to do items.)
  • Schedule an appointment with your academic advisor/coach to map out an academic improvement plan. They will help you explore your options and assist you with the next steps to get your academic career back on the path to success. 
  • If applicable, you may view your in Buff Portal. Students who have a ‘Suspended’ SAP status can submit an appeal form to request a reinstatement of financial aid.
  • Log in to Buff Portal to for more information about your status and any next steps from your college, school or program.

If you have questions about any of your final grades, please contact your instructor(s) immediately. Please know that you are a valued member of the CU community and we are here to support you through your academic journey.

Office of the Registrar | 91¸£ÀûÉç
303-492-6970 | registrar@colorado.edu

Your academic record reflects that you were placed on scholastic suspension prior to the Fall 2022 semester


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Tue, 31 Jan 2023 20:24:46 +0000 Anonymous 3321 at /registrar
Record Change: We've Applied Grade Replacement to Your Retaken Class (Targeted) /registrar/2022/12/22/record-change-weve-applied-grade-replacement-your-retaken-class-targeted Record Change: We've Applied Grade Replacement to Your Retaken Class (Targeted) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 12/22/2022 - 16:09 Tags: Class Enrollment & Grading Fall 2022 Student Announcements Targeted Office of the Registrar Who Received This Email? We sent this email on Wednesday, Dec. 21, 2022, to students who:
  • Earned a qualifying low grade in an eligible course taken previously, retook that course in Fall 2022 and were eligible for grade replacement.

Dear [first],

We've applied grade replacement to the following Fall 2022 class(es):

[Course info]

Effective Spring 2022, grade replacement is applied automatically at the end of each semester when a student repeats an eligible course, and there is no longer a limit to the number of credit hours students can use for grade replacement. However, some academic programs have limits on the number of course repeats allowed for specific courses or number of attempts for degree applicability.

Note: Grade replacement may be revoked by action of the Office of Student Conduct if an honor code violation is found to have occurred.

About Your Transcript & GPA

Remember, under grade replacement the grade you earned in your most recent prior attempt will still appear on your transcript, but it will be replaced in your cumulative GPA and credit totals by the grade from your latest attempt as long as that grade is the same or better.

If you have any questions, please review our grade replacement webpage or contact us.


Office of the Registrar | 91¸£ÀûÉç
303-492-6970 | registrar@colorado.edu


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Thu, 22 Dec 2022 23:09:24 +0000 Anonymous 3311 at /registrar
Upcoming 91¸£ÀûÉç Degree & Certificate Dates (Targeted Message) /registrar/2022/11/09/special-program-degree-or-certificate-earned Upcoming 91¸£ÀûÉç Degree & Certificate Dates (Targeted Message) Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 11/09/2022 - 00:00 Tags: Fall 2022 Graduation Student Announcements Targeted Office of the Registrar Who Received This Email? We sent this email on Tuesday, Nov. 8, 2022, to students who earned a degree and/or certificate from a 91¸£ÀûÉç special program (e.g., MS-EE on Coursera) in Fall 2022 Session 1.

Dear [first],

Congratulations, you've earned the following degree and/or certificate(s)!

[Degree or certificate name]

Transcripts with degrees and certificates posted are now available for order. You can also through Buff Portal.

Please make note of the following dates and deadlines:

  • Friday, Nov. 11: Last day to in Buff Portal. Your diploma and/or certificate(s) will display your primary name on file and will be mailed to your mailing address.

  • Friday, Dec. 2: Your diploma and/or certificate(s) will be mailed to your mailing address, and your free certified electronic diploma and/or certified electronic certificate(s) are ready to download. Please allow 4 to 6 weeks from this date for your paper diploma/certificate to arrive.

[The following paragraph only appeared if the student earned a degree.]

91¸£ÀûÉç's formal commencement ceremony occurs annually in May. Some colleges, schools and programs hold recognition ceremonies at other times of year as well. For more information, visit the commencement website.

If you have any questions, please let us know. We wish you all the best in your future endeavors!

Office of the Registrar | 91¸£ÀûÉç
303-492-6970 | reg-specialprograms@colorado.edu

Congratulations, you've earned the following degree and/or certificate(s)! Transcripts with degrees and certificates posted are now available for order. You can also download a free unofficial transcript through Buff Portal.


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Wed, 09 Nov 2022 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 3233 at /registrar
Hold Applied: Register with Selective Service (Targeted Message) /registrar/2022/09/29/selective-service-hold Hold Applied: Register with Selective Service (Targeted Message) Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 09/29/2022 - 00:00 Tags: Class Enrollment & Grading Fall 2022 Student Announcements Targeted Office of the Registrar Who Received This Email? We sent this email at 7 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 29, 2022, to students who had a Selective Service hold on their record.

Dear [first],

A hold has been placed on your record because you didn't complete one or both steps of the Selective Service registration requirement by 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 28, 2022.

This hold will remain on your record and prevent you from registering for classes until you complete the steps below.

What You Need To Do

Complete the following steps as soon as possible.

  1. Register with the U.S. Selective Service System.
    1. Go to the .
    2. Scroll down to complete and submit the registration form. (If you're not yet 18 years old, please complete the form and indicate that you are not yet 18. Colorado law requires that you verify your registration.)

  2. Submit the verification form to CU.
    1. Follow this link to Buff Portal's (you may be prompted to log in).

      Note: If you have trouble accessing the site, try using a private or incognito browser window

    2. On the card, select "Tell CU you've registered."
    3. Complete and submit the Selective Service verification form.

If everything is in order, we'll remove this hold one business day after you complete step two.

Office of the Registrar | 91¸£ÀûÉç
303-492-6970 | registrar@colorado.edu

A hold has been placed on your record because you didn't complete one or both steps of the Selective Service registration requirement by 11:59 p.m. on Sept. 28, 2022.


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Thu, 29 Sep 2022 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2143 at /registrar
Fall 2022 COF Late-Add Processing Deadline, 9/9 /registrar/2022/09/13/cof-late-add-processing Fall 2022 COF Late-Add Processing Deadline, 9/9 Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 09/13/2022 - 17:00 Tags: Enrollment Processing Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2022 Registrar Network

If you add an undergraduate student to a class after Friday, Sept. 9 (census), please remember to ask them whether they're receiving COF.

If they are, submit our y by Dec. 9 to document the reasons for the late add. If you have difficulty accessing the survey, you may email the information to cof@colorado.edu.

Why We're Asking for This

In accordance with state guidelines, we may only apply the COF stipend to a late-added class if the delay was due to circumstances beyond the student's control. For more information, see Add a Student to a Class.

If you add an undergraduate student to a class after Friday, Sept. 9(census), please remember to ask them whether they're receiving COF. If they are, submit our late-add survey by Dec. 9 to document the reasons for the late add.


Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Tue, 13 Sep 2022 23:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2969 at /registrar
Reminder: You Chose Full Privacy (Targeted Message) /registrar/2022/08/16/you-chose-full-privacy Reminder: You Chose Full Privacy (Targeted Message) Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/17/2022 - 00:00 Tags: Fall 2022 Records & Privacy Student Announcements Targeted Office of the Registrar Who Received This Email? We sent this email at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, Aug. 16, 2022, to students who were on full privacy and were either enrolled in Fall 2022 classes or were within the allowed undergraduate leave of absence period.

Dear [first],

You elected by submitting a . To protect your information, CU is to follow strict procedures when talking about your education record.

Remember You're on Full Privacy

If you want to discuss your education record in person, you must first present a valid photo ID to confirm your identity. If you call, you must say, "I'm on full privacy, and my is...."

Tell Your Authorized Third Parties

If you want to authorize a third party (e.g., a parent or guardian) to contact CU on your behalf, use to establish an authorization phrase for them. When they contact CU, they must say, "I'm an authorized third party and my authorization phrase is..."

Consider Potential Impacts

91¸£ÀûÉç won't publish information about your honors or awards, and your name won’t appear in commencement materials.

If a potential employer or university attempts to verify your degree, CU staff must respond, "Due to data privacy policies, we are unable to respond to your request."

Change Your Privacy Status If Needed

To remove full privacy from your record, follow the instructions on our .

Office of the Registrar | 91¸£ÀûÉç
303-492-6970 | registrar@colorado.edu

You elected full privacy by submitting a FERPA nondisclosure form. To protect your information, CU is required by federal law to follow strict procedures when talking about your education record.


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Wed, 17 Aug 2022 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2323 at /registrar
Fall 2022 Grade Replacement Processing /registrar/2022/08/16/fall-2022-grade-replacement-processing Fall 2022 Grade Replacement Processing Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 08/16/2022 - 00:00 Tags: CU-SIS Campus Solutions Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2022 CU-SIS Development Team Related Resources

The Fall 2022 grade replacement process begins today with an evaluation of students’ enrollment to determine eligibility. All students who are enrolled in an eligible class will be notified via email and see a notation on the Your Classes card in Buff Portal.

Reminder: Effective Spring 2022, grade replacement is applied automatically at the end of each term for eligible courses and students.

Before grade replacement is applied to a student’s record at the end of the semester, advisors and other student support staff can view a student’s grade replacement eligibility in Campus Solutions on the 3C Summary tab in Student Center Admin View. (Instructions: Viewing Grade Replacement Eligibility in Campus Solutions.)

This is a change from previous terms, where the BOPT code on the Enrollment page indicated a student had been approved for grade replacement. 

Eligibility will be evaluated several more times during the Fall 2022 semester on the following dates:

  • 8/24/22
  • 9/1/22
  • 9/6/22
  • 9/12/22
  • 11/28/22
  • 12/21/22 (end of term processing)
  • 1/3/23 (follow-up end of term processing)
  • 1/10/23 (follow-up end of term processing)

If a student’s enrolled class is initially evaluated as eligible, but then becomes ineligible, the student will be notified of this change. 

A student may opt out of grade replacement evaluation for a class by emailing registrar@colorado.edu by the last day of the semester. 


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Tue, 16 Aug 2022 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 3285 at /registrar