- Congratulations to the CU French Club for their 2022 Innovative Program Award! "This award is presented to an innovative student organization or club who successfully creates an impact on CU's campus with their work/ research/ design/ film/
- CU Italian Theater Class Presents: Le Smanie OLD MAIN CHAPEL Saturday, April 23rd- 7:00 pm Sunday, April 24th- 4:00 pm
- French Club Film Tout ce qui brille Thursday, March 17th ATLEC (Hellems 159) at 5:00 PM Here is the trailer for the film.
- February 24 5:00 pm The Hive at ALTEC All levels of French are welcome. We will have pastries from the French Café and candies for the winners! Visit us at CU French Club And check us out on Facebook!
- Professor Julia Prest University of St. Andrews, Scotland Monday, November 1st I 3:00p.m. I Virtual Public Lecture The Department of French and Italian presents this year’s Sadler lecture; please join us as Professor Julia Prest
- The Certificate in Art and Social Change allows students to engage with some of the most urgent issues in our societies, as they relate to justice, equality, and diversity.