event /pacs/ en CANCELLED: April 14 @11:30am - Hale 230 - Lecture with former Prime Minister of South Korea Nakyon Lee - PACS Co-Sponsor /pacs/2023/03/23/cancelled-april-14-1130am-hale-230-lecture-former-prime-minister-south-korea-nakyon-lee CANCELLED: April 14 @11:30am - Hale 230 - Lecture with former Prime Minister of South Korea Nakyon Lee - PACS Co-Sponsor Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 03/23/2023 - 16:48 Tags: event news

America’s Ways to Win - Actions for Peace in East Asia.

Sponsored by the Center for Asian Studies, International Affairs (IAFS) Program, and the Peace, Conflict, and Security Studies (PACS) Program.

window.location.href = `/cas/americas-ways-win-actions-peace-east-asia-20230414`;


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Thu, 23 Mar 2023 22:48:19 +0000 Anonymous 582 at /pacs
PACS at the Chancellor's Annual Summit /pacs/2023/03/03/pacs-chancellors-annual-summit PACS at the Chancellor's Annual Summit Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 03/03/2023 - 15:43 Tags: event news

Director Michael English will be representing PACS at the Chancellor's Annual Summit on Tuesay, March 14 from 5:30-8pm at the History Colorado Center in Denver. 

Democratic Principles and Social Mobility in a Pluralistic Society

Join us for the Chancellor’s Annual Summit on March 14. In our increasingly divided society, trust in American democracy is eroding at an alarming pace – and confidence in institutions of higher education along with it. CU experts will share how their research and lived experiences inform our understanding of this current moment in American history – and how the diverse communities within our public universities can help to sustain and support a democracy that ensures liberty and justice for all. The event includes presentations from CU experts, along with opportunities for Q&As and networking.

Cost: $10 general admission, $5 staff, $2 students (includes two reception drink tickets). Reception to follow.

More information and how to register here


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Fri, 03 Mar 2023 22:43:00 +0000 Anonymous 581 at /pacs
"10 Tips for a Nontraditional Global Career" with Veronica Baker (PACS Alum) /pacs/2023/03/03/10-tips-nontraditional-global-career-veronica-baker-pacs-alum "10 Tips for a Nontraditional Global Career" with Veronica Baker (PACS Alum) Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 03/03/2023 - 11:27 Tags: alum event news

Date: Tuesday, April 18, Time: 5:30-7pm (MT)

Location: TBD based on RSVPs, but on 91¸£ÀûÉç main campus. Dinner will be provided, .

window.location.href = `/iafs/2023/03/02/10-tips-nontraditional-global-career-veronica-baker-iafs-psci-15`;


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Fri, 03 Mar 2023 18:27:32 +0000 Anonymous 580 at /pacs
Event: Screening of "Crossings" with Christine Ahn, 3/15/23 /pacs/2023/02/22/event-screening-crossings-christine-ahn-31523 Event: Screening of "Crossings" with Christine Ahn, 3/15/23 Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 02/22/2023 - 11:02 Tags: event news

Wednesday, March 15, 7 pm
CASE East, 4th Floor, 91¸£ÀûÉç

Join us for a screening of , a new documentary film by Deann Borshay Liem that follows the historic journey of 30 women peacemakers including Gloria Steinem and Nobel Peace Laureates as they cross the De-Militarized Zone between North and South Korea calling for an end to a 70-year war that has divided the Korean Peninsula and its people.

Following the film, we will host a discussion with , Executive Director of , who led the women’s peace walk. Ahn is a 91¸£ÀûÉç alumna, INVST graduate, and recipient of the 2022 Social Activist Award from the Nobel Peace Laureates. Refreshments donated by Lucky Pie of Louisville. Center for Academic Success is located at Euclid and Broadway next to the UMC. For more info, contact invst@colorado.edu.

Event sponsored by INVST Community Studies and the Peace, Conflict and Security (PACS) Program.

Additional co-sponsors: Center for Asian Studies, CU Engage, Center for Inclusion and Social Change, Women and Gender Studies


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Wed, 22 Feb 2023 18:02:39 +0000 Anonymous 579 at /pacs
National Security Panel Discussion: February 9, 3-4:30pm, UMC 425 /pacs/2023/01/26/national-security-panel-discussion-february-9-3-430pm-umc-425 National Security Panel Discussion: February 9, 3-4:30pm, UMC 425 Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 01/26/2023 - 15:52 Tags: event news

The Peace, Conflict, and Security Program at the 91¸£ÀûÉç is pleased to host the for a panel discussion on topics related to national security. The Eisenhower Program brings War College faculty and fellows to universities and forums across the US to engage with the public on key issues related to peace and security. Speakers for this year’s event have distinguished careers in the armed services and will present on a number of different topics of pressing interest. This event is free and open to the public and will have light refreshments. Students considering careers in the armed services or national security fields are encouraged to attend. 


Date: February 9, 2023

Time: 3-4:30pm (MDT)

Location: 91¸£ÀûÉç's University Memorial Center (UMC), Room 425



  • Colonel Dena Goble has over 35 years of Army Reserve service. Enlisting at 17, she has served in numerous leadership positions of increasing responsibility. Her expertise is as a military police officer specifically with detainee operations in Guantanamo Bay Cuba and Iraq. She has trained with other militaries in Japan, Tajikistan, Jordan and Germany. As a civil affairs professional Colonel Goble partnered with the Jordanian Armed Forces to enhance the integration of women into their military. She also liaised intergovernmental coordination for the Syrian refugee crisis. Most recently, she led over 800 Soldiers in support of the Department of Homeland Security during the resettlement of Afghan evacuees.   
  • Born in Montreal, Colonel Eric Landry joined the Canadian Armed Forces in 1994 as an officer in the Armor branch. He led army personnel from a reconnaissance troop of 20 soldiers to a mechanized brigade of 4200 soldiers. He deployed on international missions to Bosnia, twice to Afghanistan, and in the Middle East. He has also conducted domestic operations from sovereignty patrols in the Arctic to flood relief in southern Quebec. He holds a Master's in Business Administration, a Masters in Defense Studies and is now working on a Masters in Strategic Studies at the US Army War College. He and his wife are parents of three teenagers. He enjoys running, and loves fishing, downhill skiing, obviously, ice hockey.
  • Lieutenant Colonel Brent Chastain is a native of Kennesaw, Georgia. He is married to the former Ms. Tonilynn Perrotta of Richmond Hill, Georgia. Toni and Brent have one son, Tristan, aged twelve years. Brent is a graduate of the University of Georgia and the University of Oregon with Bachelor of Arts and Master of Science degrees in political science respectively. Brent is an armor officer in the United States Army with over twenty years of service in infantry, tank, and reconnaissance units. His overseas assignments include Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan, and most recently at the North Atlantic Treaty Organization’s Allied Joint Force Command Naples in Italy.


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Thu, 26 Jan 2023 22:52:04 +0000 Anonymous 578 at /pacs
#WomAn, Life, Freedom Context, Symbolism, and Solidarity in the Iranian Women’s Revolution /pacs/2022/10/18/woman-life-freedom-context-symbolism-and-solidarity-iranian-womens-revolution #WomAn, Life, Freedom Context, Symbolism, and Solidarity in the Iranian Women’s Revolution Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/18/2022 - 15:05 Tags: event news window.location.href = `/cas/woman-life-freedom-context-symbolism-and-solidarity-iranian-womens-revolution-20221020`;


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Tue, 18 Oct 2022 21:05:51 +0000 Anonymous 577 at /pacs
CU's Playback Ensemble Seeks New Members! /pacs/2022/08/22/cus-playback-ensemble-seeks-new-members CU's Playback Ensemble Seeks New Members! Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 08/22/2022 - 09:54 Categories: announcement event news Tags: announcement event news

If you are interested in the more dialogic and practice-oriented side of PACS, you need to check out CU's very own Playback Ensemble. They do fantastic work in promoting critical conversations and difficult dialogues using the tools of theater. They are having their first information session this Saturday, 8/27 from 11:00 to 1:00pm

You can find more information on Playback here: /theatredance/playback or reach out to Jim Walker at james.f.walker@colorado.edu for details on the information session.



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Mon, 22 Aug 2022 15:54:59 +0000 Anonymous 570 at /pacs
CANVAS Summer Academy (Free) /pacs/2022/05/18/canvas-summer-academy-free CANVAS Summer Academy (Free) Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 05/18/2022 - 10:07 Tags: event news The is hosting its annual CANVAS Summer Academy this June! This program is FREE and open to anyone, so feel free to spread the word to anyone you think might be interested. Participants will also receive a CANVAS certificate.   There are 4 online sessions, all at 7am MST on ZoomJune 6th: It's a Coup Season - How To Fight Back The Global Trend of Military Power Grabs June 9th: Ukraine and Russia: Role Of Global Civil Resilience In Countering Invasion and War June 13th: Women Rising - How Women Activism Is Reshaping The World June 16th: How Environment and Corruption Are Shaping New Breed Of "Blitzkrieg" - Social Movements In Decaying Democracies.    This is a unique opportunity to hear from experts on nonviolence and activism on some of the most pressing topics of our time. Moderators include Srdja Popovic and Slobodan Djinovic, co-founders of CANVAS and founding members of Serbia's Otpor! movement, as well as Breza Race, CANVAS's Program Director.   If you are interested in learning more, head to  and browse through the , and then .   You can also keep in touch with CANVAS via , , or .


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Wed, 18 May 2022 16:07:16 +0000 Anonymous 568 at /pacs
Updates to PACS Certificate Requirements & Degree Audit /pacs/2022/05/16/updates-pacs-certificate-requirements-degree-audit Updates to PACS Certificate Requirements & Degree Audit Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 05/16/2022 - 14:25 Categories: event news Tags: event news

The following information was sent to enrolled PACS Certificate students. This information has been reposted here just in case it was overlooked.

  • Degree Audit
    • PACS is now finally listed correctly in the Degree Audit! You can now run a report and check your progress on completing the PACS Certificate.
      • Find the instructions on how to run your audit here: /registrar/students/degree-planning/audit/run
      • This will work perfectly for 99% of you. For the 1% that I’ve approved a substitution for a PACS course you may see an error. This is ok – you’ll still earn your certificate even if the Degree Audit does not capture your class. Just email me to confirm.


  • Curriculum Update
    • It has taken a few years, but we now finally have more course options available for you to complete the PACS Certificate. Some important things to note:
      • First, any 4000-level PACS course will now count for the senior capstone requirement which used to be limited to PACS 4500 and 4900. This now includes: PACS 4000, 4100, 4500, and 4900. All 4000-level class are considered skills-focused capstones.
        • We’re rolling out three new 4000-level courses for 2022-23.
          • In the fall we are offering Restorative Justice (PACS 4000)
          • In the spring we are offering Mediation Skills (PACS 4000) and Managing Organizational Conflict (PACS 4100 – online only)
        • PACS 4500 will remain a research-focused seminar and still counts as an option for the senior capstone for IAFS students.
          • Starting in Fall 23, this course will only be offered fall term.
          • Spring 22 will be the last offering of this course as a spring term option.
        • Yes, you can take both Restorative Justice and Mediation Skills. The 4000 listing is a special topics designation and is repeatable up to 6 credits.
      • Second, PACS 3860: Environmental Conflict and Conflict Resolution now counts for the required conflict resolution course. This was previously limited to PACS 3700 and 3850.
        • This course will become a spring only, rather than fall only option starting in Spring 24.
      • Third, you can now complete the PACS Certificate entirely online through Continuing Education courses or mix and match online and in person courses.
        • This used to require special approval, but it no longer does.
    • And since PACS now works in the Degree Audit, it will reflect these changes to the curriculum.
      • These changes make it way easier for you to complete the certificate and hopefully, you feel like you now have more options to tailor the program to your interests.
      • You can see course descriptions here: /pacs/pacs-course-offerings
      • If you are unsure what your course plan was, feel free to contact me and we can discuss.


  • Advising
    • Please know that you can reach out to Dr. English at any time for PACS advising related issues. While I have limited availability over summer, I am around and happy to speak with you before the fall term if you have questions or concerns.
      • You can book an appointment here:
      • If a time in my scheduler does not work, send me an email with some possible times and dates and we’ll find something that does work.


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Mon, 16 May 2022 20:25:28 +0000 Anonymous 566 at /pacs
2022 PACS Certificates Awarded /pacs/2022/05/04/2022-pacs-certificates-awarded 2022 PACS Certificates Awarded Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 05/04/2022 - 13:44 Categories: news Tags: event news

We would like to congratulate 28 students in completing PACS certificate within the Spring 2022 semester.

The PACS Certificate offers an individually tailored 18-credit hour program of study that provides undergraduate students with 1) skills to handle conflict more constructively in family, workplace, community, and international settings, 2) a better understanding of public policy controversies and international affairs, and 3) a foundation from which to purse peace, conflict, and security related careers.

The majors represented included International Affairs, Sociology, Political Science, Computer Science, History, Journalism, Communications, Environmental Studies, Religious Studies, Psychology, Information Sciences, and Anthropology.

Congratulations to all the students in completing a PACS certificate!


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Wed, 04 May 2022 19:44:22 +0000 Anonymous 564 at /pacs