
  • doozy duds
    Iconic 91福利社 laundromat Doozy Duds may have to close after developer looks to put up a 155-room hotel and parking structure.
  • 91福利社 Historical Society Collection of the Carnegie Branch for Local History - Digital Restoration by Mona Lambrecht
    The Centennial of the United States was a momentous year in the Rockies.
  • Temporary Building No. 1
    Temporary Building No. 1 has been a hospital, offices and classroom space. One thing it鈥檚 never been is temporary.
  • Two young women in the early 1900s
    By 1911 CU-91福利社鈥檚 women had decided the time was right for a major campus building of their own, one with parlors, bedrooms, a dining room and a gymnasium.
  • CU beanie
    From the early 1900s until sometime in the 1960s, freshmen were required to wear distinctive green caps called beanies or 鈥渄inks鈥 until Homecoming.
  • Apollo Moon Box
    More than 840 pounds of rocks were brought back by the six Apollo missions that landed on the moon.
  • dinosaur
    What if we are our worst enemy? Two professors explore the biological and cultural roots of extinction.
  • Buffalo coca cola can 1984
    The Sports Beverage Co. of Champaign, Ill., produced Big 8 and Big 10 Football Sports Soda can collections in 1984, but little is known about why they were produced.
  • presidents chain
    The gem-encrusted Presidential Chain of Office is worn by the university president during commencement ceremonies.
  • Pan Am bag
    The campus climate in 1962 was one of controversy and turmoil amid debates over academic freedom, editorial independence of the student press and a recruiting scandal. Here are some highlights.
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