Sustainable Food Systems /menv/ en Thanksgiving 2019: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint During One of the Most Wasteful Times of the Year /menv/2019/11/18/thanksgiving-2019-reducing-your-carbon-footprint-during-one-most-wasteful-times-year Thanksgiving 2019: Reducing Your Carbon Footprint During One of the Most Wasteful Times of the Year Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 11/18/2019 - 12:55 Tags: Food Food Waste MENV Sustainable Food Systems Thanksgiving Mikkela Blanton


Thanksgiving is right around the corner, and for MENVers, Friday the 22nd is the last day of classes before a week-long break. Which means that now’s the time that people are starting to get excited about the prospect of seven uninterrupted days of relaxation (but for homework!); traveling back home to see friends, family, and loved ones who have been much-missed for the past few months; and eating to the point of being uncomfortably full, of course.

Unfortunately, as great as the holidays are, they’re also a time of excessive waste. In fact, between Thanksgiving to New Year’s! Whether you’re going or staying for the holiday, are a vegan, a vegetarian, a meat-eater, or an opportunivore, the holiday presents an opportunity to think about sustainability and conscious action. Here are some tips for celebrating the holiday in a way that’s as eco-friendly as possible:


For many, Thanksgiving means traveling. from the West to the East Coast of the United States emits at least one metric ton of carbon dioxide. If feasible, consider driving rather than flying home this holiday. Even better: consider carpooling if you and another student are from the same place!

If flying is your only option, you can still be conscious about your transportation when you reach your destination. Carpooling, using public transportation, and biking are all great options. And there is a direct bus route from 91 to Denver International Airport (and free with your CU bus pass!).



Plan the Menu Wisely

Whether you’re hosting or attending, if you’re contributing food this Thanksgiving, plan wisely. A , recommends nixing dishes that you make just out of habit but no one eats, easing up on the appetizers, making a lighter soup option so that guests won’t get too full too fast, and being okay with (gasp!) ditching the turkey. If you are planning on serving fowl (or meat of any source), consider sourcing it from a local farm, especially one that’s utilizing , if feasible.


Don’t Let Excess Food Go to Waste!

We all know that food waste statistics are alarming. Indeed, is estimated at between 30-40 percent of the total food supply. Unfortunately, Thanksgiving is a holiday that often results in excess production, consumption, and food finding its way into the trash. Fortunately, there are some easy fixes!

First, go back to menu planning. Know how many people you’re cooking for/how many people will be attending and be conscious of how much food you’ll actually need.

Next, save leftovers! If you want to be extra sustainable, consider reusable storage containers rather than plastic wrap/plastic bags for storage. Then, make a commitment to actually eat the leftovers rather than letting them spoil in your fridge. Encourage guests to take home leftovers, too.

If you do prepare a turkey, note that you can use the carcass and bones afterward to make a delicious, collagen-rich broth.

It’s a Time to Be Thankful

Regardless of Thanksgiving’s history, there’s an opportune moment for reflection about thankfulness. Bring a sense of gratitude to your Thanksgiving meal and thank the earth for all it provides!

**The MENV Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Initiative is hosting a 2019 Thanksgiving Food Drive. All proceeds will be donated to the 91 Community Food Share during the week of Thanksgiving. Please drop off any donations in the lounge. All non-perishable food items are welcome; please prioritize healthy food items if you have the means.


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Mon, 18 Nov 2019 19:55:17 +0000 Anonymous 649 at /menv
The New Food Economy: A startup just announced the world’s first fake-meat “steaks” made from fungi. Are we ready? /menv/2019/10/29/new-food-economy-startup-just-announced-worlds-first-fake-meat-steaks-made-fungi-are-we The New Food Economy: A startup just announced the world’s first fake-meat “steaks” made from fungi. Are we ready? Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 10/29/2019 - 16:41 Tags: Food Systems Nicole Civita Sustainable Food Systems window.location.href = ``;


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Tue, 29 Oct 2019 22:41:41 +0000 Anonymous 623 at /menv
2019 Capstone Feature: Food Waste Awareness Week /menv/2019/09/30/2019-capstone-feature-food-waste-awareness-week 2019 Capstone Feature: Food Waste Awareness Week Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 09/30/2019 - 12:22 Categories: Capstone Tags: Capstone Food Wate MENV Sustainable Food Systems Marissa Miller

Over the course of the year, MENV will feature various Capstone Projects to keep the community updated on the accomplishments of our students and partner organizations. The Capstone is the centerpiece of the MENV program and is a year-long project that partners students with an organization from the public, private, or non-profit sector. Students gain real-world, professional experience that serves as a springboard for their future careers.

Capstone Project: Food Waste Awareness Week

Partner Organization: City of 91

Student Team: Sarah Ditton and Skye Fabrizio 

Food Waste Awareness Week, a partnership between the City of 91 and 91 County, grew in its outreach and impact in its second year thanks to MENV students Sarah Ditton and Skye Fabrizio. In partnership with Jamie Harkins with the City of 91 Climate Initiatives team, the group drove the effort to create robust events and a social media campaign in order to drive awareness for their topic, food waste.     

As Sustainable Food Systems students in the MENV program, focusing on food waste was a way to explore a symptom of what they believe is an unjust food system. For Sarah, food waste is the reason she decided to be a part of the MENV program. She found her passion for food waste after graduating from Cornell and volunteering at a food rescue organization, “All I did was sort raspberries, but it was one of the most satisfying experiences I had ever had because everyone was so passionate and excited to be working on something they believed in.” For Skye, the links between food waste and food security drive her passion for this project. Skye explained, "After realizing that around 40% of food produced is not eaten and 13% of Colorado’s population suffers from food insecurity, it seems like an incredibly silly problem. Crafting ways to waste less food by feeding more people and reducing greenhouse gas emissions need to be at the forefront of our nation’s food policy initiatives."

The pair spent their summer creating three main events for Food Waste Awareness Week; a “Food Waste Challenge" for local restaurants, encouraging the use of World Wildlife Fund weeklong lesson plans for 91 Valley School District schools, and hosting several panels focused on various aspects of the food system. The keynote event, Talking Food Waste: Moving the Conversation Forward, was the highlight of the week. Sarah and Skye worked hard to bring a group of experts together to talk about the necessary change in implementing ideas and solutions in the food waste space, while also inspiring action. The event had a great turnout and sparked loads of excitement for many members of the audience.

We caught up with Sarah and Skye at the end of the week to ask the one thing the public needs to do to have better food waste practices. “Vote!” they say, “Ask questions of politicians. No politician should be voted into office unless they have a comprehensive food policy that steers our food system to one that takes care of us and the planet instead of corporate interests. After you’ve done this, on an individual level, don’t feel scared to ask for smaller portion sizes and make sure to eat your leftovers!” If you’d like to learn more about food waste, start by exploring the content on their website, . We’ll be sure to keep you posted on details for next year’s event. Awesome job on a fantastic capstone project, Sarah and Skye! 


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Mon, 30 Sep 2019 18:22:31 +0000 Anonymous 603 at /menv