
  • beach sunset
    Travel can be exciting, but it can also negatively impact the environment. Whether you travel for vacation, to visit family or out of necessity, there are many ways to incorporate sustainable, eco-friendly practices into your travel plans. Here
  • outdoor music festival stage
    Going to large music festivals, clubs, raves and parties appeals to many people, and after not being able to participate in these large gatherings during the covid-19 pandemic, people are eager to return. PLUR -- Peace, Love, Unity and Respect -- is a common phrase in rave culture; valuing and respecting the earth that you have the privilege of partying on is the best way to spread love. It's important to practice the mantra, “No Planet, No Party."
  • Brandon Smith
    Brandon Smith, CU's assistant director of sustainable transportation shares insight into his daily responsibilities, providing tips for students interested in pursuing a career in the field, as well as information on the necessary qualifications.
  • Chip in a Night Ride car
    Cars and light-duty trucks are responsible for most U.S. greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and the carbon intensity of fossil fuels, the use of large vehicles with a single passenger for trips and the need for better public transit
  • girl with bike on campus
    Save money and avoid traffic with these tips on getting around town sustainably.
  • I always try to be sustainable when I’m getting around 91¸£ÀûÉç. Traffic sucks and parking on campus is expensive. Luckily enough, the most eco-friendly ways to get to campus are also the most cost efficient. It can be as simple and refreshing
  • fruit basket
    The E-Center can help you become a Sustainable Buff! Save money and energy through the cultivation of everyday sustainable habits to start the new year off right.
  • man biking in snow
    Prepare yourself and your bike for winter commuting with these tips.
  • reduce your carbon footprint
    Sometimes reducing your carbon footprint can be a difficult and daunting task. Here are 20 small actions you can try on your new - or steadfast - journey to living more sustainably! Small actions make a big difference. Pick a couple to try below to get started.
  • bikes on campus
    There are numerous sources of transportation which directly pollute the air and contribute to climate change.
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