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OnBase for Graduate Forms: Approvals Process Change Coming Soon

On Wednesday, Jan. 8, the approval process will be changing for some graduate-level Registrar forms, including some future graduate-level forms requiring departmental approval and the following:

  • BAM
  • BAM Supplement
  • Candidacy for Advanced Degree
  • Leave of Absence

The administrative guides will be updated to reflect the new approval process.

Current Approval Process

Approvals for these forms require approval by the individual department administrators (GPAs). In the old process, we’ve created a workflow folder (Life Cycle) for each department, resulting in 56 departmental life cycles in addition to an administrative life cycle for each form. As new graduate programs are added, new departmental life cycles are also added.

While this structure has worked successfully for several years, it has become difficult to maintain. It has also created an internal problem within OnBase that cannot be left unchecked. UIS has requested that we make some changes to resolve the internal issue.

What’s Changing

The new process eliminates the 56 individual department life cycles and replaces them with approval life cycles for each form. The BAM Intent form will now have a BAM Intent Departmental Approval life cycle. BAM Supplement will have 2 approval life cycles, BAM Supplement UGRD Approval and BAM Supplement GRAD Approval. Candidacy for Advanced Degree will have Candidacy for Advanced Degree Approval life cycle. Leave of Absence will have 3 approval life cycles: LOA Approval 1, LOA Approval 2, and LOA Approval 3.

While all GPAs will use the same life cycles to approve the forms, they will see only the forms that they need to approve. The approval workflow uses built-in OnBase load balancing functionality to display forms to the correct GPAs.

This new process will also make it significantly easier to add new programs. The steps to add a program will take less that one hour and will take effect overnight.