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Thomas Jefferson Fund Grant Opportunity

The 2018 Thomas Jefferson Fund call for proposals is open! Launched in 2017 by the Embassy of France in the United States and the FACE Foundation, the Thomas Jefferson Fund encourages the global collaboration necessary for achieving groundbreaking scientific discoveries.Ìý Each year, it issues a call for proposals and fund projects led by two exceptional American and French researchers at the beginning of their careers, with mid- to long-term positions at a research or higher education institution in the United States or France. Submit your cutting-edge, highly original projects for the chance at a $20,000 grant amount spanning two years, meant to be split equally between the French and American teams. The funds will support transatlantic mobility of researchers, collaborative research activities, the organization of international workshops and conferences, and the publication of joint articles.

Grants will be awarded in each of the following fields:

  • Humanities and Social Sciences (SSH)
  • Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM)
  • Sciences for Society (interdisciplinary STEM-SSH projects)

Apply soon; the application deadline is March 12, 2018!