2019–20 /registrar/ en 2019–20 University Catalog Now Live /registrar/2019/04/04/catalog-now-live 2019–20 University Catalog Now Live Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 04/04/2019 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog Catalog News

Good morning,

The is now live!

A reminder that students should refer to the degree, major and certificate requirements listed at the time they formally enter a program. To view previous years' catalogs, visit the .

Note that any course information linked in the catalog will continue to automatically refresh with live course data in Campus Solutions.

What’s New This Year

In addition to standard review where each catalog page was edited and approved by academic departments, college/school/program reviewers, business units and/or other key stakeholders, there were a number of additional improvements implemented during this publication cycle.

A reminder of updates and enhancements to this year’s catalog:

  • We moved certain university policy sections into career-level catalogs to make this information easier for students to find.
  • We made "Faculty A-Z" more prominent in the top navigation menu, making it easier to quickly search for any faculty member. (Department faculty lists still retained on department landing pages.)
  • We added a new "Accelerated Master's" tab on all bachelor's program pages that offer a BAM option. Corresponding master’s program pages include a link back to the respective bachelor’s program pages so that students can easily reference this information from either section.
  • We added a new “Learning Outcomes” tab to all academic program pages to call out learning outcomes or learning goals. As shared previously, this tab was optional for this year, and was removed from any pages where it had been left blank during the catalog page review/approval process.
  • Our degree audit team reviewed all undergraduate degrees, minors and certificate program pages prior to publication.
  • We updated the catalog tab formatting; a "More..." drop-down option will now appear responsively on any page where tabs extend beyond a single horizontal row.

Thank You

Many thanks to every one of you who sent us your updated workflows, carefully reviewed and updated your catalog pages, attended drop-in hours, asked thoughtful questions and more over the past several months. We appreciate your efforts on this critical publication in support of student success.


Naomi Porper & Crystal Eilerman
91 Catalog Team
Office of the Registrar

 •  Catalog Production webpage

The 2019–20 91 Catalog is now live! A reminder that students should refer to the degree, major and certificate requirements listed at the time they formally enter a program.


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Thu, 04 Apr 2019 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2187 at /registrar
Upcoming 2019–20 Curriculum Update Calendar /registrar/2018/12/18/upcoming-curriculum-update-calendar Upcoming 2019–20 Curriculum Update Calendar Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 12/18/2018 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements

The Office of the Registrar, in cooperation with the Office of the Provost, has developed an annual curriculum update calendar beginning with the 2019–20 academic year. As part of this new calendar, the deadline for Fall 2019 course proposals is Tuesday, Jan. 15, 2019.

This new, comprehensive curriculum calendar allows for better integration of campus stakeholders' annual updates across existing catalog and degree audit systems, and streamlines integration between the new curriculum management system (CIM for courses) and degree audit.

Adopting a single, integrated calendar for all curriculum updates will improve efficiency, consistency and accuracy in the information displayed in the catalog and in students' degree audits.

View the Curriculum Update Calendar

This new, comprehensive curriculum calendar allows for better integration of campus stakeholders' annual updates across existing catalog and degree audit systems, and streamlines integration between the new curriculum management system (CIM for courses) and degree audit.


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Tue, 18 Dec 2018 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2049 at /registrar
Non-Academic Program Pages Opening for Review /registrar/2018/12/14/non-academic-program-pages-opening-review Non-Academic Program Pages Opening for Review Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 12/14/2018 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog Catalog News

Good afternoon,

Greetings from the catalog team. First, many thanks to all of you who have diligently edited, reviewed and approved your academic program pages in the catalog! Your efforts are greatly appreciated.

The rest of this message pertains to those of you who review pages outside of the academic program pages—including top-level sections, such as Admissions, Advising, Registration & Enrollment, Student Affairs, Student Financials and University Policies.

Non-Academic Program Page Workflows

As shared earlier this fall, we've been working on a number of structural improvements to this set of pages in this year’s catalog before starting the related workflows. Namely, we've moved several pages that had been buried in the "About CU" section into the respective career-level catalogs to make it easier for students to find this content.

We’ll be kicking off workflows for these pages today and early next week. Reviewers will receive an automated email from our catalog@colorado.edu address with a link to edit and approve your content when it is available. Please note that if others are set up to review the page before you, you’ll receive an automatic email only after the person ahead of you has completed their edits. The target date to review and approve all catalog pages is Friday, Feb. 8.

New Features: Shared & Borrowed Content

We’re also reaching out now to go over some improvements and new content features you may notice once you access your page(s).

What’s Changed

Several sections related to academic records, registration and enrollment, student affairs and university policies have been moved out from the “About CU” area and into corresponding career-level catalogs.

To streamline future updates and minimize content drift, we’ve utilized the catalog system’s shared and borrowed content tools. These tools allow a chunk of text (anything from a sentence to a full page) to be editable on a single page and be shared as read-only content across multiple pages.

Learn more about borrowed and shared content on the Catalog Production page (see the “Borrowed & Shared Content” section).

What This Means for You

For many of you, your content will look just like it did in the 2018–19 catalog. Go ahead and complete your edits, review and approval as usual.

Those of you who review content that was moved out of the "About CU" section—including Academic Records, Registration & Enrollment, Student Affairs and University Policies, among others—may notice new shared or borrowed content blocks on your pages. As noted above, this is content that can be edited in one place and appear in other places as read-only content.

In some cases, you may be set up to review not only the source/shared pages, but also the pages that display that content. Please review these read-only pages to make sure that the edited source content continues to make sense in its other contexts.

We’ll be reaching out to individual reviewers to go over how this applies to your page(s) specifically, but please also feel free to get in touch with any questions in the meantime. We understand this is new functionality and we are here to help.

Many thanks to you all for your efforts on this!

As shared earlier this fall, we've been working on a number of structural improvements to this set of pages in this year’s catalog before starting the related workflows. Namely, we've moved several pages that had been buried in the "About CU" section into the respective career-level catalogs to make it easier for students to find this content.


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Fri, 14 Dec 2018 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2063 at /registrar
Support: Editing Borrowed & Shared Content in the Catalog /registrar/2018/12/14/support-editing-borrowed-shared-content-catalog Support: Editing Borrowed & Shared Content in the Catalog Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 12/14/2018 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog

As a part of ongoing structural improvements to the catalog, the 2019–20 catalog will utilize the catalog system's borrowed and shared content tools. These tools allow you to edit certain content in one place, and to have that same content displayed on other related page(s) where applied. Among other things, this helps us streamline future catalog updates, and you'll only need to edit similar content in one place (rather than on every page it appears).

If you are reviewing a page and notice that any text has a gray box around it and notes "borrowed content" or "shared content," this tells you that the page is referencing content that is set up elsewhere and cannot be edited while you're on this page. 

In some cases, you may be set up to review several related pages: the source or shared page (where you will be able to edit the content directly) and any pages that also display that content (view only) to ensure you're aware of other places where it will appear.

Learn more about the differences between borrowed and shared content below.

  • Borrowed content: Allows a catalog page to borrow content from another page in its entirety. The content can only be edited where it exists as the "source" content; pages where it is copied will flag this content as borrowed content (read only). For example, the University Policies page in the Undergraduate Catalog is the source content for the respective University Policies sections in the Graduate, Law and Continuing Educaiton catalogs as well. Edits made on the undegraduate version of this page will also be reflected on the other career-level catalogs' corresponding pages.
  • Shared content: Blocks of content (paragraphs; generally not a full page) that can be shared on several pages. If you're reviewing shared content, it will show up in your review list as if it were a catalog page. A shared page will not be published as its own page in the catalog; rather, it will only display on other pages where it's been shared. For example, an introductory paragraph about Bachelor's–Accelerated Master's Degree Programs has been set up as shared content. It's set up to be shared on every page with BAM program information, along with additional program-specific information. This BAM introduction paragraph can be edited from its shared page only, not from the individual BAM pages where it appears.

Questions? Contact us; we're here to help.

As a part of ongoing structural improvements to the catalog, the 2019–20 catalog will utilize the catalog system's borrowed and shared content tools. These tools allow you to edit certain content in one place and have that same content displayed on other related page(s) where applied.


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Fri, 14 Dec 2018 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2061 at /registrar
New Tabs for BAM and Dual Degrees; Updated Drop-in Hours /registrar/2018/11/05/new-tabs-bam-and-dual-degrees-updated-drop-hours New Tabs for BAM and Dual Degrees; Updated Drop-in Hours Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 11/05/2018 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog Naomi Porper

Good morning,

We’re reaching out with a few catalog production updates below. A huge thank you to all academic department reviewers who have been diligently editing and reviewing their catalog content over these past few weeks. A reminder that Monday, Nov. 19 (end of day) is the deadline for all department-level catalog editors to review and approve their pages. Please refer to the full 2019–20 Catalog Production Schedule for other upcoming deadlines (right side panel).

Drop-in Hours: Schedule Updates

It's been great connecting with many of you during our recent catalog drop-in hours. Upcoming session information is below; please note that some of the details have changed. You can also always find updated drop-in hours schedule information on our Catalog Production webpage.

  • Friday, Nov. 9, 8–10 a.m. (Regent 1B27) *Updated time and location
  • Monday, Nov. 12, 9:30–11:30 a.m. (Regent 1B86) 
  • Monday, Nov. 19, 12:30–3:30 p.m. (Regent 1B60) *Updated time

Whether you are new to the catalog review process or are a returning reviewer, we are here to help! As always, no appointment necessary; just bring your laptop. Hope to see you there!

New Catalog Page Tab: Bachelor’s–Accelerated Master’s

Over the next week, undergraduate programs that offer Bachelor’s–Accelerated Master’s degrees can expect to find a new tab on their catalog pages: “Accelerated Master’s.” Please refer to the instructions and template embedded on this new tab to guide you in updating this information.

From this catalog onward, we will maintain BAM information on the respective undergraduate pages only, as that’s when students are eligible to apply. However, corresponding master’s degree pages may wish to include a link to direct catalog users back to the BAM tab on the undergraduate page for that information.

We appreciate your help in our joint efforts with the Graduate School to increase the consistency of how BAM information is presented throughout the catalog, in support of improved student user experience!

If you have any questions related to this content or requirements, please contact Ginny Borst McNellis. For technical help updating or formatting the content on this tab, please contact us at catalog@colorado.edu.

New Catalog Page Tab: Dual Degree(s)

We have also added a new “Dual Degree(s)” tab to the pages of academic programs that offer related dual degree program(s). This recent structural improvement is also designed to improve student user experience, and enables departments to provide more detailed information about their dual degree program(s) if desired. If you have questions about updating or formatting the content on this tab, please contact us at catalog@colorado.edu.


Naomi Porper & Crystal Eilerman
91 Catalog Team
Office of the Registrar

We're reaching out with a few catalog production updates below. A reminder that Monday, Nov. 19 (end of day) is the deadline for all department-level catalog editors to review and approve their pages.


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Mon, 05 Nov 2018 07:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2065 at /registrar
Drop-In Hours: 2019–20 91 Catalog, 10/18 /registrar/2018/10/17/catalog-drop-in-hours Drop-In Hours: 2019–20 91 Catalog, 10/18 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 10/17/2018 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog Faculty & Staff Announcements Fall 2018 Training & Events

As announced to our , we're kicking off workflows for academic pages in the 2019–20 university catalog this week. In addition, Thursday marks our first drop-in session for this cycle.

If you’re a catalog contributor who's new to the process, or if you're a returning contributor who could use a refresher, we hope one of our scheduled drop-in sessions will fit your schedule. There’s no need to make an appointment—just grab a laptop and come on by!

Date: Thursday, Oct. 18, 2018Time: 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m.Location: Regent 1B60 (lower level) 


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Wed, 17 Oct 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2221 at /registrar
Edits Open for 2019–20 Academic Pages /registrar/2018/10/15/edits-open-2019-20-academic-pages Edits Open for 2019–20 Academic Pages Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 10/15/2018 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog Naomi Porper

Good afternoon,

To those of you who submitted your workflow updates to us—thank you! The workflows for your pages have been updated accordingly. If you did not submit any changes, your workflows are the same as they were for the 2018–19 catalog. If you have questions about the workflows for your pages, please email us at catalog@colorado.edu.

Our catalog team will kick off all academic page workflows starting today; non-academic page workflows will begin in December (please see revised production dates below). After each catalog contributor reviews, edits and approves a page, the next reviewer in the workflow will receive an email from catalog@colorado.edu with a link to their approval queue. Catalog contributors who edit/review multiple catalog pages will receive a separate email for each page. Regardless of whether you choose to edit pages as they come in or wait to tackle them all at once, be sure to leave time for everyone in the workflow after you to complete their own reviews by the target dates below.

Please see below for a catalog production update and a few reminders. We hope to see you during our upcoming drop-in hours throughout October and November! We will be holding our first session this Thursday, Oct. 18, from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Additional dates, along with session details, can be found on our Catalog Production webpage.

Updated Production Dates: Non-Academic Pages

To accommodate minor structural improvements to the catalog that are currently underway, we have rolled back the timeline for non-academic catalog pages. This includes pages in the “About 91” section, as well as other top-level section pages within the undergraduate and graduate catalogs such as Admissions, Advising, Enrollment & Records and Student Financials. (By contrast, examples of academic pages include departmental landing pages and program pages.)

Please see updated production dates for non-academic pages below. We look forward to working with all of you who contribute to non-academic pages soon. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact our team with any questions.

  • Friday, Sept. 21: Catalog staff contacted contributors to request workflow updates.
  • Monday, Oct. 8: Deadline to submit workflow edits.
  • Monday, Oct. 15: Catalog staff initiate workflows for all academic pages; catalog contributors for these pages begin to edit.
  • ٴDz–NDZ𳾲: Catalog staff hold drop-in office hours for catalog contributors.
  • Monday, Nov. 19:
  • Friday, Dec. 14: Catalog staff initiate workflows for all non-academic pages; catalog contributors for these pages begin to edit.
  • Friday, Feb. 8, 2019:
    • Deadline for college-level catalog editors to approve pages.
    • Deadline for non-academic catalog page editors to submit and approve pages.
  • April 2019: Catalog staff publish the 2019–20 university catalog.

If you are a contributor to non-academic pages and wish to begin directly editing these pages prior to Dec. 14, we’re happy to work with you to accommodate your team’s needs. Please contact us at catalog@colorado.edu.

Faculty Information & Course Descriptions

Catalog contributors cannot edit faculty information or course descriptions directly. Instead, please submit the appropriate request form:


Naomi Porper & Crystal Eilerman
91 Catalog Team
Office of the Registrar

Our catalog team will kick off all academic page workflows starting today; non-academic page workflows will begin in December. Please see below for a catalog production update and a few reminders.


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Mon, 15 Oct 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2067 at /registrar
Planning for the 2019–20 University Catalog /registrar/2018/09/21/planning-2019-20-university-catalog Planning for the 2019–20 University Catalog Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 09/21/2018 - 00:00 Tags: 2019–20 Curriculum & Catalog Naomi Porper

Hello catalog contributors,

We’re excited to begin work on the next university catalog! This message contains an overview of the 2019–20 catalog production schedule, upcoming training session dates, a request to share workflow updates and a preview of other next steps.

Catalog Production Schedule

If any of the following dates change, we’ll email this list and update our webpage.

  • Friday, Sept. 21: Catalog staff contact contributors to request workflow updates (details below).
  • Monday, Oct. 8: Deadline to submit workflow edits.
  • Monday, Oct. 15: Catalog staff initiate workflows; contributors begin editing catalog.
  • ٴDz–NDZ𳾲: Catalog staff hold drop-in office hours for catalog contributors (details below).
  • Monday, Nov. 19:
  • Friday, Feb. 8, 2019: Deadline for college-level catalog editors to approve pages.
  • April 2019: Catalog staff publish the 2019–20 university catalog.

Update Your Catalog Workflow(s)

Before the 2019–20 catalog opens for edits in mid-October, we first need to ensure all automated editing workflows are up to date. We understand that updates may be needed to your existing workflows due to any staffing or other changes to your team(s) that impact who should write, edit and approve your catalog content. If you have changes, please submit to us through our workflow update request form. The deadline to submit any catalog workflow updates is Monday, October 8.

If needed, you can also use this form to request a breakdown of current workflow configurations for your page(s).

Support Resources

Find our fully revised step-by-step catalog support slides on our webpage. The slides cover workflows, reviewing and editing catalog pages, linking courses, catalog style rules and more.

The catalog style guide addresses common formatting questions, editing errors and heading levels, and is a great reference tool as you work through catalog edits.

Drop-in Hours

Drop-in hours are open to both new and returning catalog users throughout the editing and review process. Stop by to meet with the catalog team for hands-on assistance with updating your content. No appointment necessary; just bring your laptop!

Sessions will be held in Regent 1B60 unless otherwise noted:

  • Thursday, Oct. 18, 10:30 a.m.–12:30 p.m. 
  • Tuesday, Oct. 30, 8–10 a.m. 
  • Friday, Nov. 9, 9–11 a.m. (East Campus, Administrative & Research Center 150) 
  • Monday, Nov. 12, 9:30–11:30 a.m. (Regent 1B86) 
  • Monday, Nov. 19, 10 a.m.–1 p.m.

Coming Soon: Learning Outcomes

Over the next several years, as a part of regular program review and ongoing campus accreditation efforts, the campus will be moving toward asking each unit to specify what knowledge and skills students will gain during the course of a degree program. These are often known as "learning outcomes" or "learning goals."

The 2019–20 catalog will include space for these learning outcomes in the form of a new learning outcomes tab for each degree program. If your unit has already crafted and approved learning outcomes for a degree program, please plan to include them in this space on the respective page. If not, this space can be left blank and the tab will not appear in the final 2019–20 catalog for this program.

For more information about creating learning outcomes for its degree program(s), your unit may contact the Vice Provost for Academic Planning and Assessment.

Stay Connected

  • , if you haven’t already.
  • Send questions about the current or upcoming catalog to catalog@colorado.edu.

Thank you again for helping us to continue to enhance the catalog’s accuracy, usability and scope in support of student success. We look forward to working with you in the time ahead!


Naomi Porper & Crystal Eilerman
91 Catalog Team
Office of the Registrar

We're excited to begin work on the next university catalog! This message contains an overview of the 2019–20 catalog production schedule, upcoming training session dates, a request to share workflow updates and a preview of other next steps.


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Fri, 21 Sep 2018 06:00:00 +0000 Anonymous 2069 at /registrar