This interdisciplinary course introduces the diversity of refugee migration in German culture through artistic and cultural "texts," including those created by or in collaboration with refugees (film, comic journalism, literature, blogs, hashtag campaigns, music, etc). These texts are discussed in relation to theories of racism, precarity, and biopolitics together and contextualized by work from other disciplines. This interdisciplinary course is methodologically informed by the theory and practice of cultural studies.
Explores the mystical tradition within Judaism from ancient times to the present. With roots in the Hebrew Bible, Jewish mysticism is one of the oldest forms of mysticism and has had an influence on some of the greatest philosophical traditions of western civilization. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: ideals and values.
Global Seminar: Jews and Muslims: The Multi-Ethnic History of Istanbul
JWST/IAFS/RLST 3530 Core: Human Diversity
Spend two weeks in Istanbul and examine Jewish-Muslim relations in a place that was for 500 years the crossroads of civilization. The only Muslim city in the 21stcentury with a large, thriving Jewish community, Istanbul models how people from different social classes, ethnicities, and religious backgrounds can coexist. Approved for A&S core curriculum: human diversity.
Topics in Jewish Studies: The Joys of Yiddish
JWST 3820
Explores the literature (in translation), art, film, theater, and music produced by and aboutYiddishspeaking people around the world. A blend of Hebrew, German, and a variety of other languages—and yet a rich language all its own—Yiddishwas once the language spoken by most of the world’s Jews. We examine the history ofYiddishand its current resurgence as a spoken and written language.
Internship in Jewish Studies
JWST 3930
The Jewish Studies Internship program connects students with community service organizations, incorporating concepts of Jewish learning andtikkun olam(“repairing the world”). Learn beyond the classroom by interning in a local non-profit or community organization that connects with the Program in Jewish Studies through its mission and/or program. Interns will be supervised by a faculty member as well as the employer housing the intern. Recommended prereqs., JWST/GSLL 2350 or HIST/JWST/RLST 1818 or HIST/JWST 1828. May be repeated up to 6 total credit hours.
Capstone in Jewish Studies
JWST 4000
Serves as the final product for students completing the major in Jewish Studies. The capstone asks students to design a project under the supervision of a mentor that serves as the summation of their past work in Jewish Studies. Capstone projects can take the form of a thesis, film, or other medium and must engage the student’s second language. Restricted to senior Jewish Studies (JWST) majors only.
Venice: The Cradle of European Jewish Culture
JWST 4301
Explores the development of European Jewish culture from the late Middle Ages to the present by focusing on Jewish life in the city of Venice, Italy. Emphasis is on the development of Venetian print culture and emergence of Italy as a center of Jewish publishing in both the religious and secular world. The course examines a variety of cultural and historical material including early printings of the Talmud, the creation of Yiddish popular literature, Hebrew rabbinic literature, responses to political turmoil, and the aftermath of the Nazi genocide. Taught in English. Department enforced prereq., HEBR/JWST 2350 (minimum grade C-). HEBR 4301 and JWST 4301 are the same course. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
Global Seminar: Justice, Human Rights and Democracy in Israeland the West Bank
JWST 4302/IAFS 3502 Core: Contemporary Societies
Explore the challenges and complexities of justice, democracy and human rights in Israel and the West Bank through field trips, course work and service learning projects with Jerusalem based non-profit organizations. Acquire new knowledge and lived experience on critical issues facing Israelis and Palestinians with the wider scope of Middle East politics. Recommended prereqs., ANTH/JWST 4050 and IAFS/JWST 3600. For International Affairs majors, credits can be applied to Africa/Middle East Geographic Concentration (3 credits) and Functional Area IV, Institutions, Rights and Norms (3 credits). Credits can also be applied to the. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: contemporary societies. Visit thefor more information.
Explusions and Diasporas: The Jews of Spain and Portugal
JWST 4524 / HIST 4524
This course considers the experience of Jews and converses during the Spanish Inquisition and the Iberian expulsions of the 1490s. Sephardic refugees faced social, economic, and political upheavals in the decades after their exile, leading to new communities in settings as diverse as North Africa, India, Turkey, the Caribbean, and the Americas. The study of texts and traditions from the Sephardic diaspora will explore themes including forced conversion, rabbinic authority, colonialism, and mercantile networks. Previously offered as a special topics course.
Ethics, Medicine, and the Holocaust: Legacies in Health and Society
JWST 4800/5800
This course engages the disturbing fact that German health care professionals actively participated in the architecture and machinery of the Third Reich. It explores the implications of the facts for contemporary health care ethics and expands beyond the Holocaust to consider the ramifications for our understanding of the problem of evil in general.
Independent Study in Jewish Studies
JWST 4900
Working with a faculty member in Jewish Studies on an independent study research project provides students with an opportunity to learn outside the formal classroom structure with individual direction from Jewish Studies faculty on a topic of mutual interest not offered in regularly scheduled classes. (Independent study may not be used to substitute for a regular courses not being offered in a given term.)Please visit our
contact page to get in touch withtheDirector of Undergraduate Studies for the Program in Jewish Studiesfor more information.
Graduate Topics in Jewish History: Modern Childhood in Israel/Palestine
JWST 5348
Historically, Palestinian and Israeli children have been part of different narratives, from victims, to martyrs to political actors. These narratives refer not only to the conflict but also to concepts of childhood, adulthood, agency, work, life cycle and culpability. In this course, we will read memoirs, academic monographs and fictional works in order to think about Israeli and Palestinian histories, as well as the history of childhood: a specific period in humans’ lifespans, and a cultural and political category. In addition to weekly readings and discussion, students in this upper division course will complete a final essay or creative project exploring one theme discussed in the course in more depth.
Graduate Independent Study in Jewish Studies
JWST 5900
Working with a faculty member in Jewish Studies on an independent study research project provides graduate students with an opportunity to learn outside the formal classroom structure with individual direction from Jewish Studies faculty on a topic of mutual interest not offered in regularly scheduled classes. Independent study may not be used to substitute for a regular courses not being offered in a given term.Please visit our contact page to get in touch withtheDirector of Graduate Studies for the Program in Jewish Studiesfor more information.
Representing the Holocaust
JWST/GRMN 2502 Core: Ideals and Values
Examines how the memory of the Holocaust in Nazi Germany is increasingly determined by the means of its representation, e.g., film, autobiography, poetry, architecture. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: ideals and values.
Introduction to Jewish Culture
JWST/GSLL 2350 Core: Human Diversity
Explores the development and expressions of Jewish culture as it moves across the chronological and geographical map of the historic Jewish people, with an emphasis on the variety of Jewish ethnicities and their cultural productions, cultural syncretism, and changes. Sets the discussion in a historical context, and looks at cultural representations that include literary, religious, and visual texts. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.
JWST/GSLL2551 Core: Literature and the Arts
Examines Jewish experience through the study of literary texts from around the world, mainly from the 20th and 21st centuries. Discusses issues pertaining to secularism and tradition; diasporas and homelands; modernity and questions of identity raised by the intellectual transitions brought about by political and social emancipation; sexualities; enormous changes wrought by population redistributions, world wars and rapid cultural transformations. Same as GSLL 2551. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
GRMN/HUMN 2601Core: Literature and the Arts
Exposes the students to a wide selection of Kafka's literary output and aims to define the meaning of the Kafkaesque by looking not only for traces of Kafka's influence in the verbal and visual arts, but also for traces left in Kafka's own work by his precursors in the literary tradition.
Women, Gender & Sexuality in Jewish Texts and Traditions
JWST/RLST 3202 / WGST 3201Core: Human Diversity
Reads some of the ways Jewish texts and traditions look at women, gender and sexuality from biblical times to the present. Starts with an analysis of the positioning of the body, matter and gender in creation stories, moves on to the gendered aspects of tales of rescue and sacrifice, biblical tales of sexual subversion and power, taboo-breaking and ethnos building, to rabbinic attitudes towards women, sexuality and gender and contemporary renderings and rereadings of the earlier texts and traditions. Taught in English. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.The role of the body, and concepts of purity and contamination in Jewish ritual and sexuality will also be explored.
The Heart of Europe: Filmmakers & Writers in 20th Century CentralEurope
Surveys the major works of 20th century central and eastern European film and literature. Examines cultural production in the non-imperial countries and non-national languages of the region including Yiddish, Belarusian, Czech, Hungarian, Polish and Romanian, among others. Traces the rise of nationalism over the course of the century from the age of empires through the Cold War.
German-Jewish Writers: From the Enlightenment to the Present
JWST/GRMN 3501 Core: Human Diversity
Provides insight into the German-Jewish identity through essays, autobiographies, fiction, and journalism from the Enlightenment to the post-Holocaust period. Examines the religious and social conflicts that typify the history of Jewish existence in German-speaking lands during the modern epoch.Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity.
Pop Culture and Society in Israel/Palestine
JWST 3610 / IAFS 3610
In this course, we will explore the role of popular culture in the past and present of the Israeli and Palestinian societies. Among the subjects that will be presented are the contribution of popular culture to the formation of national identities, its role in contested collective memories, staging the conflict between Jews and Palestinians within Israel and the region, routinizing militaristic mindset, and appropriating global trends.
Israeli Literature: Exile, Nation, Home
JWST/HEBR 4203 Core: Literature and the Arts
Examines the creation and development of Israeli literature from its pre-State beginnings to the present day, from the writings of immigrants for whom Hebrew was not their mother tongue to a literature written by native Hebrew speakers. Considers texts written by Israeli Jewish and Arab writers and explores how ideas of exile, nation and home play into the Israeli experience. Recommended prereqs., ENGL/JWST 3677, GRMN/JWST 2502; HEBR/JWST 2551; WRTG/JWST 3020. Same as HEBR 4203. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
Russian Jewish Experience
JWST 4401RUSS 4401/5401Core: Literature and the Arts
This course examines the experience of Russian Jews from the late 19th century to the present through fiction and films dealing with challenges of co-existence of Jews and their neighbors. We will explore the Bolshevik Revolution, Stalinism, the Holocaust, and the post-Stalin period. We will also look at the place of Jews as individuals and as a minority within Russian and Soviet society, as well as Jewish-Russian emigration to America and elsewhere at the turn of the 21st century. Taught in English. Recommended prereq., any 1000 or 2000-level undergraduate literature course.Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: literature and the arts.
Anthropology of Jews and Judaism
Explores topics in Jewish anthropology. Course will use the lens of anthropological inquiry to explore, discover and analyze different concepts within Jewish culture. Topics explored will include customs, religious practices, languages, ethnic and regional subdivisions, occupations, social composition, and folklore. Courses will explore fundamental questions about the definition of Jewish identity, practices and communities. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. ANTH 4050 and JWST 4050 are the same course.
The Holocaust: An Anthropological Perspective
This course focuses on the Holocaust during the Third Reich, which involved the murder of millions of people, including six million Jews. Course material reviews the Holocaust’s history, dynamics, and consequences as well as other genocides of the 20th century, using an anthropological approach. Restricted to juniors/seniors.
JWST/ENGL 3310 Core: Ideals and Values
Surveys literary achievements of the Judeo-Christian tradition as represented by the Bible. Restricted to sophomores/juniors/seniors. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: ideals and values.
Jewish-American Literature
JWST/ENGL 4677 Core: Human Diversity
Explores the Jewish-American experience from the 19th century to the present through writers such as Sholom Aleichem, Peretz, Babel, Singer, Malamud, Miller, Ginsberg, and Ozick. The Jewish experience ranges from the travails of immigration to the loss of identity through assimilation. Restricted to sophomores/ juniors/seniors. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: human diversity. Formerly JWST/ENGL 3677.
Topics in Hebrew Studies: The Hebrew Origins of Western Civilization
JWST 4101/ENGL 4685/CWCV 4000
This class will consider the Hebrew origins of Western civilization as they were passed down through the Hebrew Bible and subsequent rabbinic writings. These influences were manifest over many centuries of the European intellectual tradition, but they are typically omitted from discussions of the subject. The study of Western civilization traditionally follows Greek and Roman influences through the Middle Ages and into modernity, but in this course we will look at the Hebrew tradition itself and the impact it had on the development of some of Western civilization’s mostimportant concepts, such as linear time, covenant theory, social justice, and toleration, to name just a few.
FYSM 1000
**This course can count towards the Jewish Studies Major.**
Does it make sense to believe inGod, and should believing or not believing in God make a difference for howindividuals lead their lives? This coursewill explore diverse responses to these questions in ancient and modernsources.We will devote special attention to topicssuch as the reasons for evil and undeserved suffering, the nature of revelationand religious experience, and role of religion in contemporary politics. We will wrestle with issuessuch as the possibilityof belief in God in the wake of events such as the Holocaust, the relationshipbetween science and religion, and the implications of belief in God for debatessurrounding topics such as torture and poverty.
(First year Hebrew does not count toward the completion of a major or minor in Jewish Studies)
Beginning Modern Hebrew, First Semester
HEBR 1010
First semester Hebrew is an introductory course designed for students with little or no prior knowledge of Hebrew. Begins with the Hebrew alphabet and develops rudimentary, conversational reading and writing skills. By the end of the semester students are expected to have attained basic understanding and expressive abilities in Hebrew. Credit not granted for this course and HEBR 1050.
Beginning Modern Hebrew, Second Semester
HEBR 1020
Builds on skills introduced in HEBR 1010, focusing on speaking, comprehension, reading and writing. Students learn new verbal tenses and paradigms. The course blends communicative method with formal grammatical instruction. By semester's end students will be able to speak, comprehend and write basic Hebrew. Department enforced prereq., HEBR 1010 (min. grade C-). Credit not granted for this course and HEBR 1050.
Intensive Beginning Modern Hebrew
HEBR 1050
Same material as HEBR 1010 and 1020 combined in one course. This course focuses on acquiring the basic ability to understand and speak modern Hebrew. Develops basic reading and writing skills and provides exposure to the fundamentals of Israeli culture. Credit not granted for this course and HEBR 1010 or HEBR 1020.
Intermediate Modern Hebrew, First Semester
HEBR 2110 Gen Ed: Language Requirement
Third semester Hebrew builds on skills introduced in the first two semesters and focuses on speaking, comprehension, reading and writing. Students learn new veral tenses and paradigms, modes of expression and syntactical forms. The course blends a communicative method with formal grammatical instruction. By the end of the semester students are expected to be able to converse in, comprehend, and produce written Hebrew at an intermediate level. Department enforced prereq., HEBR 1020 (minimum grade C-). Approved for GT-AH4. Meets MAPS requirement for foreign language.
Intermediate ModernHebrew, Second Semester
HEBR 2120 Gen Ed: Language Requirement
Focuses on texts, while still developing speaking, comprehension and writing skills. Students build on grammatical understanding while learning some of the more sophisticated verbal paradigms and nominal patterns. The course blends a communicative method with some formal grammatical instruction. By the end of this semester students are expected to converse in, comprehend, and produce written hebrew at an intermediate level. Department enforced prereq., HEBR 2110 (minimum grade C-).
Third Year ModernHebrew, First Semester
HEBR 3010
Focuses on students' active Hebrew language skills acquired in the first four semesters of Hebrew at 91 in weekly conversation and composition sessions. Develops grammatical understanding with a further exploration of the root, verbal and noun systems. Students are introduced to texts in contemporary Hebrew fiction and poetry, as well as some biblical readings. Department enforced prereq., HEBR 2120 (minimum grade C-) or instructor consent.
Third Year Modern Hebrew, Second Semester
HEBR 3020
Focuses on students' Hebrew language skills acquired in the first five semesters of Hebrew at 91 in weekly conversation and composition sessions. Develops grammatical understanding with a further exploration of the root, verbal and noun systems. Students are introduced to texts in contemporary Hebrew fiction and poetry, as well as some biblical readings, academic texts and Israeli newspapers. Department enforced prereq., HEBR 3010 (minimum grade C-).
BeginningBiblical Hebrew, First Semester
HEBR 1030
This course is designed to enable students to read the Hebrew Bible in the original language. The focus will be the ability to read the various genres of the text, utilizing both the tools of modern language acquisition and the study of classical grammar methods.
BeginningBiblical Hebrew, Second Semester
HEBR 1040
Building on HEBR 1030, this course continues to build expertise in reading the Hebrew Bible. Modern language acquisition and classical grammar study methods equip students with the tools to translate and read the various genres of the Biblical material. Prereq., HEBR 1030 or instructor consent.
Intermediate Biblical Hebrew, First Semester
HEBR 2030
Builds on linguistic skills acquired in first year biblical Hebrew. Develops students' reading comprehension and language production with textual assignments and writing exercises. Advances the study of complex grammatical forms.
Intermediate Biblical Hebrew, Second Semester
HEBR 2040
This course is a continuation of Intermediate Biblical Hebrew. Students will read longer passages, write at greater length and extend comprehension and speaking abilities.
Advanced Biblical Hebrew, FirstSemester
HEBR 3030
Develops students' understanding of the more complex linguistic challenges of Biblical Hebrew by reading both narrative and poetic biblical texts. We also revise in greater depth forms we have studied in the previous semesters and begin to look at the ways scholars have dealt with Hapax Legamona and other linguistic features that cannot be easily understood.
Introduction to Jewish History: Bible to 1492
JWST/HIST/RLST1818 Core: Historical Context
This course will focus on Jewish history from the Biblical period to the Spanish Expulsion in 1492. We will study the origins of a group of people who call themselves, and whom others call, Jews. We will focus on place, movement, power/powerlessness, gender, and the question of how to define Jews over time and place. This course introduces Jews as a group of people bound together by a particular set of laws. It will look at their dispersion and diversity, explore Jews’ interactions with surrounding cultures and societies, introduce the basic library of Jews, and analyze how Jews relate to political power. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: historical context.
Introduction to Jewish History: Since 1492
JWST/HIST 1828 Core: Historical Context
Surveys the major historical developments encountered by Jewish communities beginning with the Spanish Expulsion in 1492 up until the present day. We will study the various ways in which Jews across the world engaged with emerging notions of nationality, equality, and citizenship, as well as with new ideologies such as liberalism, socialism, nationalism, imperialism, and antisemitism. We will examine differing patterns of acculturation and assimilation, as Jews adopted numerous ways to negotiate the tension between the “particular” and the “universal.” By focusing both on European Jewry as well as the Jewish communities of the Middle East and North Africa, we will chart not one all-encompassing model of Jewish modernity, but a more variegated and complex story that unfolded. Approved for arts and sciences core curriculum: historical context.
Global History of Holocaust and Genocide
JWST/HIST/RLST1830Core: Historical Context
Examines the interplay of politics, culture, psychology and sociology to try to understand why the great philosopher Isaiah Berlin called the 20th century, "The most terrible century in Western history." Our focus will be on the Holocaust as the event that defined the concept of genocide, but we will locate this event that has come to define the 20th century within ideas such as racism, imperialism, violence, and most important, the dehumanization of individuals in the modern world.Topics covered include Native American and Indigenous genocide; HIV/AIDS; sexual violence; and the question of just war.
History of Modern Israel/Palestine
This course explores the history of modern Israel, a crossroad of Europe and Asia from the late Ottoman Empire to the present. Main topics will include nationalism and colonialism, development of Zionist ideology, development of Palestinian nationalism, establishment of the Jewish settlement (Yishuv) under British rule, the founding of the Jewish nation-state, relations with neighbors, and the aftermath of the 1956, 1967, 1973, and 1982 wars. Recommended prereqs., HIST/JWST/RLST 1818, HIST/JWST 1828, HIST 1308 or JWST/GSLL 2350.
Topics in Jewish History: Modern Childhood in Israel/Palestine
Historically, Palestinian and Israeli children have been part of different narratives, from victims, to martyrs to political actors. These narratives refer not only to the conflict but also to concepts of childhood, adulthood, agency, work, life cycle and culpability. In this course, we will read memoirs, academic monographs and fictional works in order to think about Israeli and Palestinian histories, as well as the history of childhood: a specific period in humans’ lifespans, and a cultural and political category. In addition to weekly readings and discussion, students in this upper division course will complete a final essay or creative project exploring one theme discussed in the course in more depth.Recommended prereqs., HIST/JWST/RLST1818 or HIST/JWST 1828 or JWST/GSLL 2350. Restricted to Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors.
Topics in Jewish History: Tel Aviv: Urban History and Culture
This seminar offers a multifaceted exploration of the city of Tel Aviv, founded in 1909 as a new Jewish garden suburb of the city of Jaffa, which it eventually annexed. Tel Aviv, planned from the ground up as a model Zionist city, was the site of Zionist political and cultural activity, a symbol for the movement’s development, and a space in which the meanings of Zionism have been continually contested. Through inquiries into urban studies, city planning, architecture, identity, space, politics, language, culture, and conflict we will use the prism of one metropolitan area to explore themes in urban studies, the history of Palestine and Israel, the tensions of Zionist and Israeli state building, and Israeli-Palestinian relations in the 20th and 21st centuries. Recommended prereqs., HIST/JWST/RLST1818 or HIST/JWST 1828 or JWST/GSLL 2350. Restricted to Sophomores, Juniors or Seniors.
History of Modern Jewish-Muslim Relations
Examines the modern history and culture of Jewish communities under Islamic rule in the Middle East and North Africa; Jews' and Muslims' encounters with empire, westernization and nationalism; representations of Sephardi and Eastern Jews; Jewish-Muslim relations in Europe and the U.S.; and contact and conflict between Jews and Muslims in (and about) Israel/Palestine. Sources include memoirs, diaries, newspapers and films.
Jewish Thought in Modern History*
Takes students on a journey from Medieval Spain to contemporary United States to explore how Jews, living in different societies, have attempted to reshape and interpret central Jewish values and beliefs in accordance with the prevailing ideas of their host societies. Focuses on the historical context of each Jewish society that produced the thinkers and ideas considered in this course. JWST 4454 and HIST 4454 are the same course.
*Formerly named "Jewish Intellectual History"
Modern European Jewish History
Focus on the last 500 years of European Jewish history, from 1492 until the present, to examine Jews' place in European history and how Europe has functioned in Jewish history. The course will not end with the Holocaust, since, although Hitler and the Nazis attempted to destroy European Jewish civilization, they did not succeed. Rather, this course will spend several weeks looking at European Jewish life in the past sixty year. Recommended prereq., HIST/JWST 1818 or HIST/JWST 1828 or HIST 1020. Same as HIST 4534.
History of Yiddish Culture
Jews have produced culture in Yiddish, the vernacular language of eastern European Jewry, for 1,000 years and the language continues to shape Jewish culture today. In this course we will look at the literature, film, theater, music, art, sound, and laughter that defined the culture of eastern European Jewry and, in the 20th century, Jews around the world. Recommended prereqs., HIST/JWST/RLST1818 or HIST/JWST1828or JWST/GSLL2350.
Jews of the American West
Explores the history of Jewish migration and settlement in the American West. Jewish pioneers in the nineteenth century included explorers, businessmen, and cowgirls that established small communities in territories that had not yet achieved statehood. As westward expansion progressed, Jews continued to find opportunity in the West, balancing assimilation with unique expressions of religious identity. The history of communal institutions including synagogues, hospitals and summer camps offers new perspectives on this underrepresented segment of American Jewry.
Modern Jewish History since 1880
Explores the experience of Jews in the United States from the 1880's when the great migration of Jews from Eastern Europe began, through the twentieth century. Students will explore the changing ways in which Jews adapted to life in the U.S., constructed American Jewish identities, and helped to participate in the construction of the United States as a nation.
Readings in Global History: Global History of Genocide
We will examine the interplay of politics, culture, psychology, and sociology to try to understand why the great philosopher Isaiah Berlin called the 20th century, “The most terrible century in Western history.” Our focus will be on the Holocaust as the event that defined the concept of genocide, but we will locate this event that has come to define the 20th century within ideas such as racism, imperialism, violence, and most important, the dehumanization of individuals in the modern world.
Contemporary Jewish Societies
JWST/IAFS/GSLL 3600 Core: Human Diversity
This course uses a transnational lens to explore contemporary debates about Jewish people, places and practices of identity and community; places that Jews have called home, and what has made, or continues to make, those people Jewish; issues of Jewish homelands and diasporas; gender, sexuality, food, and the Jewish body; religious practices in contemporary contexts. Readings drawn primarily from contemporay journalism and scholarship.
Topics in International Affairs and Jewish Studies
Explores topics in international affairs as it relates to Jewish culture and society. Subjects addressed under this heading vary according to student interest and faculty availability. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. IAFS 3610 and JWST 3610 are the same course.
History of Arab-Israeli Conflict
JWST/IAFS 3650 Core: Historical Context
Explores topics in international affairs as it relates to Jewish culture and society. Subjects addressed under this heading vary according to student interest and faculty availability. May be repeated up to 9 total credit hours. IAFS 3610 and JWST 3610 are the same course.
Introduces students to a wide range of musical styles, traditions, genres, performers, composers, events and works that are part of Jewish culture, focusing on the twentieth and twenty-first centuries. Provides tools for understanding music on its own and in connection with issues of identity, diaspora, memory and liturgy. Includes opportunities for creative and critical engagement with Jewish music.