Reporting /registrar/ en CU-Data Reports: Advising Report Version 2 /registrar/2021/04/27/advising-report-version-2 CU-Data Reports: Advising Report Version 2 Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 04/27/2021 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Reporting Registrar Network

The following report is now available in the general folder for use by colleges, schools and academic departments.

Advising Report Version 2

  • Description: A list of all active students with their respective advisor assignment for a selected term.
  • Location: CU Data Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Term, academic career, academic program, student ID, advisor ID, advisor name, advisor role.
  • Output: Institution, term, academic career, enrolled flag, person ID, name, effective date, plan declaration date, academic program, academic plan, plan advisor info, program advisor info, academic subplan info, admit term, expected graduation term.

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data.

The following report is now available in the general folder for use by colleges, schools and academic departments.


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Tue, 27 Apr 2021 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 3037 at /registrar
CU-Data Reports: Student Group Code Audit Report /registrar/2021/03/30/student-group-code-audit-report CU-Data Reports: Student Group Code Audit Report Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 03/30/2021 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Reporting Registrar Network

The following report is now available in the general folder for use by colleges, schools and academic departments.

Student Group Code Audit Report

  • Description: A list of students with an active or inactive status for the selected student group code.
  • Location: CU Data Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Group code, status, academic career, academic program, academic plan
  • Output: Institution, student ID, name, student group, group code description, group code effective date, group code status, comments, academic career, academic program, program status, program action, program reason, program action reason description, action date, academic plan info.

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data.

The following report is now available in the general folder for use by colleges, schools and academic departments.


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Tue, 30 Mar 2021 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 3013 at /registrar
CU-Data Reports: Instruction Mode /registrar/2020/08/12/advising-grade-report CU-Data Reports: Instruction Mode Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 08/12/2020 - 16:02 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Grading Reporting Registrar Network

We're in the process of evaluating and updating existing general student records data reports to include instruction mode as a standard data element.

An updated version of the Advising Grade Report is now available in production (see details below). We'll continue to notify you as additional reports are updated.

Advising Grade Report

  • Description: A report of student class enrollment, including final grades.
  • Location: CU Data Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Term, campus, academic group, subject, catalog number, class section code, academic plan.
  • Output: Term, institution, campus, privacy flag, session, academic group, course ID, subject, catalog number, class section code, course title, instruction mode code, instruction mode long description, office grade, earned units, taken units, person ID, name, college, 91福利社 email, instructor.

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data.

We're in the process of evaluating and updating existing general student records data reports to include instruction mode as a standard data element. An updated version of the Advising Grade Report is now available in production; we'll continue to notify you as additional reports are updated.


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Wed, 12 Aug 2020 22:02:04 +0000 Anonymous 2785 at /registrar
CU-Data Reports: Student Group Code Report /registrar/2020/04/28/student-group-code-report CU-Data Reports: Student Group Code Report Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 04/28/2020 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Reporting Registrar Network

We recently migrated the following report to the general folder for use by colleges, schools and academic departments.

Student Group Code Report

  • Description: A list of students enrolled in a given term who have a specific active group code.
  • Location: CU Data Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Term, academic program, group code.
  • Output: Institution, campus, term, FERPA flag, EMPLID, name, student group, academic level, residency, withdrawal code, enrolled flag, taken & passed hours, current & cumulative GPA, academic career, academic program, program status, expected graduation term, degree checkout status, academic plan info, email.

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data.

We recently migrated the following report to the general folder for use by colleges, schools and academic departments.


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Tue, 28 Apr 2020 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2669 at /registrar
CU-Data Reports: Withdrawal Statistics Report /registrar/2020/04/22/withdrawal-statistics-report CU-Data Reports: Withdrawal Statistics Report Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 04/22/2020 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Reporting Registrar Network

We recently copied this internal report to the general folder for use by colleges, schools and academic departments.

Withdrawal Statistics Report

  • Description: A list of students who officially withdrew from a given term (does not include passive withdrawals).
  • Location: CU Data Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Term, academic career, academic program, enrollment status, withdrawal status.
  • Output: Institution, term, campus, FERPA flag, student ID, name, enrolled flag, admit term, withdraw code, withdraw date, eligible to enroll flag, academic career, academic program, academic plan, academic level.

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data.

We recently copied this internal report to the general folder for use by colleges, schools and academic departments.


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Wed, 22 Apr 2020 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2641 at /registrar
CU-Data Report Updates /registrar/2020/04/07/cu-data-report-updates CU-Data Report Updates Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 04/07/2020 - 13:19 Tags: Enrollment Processing Faculty & Staff Announcements Grading Reporting Spring 2020 Registrar Network

Grading-Related Reports

To help you gauge the effect of lifting pass/fail restrictions for Spring 2020, the reporting team has developed or modified the following reports to include columns related to grading basis and earned grades.

Grade Basis Analysis Report (New)

  • Description: A report of all 91福利社 students who elected student option pass/fail (PF4) or no-credit (NOC), including the transaction date, for a Spring 2020 class. Classes with W grades are not included.
  • Location: Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: College, date of transaction.
  • Output: Student ID, student name, academic group, session, course number, class section, course component, repeat code, roster grade, course grade (official), grading basis (course & enrolled), course grade (input), transaction date, academic career, academic program, major, minor, 91福利社 email address.

Grade Replacement Report (Modified)

  • Description: A report of all 91福利社 students who are taking a class for grade replacement.
  • Location: Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Term, repeat code, exclude W grades, dissertation and thesis courses.
  • Output: Institution, term, EMPLID, person name, preferred name [added 4/10/2020], email address [added 4/10/2020], academic level, academic career, academic progress, majors, certificates, units taken, units passed, cumulative GPA, current GPA, class number, enrollment status, repeat code (BOPT, GRRE, GRRU, UGRE, UGRI), course grade (official), grading basis.

Hold-Related Reports

In addition, the following report was developed to help administrative offices, departments and advisors keep track of service indicators assigned to currently enrolled students.

Service Indicator Report (New)

  • Description: A report of actively enrolled students by term and active service indicator.
  • Location: Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Term, service indicator, reason code, impact
  • Output: Institution, term, EMPLID, person name, academic career, academic progress, progress status, withdrawal code, enrolled flag, major, minor, certificate, service indicator code & reason code, audit action, term codes (start & end).

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data.

To help you gauge the effect of lifting pass/fail restrictions for Spring 2020, the reporting team has developed or modified two reports to include columns related to grading basis and earned grades. In addition, a new report was developed to help administrative offices, departments and advisors keep track of service indicators assigned to currently enrolled students.


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Tue, 07 Apr 2020 19:19:30 +0000 Anonymous 2625 at /registrar
Cognos Issue Affecting Student Data Reports /registrar/2020/01/14/cognos-issue-affecting-reports Cognos Issue Affecting Student Data Reports Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 01/14/2020 - 13:11 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Reporting Spring 2020 Registrar Network

A CU system-wide issue has been discovered with the latest update to Cognos. Affected student data reports appear to run normally, but return incorrect data merged into rows.

The data and reporting team is working with IRM (the UIS data warehouse team) on a long-term solution. In the meantime, we also are able to implement ad-hoc workarounds on a report-by-report basis.

If you notice suspicious results for a data set in an existing report, please don't hesitate to notify us at Issues with the following reports have already been identified and corrected:

  • EMEN Headcount and Enrollment Report
  • Enrollment Monitor Dashboard
  • Honors RAP Course Enrollment Report
  • New Student Welcome Dashboard
  • Veterans Account Breakdown Report
  • View Student by Major-Minor
A CU system-wide issue has been discovered with the latest update to Cognos. Affected student data reports appear to run normally, but return incorrect data merged into rows.


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Tue, 14 Jan 2020 20:11:26 +0000 Anonymous 2503 at /registrar
CU-Data Reports: Enrolled Students Report /registrar/2019/09/10/enrolled-students-report CU-Data Reports: Enrolled Students Report Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 09/10/2019 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Reporting Registrar Network

Another useful CU-Data report this time of year is the enrolled students report (see our 8/20 & 8/27 editions for additional recommendations). To reduce confusion, our team recently consolidated multiple versions of this report into the one below.

Enrolled Students Report

  • Description: A list of currently active and enrolled students by term.
  • Location: CU Data Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Term (required), academic career, academic program, academic plan, student ID.
  • Output: Institution, term, campus, FERPA flag, student ID, name, first generation, ACO, academic level, residency, withdrawal code, enrolled flag, current & cumulative GPA, taken & passed hours, academic career, academic program, program status, program admit term, expected graduation term, program requirement term, degree checkout status, academic plan info, email, home & mailing address.

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data. If you have questions, email us at

This report provides a list of currently active and enrolled students by term.


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Tue, 10 Sep 2019 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2357 at /registrar
CU-Data Reports: Enrollment Monitor Report /registrar/2019/08/27/enrollment-monitor-report CU-Data Reports: Enrollment Monitor Report Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 08/27/2019 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Reporting Registrar Network

Another CU-Data report that's particularly useful this time of year (see last week's edition for the first) is the enrollment monitor report.

Note: A couple minor updates to this report will migrate to production tomorrow morning.

Enrollment Monitor Report

  • Description: A list of all available courses for the specified term with comprehensive class information. Drill down to view more detailed information about the class roster (click on class number), weekly class enrollment activity (click on class section code) and details about other classes the instructor is teaching that term (click on class number, then instructor name).
  • Location: CU Data Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Dashboards [corrected location]
  • Output: Term code, institution code, campus code, session code, class number, subject code, catalog number, class section code, primary instructor section, combined section, class start date, class end date, SSR component code, enrollment status, enrollment cap, room cap, enrollment total, percent enrolled, waitlist total, class status, class type, location, faculty ID, cancel date, person name, minimum units and maximum units.

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data.

This report provides a list of all available courses for the specified term with comprehensive class information.


Traditional 0 On White ]]>
Tue, 27 Aug 2019 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2361 at /registrar
CU-Data Reports: Quick Scan Course Enrollment Report /registrar/2019/08/20/quick-scan-course-enrollment-report CU-Data Reports: Quick Scan Course Enrollment Report Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 08/20/2019 - 00:00 Tags: Faculty & Staff Announcements Reporting Registrar Network

Over the next few weeks, we'd like to spotlight some CU-Data reports you may not have heard of but that are particularly useful this time of year.

Quick Scan Course Enrollment Report

  • Description: A high-level overview of enrollment per class.
  • Location: CU Data Team Content > CUBLD > Records and Registration > General Student Records Data Reports
  • Filters: Academic group, subject, academic org, academic career and session code.
  • Output: Course numbers, class sections, course titles (long), course components, units taken, standard meeting patterns, start and end times, enrollment totals, enrollment capacities, waitlist totals, instructor names and a combined section indicator.

Learn more at CU-SIS Access and Cognos Reporting & Student Data.

This report provides a high-level overview of enrollment per class.


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Tue, 20 Aug 2019 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2363 at /registrar