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Amanda Parker, CEAS alum and Senior Director of Enrollment Management

Amanda Parker and family
Amanda Parker is a CEAS alum, having earned her bachelor’s in chemical engineering and her master’s in engineering management. She spent several years working as a process engineer at an R&D company in Golden before returning to CEAS in 2012. Amanda has spent the past 10 years in various roles in recruitment, admissions, and enrollment. She is passionate about broadening participation in STEM and increasing access for students who want to pursue a CU engineering degree. Additionally, Amanda shares her knowledge on effective recruitment practices with other colleges and universities throughout the country, specifically in regard to using data to amplify impact.

Amanda lives in Denver with her husband, James, and two daughters, Violet (4) and Olive (2).

What’s the best way for others to collaborate effectively with you?
I love talking to others in CEAS and across campus about how our work could overlap. Let’s grab coffee and brainstorm!

Describe one of your favorite traditions.
One of my favorite parts of having kids is getting to relive my childhood through them! I love creating big traditions around the holidays and small traditions that my kids will remember when they are adults, such as getting frozen yogurt after swim lessons or bagels after ballet. In CEAS, one of my favorite traditions is eating McDonald’s breakfast with my team before early morning recruiting events. Clearly, my traditions revolve around food!

What has been your favorite work or personal project so far?
The Admitted Women’s Mocktail Party for sure! It is something we dreamed up about 10 years ago. It has grown from a couple hundred people crammed into the DLC Collaboratory and my team covered in fruit trying to make mocktails, to a huge event with corporate sponsors and alums attending long after they’ve graduated. I love hearing the impact this event has made on many of our students. If you want to attend this year, let me know!

What’s something most people don’t know about you?  
My husband and I met as students in CEAS, and we have several matchmaking professors to thank all of these years later.

One thing you’re willing to spend way too much on...
Skincare and dining out at delicious restaurants. My current favorite restaurant is Uchi in Denver. I will gladly talk your ear off over either of these subjects!

What is your guilty pleasure?
Taylor Swift, TikTok, and sending my kids to the grandparents’ for an overnight.

What was the first concert you attended?
In 7th grade I went to The Barenaked Ladies concert with family friends. The band pulled all of the redheads onto the stage, and the man next to me decided to streak! My poor parents learned about this from the evening news. First and most memorable concert!