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March Updates & Reminders

PIW Form Change (Taleo)

  • We will be transitioning this Spring to a new process for collecting personal information for employees such as students, lecturers and others that are not recruited through the Avature applicant tracking system.  We will be hosting a webinar about the change on March 13th at 9:00 a.m.  We will be sending an invitation with more guidance and materials.  Keep an eye out for those!

Leave Audit Request Form Available

  • The Leave Audit Request Form is now available on the HRSC website here.  These should be used when an employee is leaving their home department or the University or has a leave dispute.  Please route completed forms to HRSC for review and processing. 

Summer Salary Meetings

  • Keep an eye out for invitations to summer salary meetings to discuss changes to policy and forms for all tenure and tenure-track faculty summer compensation. These will occur in March.