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Donors and endowments 2020

Thank you.

Everything at the College of Music is enhanced by the incredible generosity of our community. This list celebrates those whose gifts, pledges, bequests and pledge payments totaled $5,000 or more in fiscal year 2020 (July 1, 2019-June 30, 2020). Anonymous gifts and donors have been excluded.

Every effort has been made to present this list as accurately as possible; if there is an error or omission, please contact musicplus@colorado.edu or 303-492-3054.

Alice and Leonard Perlmutter Foundation

Joanie and David Andrews

Charlene Archibeque

Pamela Barsam Brown and Stanley Brown

Sondra and Bill Bechhoefer

Bettina Baruch Foundation

John Dunham and Alison Blackman

The Bourne Yaroush Family Fund

Kathy and Dave Bowers

Amy Skinner and Richard Brandon

Joe and Shirley Burford

Bob Burnham and Gail Promboin

Jan Burton

Pat Butler

Mike Ortlip and Allison Callicott

Carson-Pfafflin Family Foundation

Bob and Judy Charles

The Clinton Family Fund

Marty Coffin Evans and Robert Trembly

Brent and Dana Cohen

Debbie and Dan Day

Gina and Frank Day

Steve Dilts

The Dorothy and Anthony Riddle Family


The Dr. C. W. Bixler Family Foundation

Paul and Kristina Eklund

Brad and Diana Ekstrand

Andrea Ekstrand

Norma Ekstrand

Elevations Credit Union

Ella Gayle Hamlin Foundation

Bill Elliott

Xan and John Fischer

Jonathan and Shari Fox

Dave Fulker and Nicky Wolman

Lloyd and Mary Gelman

George Lichter Family Foundation

Robert Stuart Graham (Estate)

Albert and Betsy Hand

Gene Harsh

Laurie Hathorn

Diane and Stephen Heiman, Sr.

John and Sandra Heyer

Suzanne and Dave Hoover

Shelley Hyde

Nan Joesten and Hank Leeper

Judy and Gary Judd

Allan McMurray and Judy Kaffka

Kenneth & Myra Monfort Charitable

Foundation Inc.

Bob and Alice Korenblat

Gregory Lefferdink

Nancy and Kim Malville

George Charles Mulacek (Estate)

Ben and Pattie Nelson

Ann Oglesby

Paul Bechtner Foundation

Vivianne and Joel Pokorny

Mikhy and Mike Ritter

Becky Roser and Ron Stewart

Peg and Chuck Rowe

Firuzeh and Navid Saidi

Katherine Schimmel

The Schramm Foundation

SeiSolo Foundation

Dan and Boyce Sher

gReg Silvus

Mary and George Sissel

David Skinner

Frank Spaid

Galen & Ada Belle Spencer Foundation

Alan Stanek

Al and Marty Stormo

Lynn Streeter

Doug and Sandy Tashiro

Avlona Taylor

Jeannie and Jack Thompson

Kathy and Peter Van Arsdale

Viola Vestal Coulter Foundation

Taylor Welshimer

Mary Lou West

Nurit and Jim Wolf