
  • Naomi Hazarika
    Naomi Hazarika wins AAG Fellowship Award 2023 Naomi Hazarika, PhD student of Geography, has been awarded the AAG-Urban Geography Speciality Group Graduate Student Fellowship Award 2023. The Fellowship is intended to provide targeted support for
  • Holly Roth
    In honor of World Water Day on March 22, the Colorado State University Libraries are announcing a new wave of water research, thanks to the Libraries’ 2023 Water Scholar Award research grants.This year’s recipients are Holly Roth,
  • 3 Students' headshots
    Naomi Prachi Hazarika, Prakriti Mukerjee, and Priscilla Corbett have each been selected to receive an AY 22/23 Zena Hunter Andrews Graduate Student Award for the proposals they submitted to the Beverly
  • Phurwa Gurung
    Phurwa Gurung has been awarded the highly competitive Mellon International Dissertation Research Fellowship (IDRF) fellowship for 2022, funded by the Mellon Foundation. Phurwa was selected from a total of 870 applicants from graduate
  • Sade Cromratie Clemons
    Sade Cromratie Clemons has been awarded the Association for Women Geoscientists (AWG) Laramide Chapter GEOID Scholarship.We received many outstanding applications, and we are pleased to inform you that you were selected
  • Phurwa Gurung
    We are pleased to announce Phurwa Gurung's student paper received an award for his paper published in Geoforum in 2021. Phurwa will receive a 1000 euro award, which is intended to support conference
  • Sáde Cromratie Clemons
    The Indian Peaks Wilderness Association (IPWA) has awarded Sáde Cromratie Clemons a $2000 scholarship. Sáde studies forests' environmental and physiological responses to the 2013 Colorado Front Range flood and how
  • Katie Tyler
    Katie Tyler won a GIS in the Rockies (GISITR) competition for the most promising graduate student enrolled in a university or college in the Rocky Mountain region (Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nevada, Utah, Colorado, Arizona and
  • Katarena Mato
    We are pleased to announce Katarena Matos has been awarded an Achievement Rewards for College Scientists (ARCS) Foundation, Inc scholarship. Katarena is a PhD student of Geography.ARCS Foundation, Inc. is a national organization 
  • Phurwa Gurung
    The Dor Bahadur Bista Prize honors the life, career, and service of Dor Bahadur Bista, Nepal’s first anthropologist and former Honorary President of the ANHS predecessor organization, the Nepal Studies Association (NSA). The purpose of the
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