
  • Associate Professor

Dr. Labio is an associate professor of English, the director of theCenter for British & Irish Studies, and the founder and manager of the. She specializes in comparative approaches tothe study of literature, art, culture, philosophy, and economics since the seventeenth century.

Dr. Labio is the author ofOrigins and theEnlightenment: Aesthetic Epistemology from Descartes to Kant(Cornell University Press, 2004). She has editedBelgian Memories (Yale French Studies102, 2002) and co-editedThe GreatMirror of Folly: Finance, Culture, and the Crash of 1720(Yale University Press, 2013).She has published articles in leading journals, includingCritical Inquiry,YaleFrench Studies,Cinema Journal,SVEC(Studies on Voltaire and the Eighteenth Century), andEighteenth-Century Fiction. She is completing a monograph tentatively titledThe Architecture of Comics: Moving from the Page to the Museum.Other projects include a book-length study of the impact of the Mississippi Bubble on French and transatlantic cultures and an edited collection of bubble plays.

Dr. Labio has a Ph.D. in Comparative Literature from New York University. She has taughtin the Departments of Comparative Literature and French at Yale University, the EnglishDepartment of Reed College, and the Masters in Intercultural Management (MIME) of theBrussels Business School (ICHEC). The courses she teaches at 91include “The Global Eighteenth Century,” “History and Literature of Georgian Britain,”“Introduction to Literary Theory,” “Text andImage,” “Global Comics,” and “French-Language Comics” (in French).

Areas of Specialty

  • British Literature
  • Cultural Studies
  • Eighteenth Century Literature
  • Literary Theory
  • Popular Culture, Film, Digital Media