Projected Identities: Impermissible Intersection - Strina Ross
7-minute video that is looped for an ongoing installation
This is an ongoing installation that reflects the person's thoughts back on them to represent the misunderstanding of intersectionality.

Strina Ross
Strina Ross’s work tends to question identity and the political issues surrounding them, using multimedia projections and performance. In her performance pieces she likes to incorporate dance since she is receiving a minor in that field. She is interested in owning a production studio to produce music videos.
Projected Identities: Impermissible Intersection
I am a photographer for drag shows and have become interested in the idea of intersectionality incorporated in them. I also was taking a class that looks at victim blaming and victimization especially within the framework of intersectionality. As an artist who tends to focus on identity and political views, I decided to take on the task of explaining intersectionality and how it creates victimization. In order to explicitly explain intersectionality, I asked some of my friends, both in the drag scene and out, to record some personal narratives and facts. I asked them to just record it themselves instead of me interviewing them in order to make them feel at ease and comfortable with the topic. Then, I took some YouTube videos and a few sounds from and the public archives and created a sound score to help with the storytelling of intersectionality. The story pans from left to right as if you are standing in the center of a conversation between two people who are telling you, their stories. The images to go with the sound will be primarily photos of the drag shows I photograph to show the emotionality within the performances they do. Drag kings and queens often don’t feel safe due to stereotypes and victimization. The idea is to have the images of the drag community projected onto the body of the viewers, who are also the performers, while looking at the result in a mirror. The clothes inside the installation are to represent costumes that drags wear in order to become someone else while also allowing the plain clothes to help highlight the projected images onto the body.