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From Dean Shay: Switching to a temporary remote operating mode

Dear College of Music community,

Earlier today, you received a message from Chancellor DiStefano about the temporary change to our instructional mode to all remote, effective with the start of classes on Wednesday morning. Those of you who are instructional personnel also received a message from Provost Moore. This change to remote instruction is our best effort to keep our students and our community safe and bring down the rate of infection during the voluntary self-quarantine.

The College of Music wants to be a partner with the campus in achieving this goal at this crucial time. For that reason, the decision has been made to forego all in-person instructional activities—including all classes, studio classes, lessons and conducted ensemble, chamber ensemble and opera rehearsals—during this two-week Temporary Remote period. The only activities that will take place are scheduled Faculty Tuesdays recitals, Takács Quartet performances and student degree recitals. Students will be permitted to use practice rooms and other classrooms in Imig Music Building for individual practice; more information is forthcoming.

This was a difficult decision: While we all know how important in-person gatherings are to music instruction, we feel that going fully remote until Oct. 7 is in the best interests of our students, faculty, staff and community. After that point, we will re-evaluate these measures based on campus testing data.

For everyone’s benefit, I want to iterate the key points from the chancellor and provost’s communications:

  • All undergraduate, graduate and law classes will be taught remotely.Ìý
  • Labs, studio and performance classes are remote, unless designated essential by college and school deans.Ìý
  • Staff will continue to work on campus as currently assigned.Ìý
  • On-campus research will continue and is not affected by this shift to remote instruction.Ìý
  • For those who are unaffected by the remote teaching instruction mode and continue to work on campus, be sure to complete the daily health questionnaire.
  • Please visit the COVID-19 updates webpage, which has been updated with additional details, for more information.

Thank you for your hard work and continued adaptability as we work together to be a good partner to the city, county and state in keeping our entire extended community safe.

Best regards,

Robert Shay
Dean, College of Music