
  • mashed potato cakes
    Don't let your leftovers go to waste this holiday season. Here are a few recipe ideas to combine leftovers into tasty new meals.
  • jar with scoby forming
    SCOBY -- symbiotic culture of bacteria and yeast -- could transform the leather industry.
  • meat growing in a lab dish
    Lab grown meat sounds like a concept for the distant future, but with modern technology, it is closer than ever to being on your dinner table. Lab grown meat, or cultured meat, is produced when stem cells from an animal are taken and grown
  • pumpkin puree
    Here are ideas to use your pumpkins instead of throwing them away.
  • summer picnic blanket
    Summer might be a great time to relax, but that doesn't mean you should relax your standards of sustainability. Here are some zero waste activities and tips to keep in mind. In 91¸£ÀûÉç Visit the farmers market on Wednesdays from 4-8 p.m.
  • vegetables on a table
    Do you want to make a difference but aren't sure where to begin? Consider participating in meatless Mondays! Meatless Mondays are a great way to begin incorporating plant-based meals into your diet, while also showing a little love to our
  • vegetables on a table
    We've all seen labels on foods at the grocery store: organic. But what does "organic" actually mean? Is the food healthier? Read on to learn more about the benefits and positive impacts of organic foods. What does organic mean? USDA certified
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