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Graduate School Travel Grant Application Open 11/14-11/15

Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý The Graduate School offers partial funding for graduate students to present research findings at meetings or conferencesÌýoutside Colorado. The Graduate School provides a travel grant ofÌý$300 for domestic conferences and $500 for international conferences. Funds will be applied directly to the student's tuition account. If the account balance is zero, a refund via direct deposit will be disbursed by the Bursar's Office.ÌýThe grant is treated like a fellowship and reported to the Office of Financial Aid; therefore, please be aware it may affect your student loan package.ÌýThe grant is contingent on account funding by the Graduate School. The Graduate School Student Travel Grant for domestic (including Mexico and Canada) and international (excluding Mexico and Canada) travelÌýoccurringÌý1/1/19-3/31/19Ìýwill be open November 14 at 12:01AM MST and close at 11:59PM MST on November 15, 2018.Ìý

Note:ÌýIf you are planning to attend a conference, but do not have an acceptance letter/email yet – you should still apply! Simply upload your abstract for now, and when you have your acceptance, forward it toÌýgraduate.contest@colorado.edu.Ìý

Ìý Ìý Ìý Ìý Applications must be submitted through Academic Works: To access Academic Works, log into MyCUInfo and click on the Student Tab. Click on the Financial Aid tab, and then click "Apply for Scholarships" to access Academic Works. Search for the Graduate School Travel Grant and select the proper one (international or domestic) to apply.ÌýIf you are a first-time users of Academic Works you will be prompted to fill out a ‘general application’ before being able to search the system and apply to other grants, scholarships, etc. This general application will allow you to match automatically with other scholarships in the system, but is not required for the Graduate School opportunities. Therefore, if you would like to be considered for other possible scholarship opportunities feel free to thoughtfully fill out the general application. If you do not wish to be considered, you must still fill it out, but you can type N/A in the spaces. This formÌýis not required for this award and will not be considered during the judging.


Eligibility Requirements

If you received travel grant funding from the Graduate School during the last application cycle (May for current fall applicants, November for current spring applicants) you may not apply during this cycle. Masters students can receive travel fundingonce, and PhD students can receive fundingÌýtwiceÌýduring their studies at CU.

  • The applicant must be a full-time graduate student in good standing, and the travel must occur while the applicant is a current student.
  • The applicant must be traveling to a meeting or conference to present his/her own work or work on which he/she is the primary author.
  • An applicant receiving significant funding (over $500 for domestic travel and $1,000 for international) from an outside source (fellowship, stipend, scholarship, grant, departmental travel grant) is not eligible.ÌýÌý
  • The applicant must be enrolled during the term that the travel occurs (excluding summer).Ìý If the travel occurs during the summer (and the applicant is not enrolled), the grant will be applied to the fall bill.

Required elements on the application:

  • Applicant ID and contact information
  • Dates of Conference
  • Location of Conference
  • Department travel liaison contact information
  • Academic Advisor contact information
  • Applicant must confirm in writing by marking a checkbox that they have received their advisor’s approval for the travel
  • Supporting documents showing that you will be presenting at this conference (e.g. acceptance letter/email, program, abstract etc.)Ìý