New Era: Maasai Girls Coming of Age - Angel Mollel
Documentary Video
16 minutes
My documentary analyzes changing cultural ways in a way that does not negatively affect the practices and values of the culture itself.

Angel Mollel
My name is Angel Mollel, I was born and raised in Northern Tanzania, to the Maasai tribe. Out of the 16 siblings, I am one of the few that received an opportunity to attend school. I am a passionate content creator who loves that tell stories, impactful stories from all walks of life.
New Era: Maasai Girls Coming of Age
In this short documentary, my project analyzes changing cultural ways in a way that does not negatively affect the practices and values of the culture itself. Angel and her sisters are part of the Maasai culture that inhabits both Northern Tanzania and Southern Kenya. In the summer of 2023, all the sisters including Angel had to celebrate coming of age to officially transition to women. They perform various rituals and practices as they make their way to adulthood.