Books by Alums
- by Debra Elaine Medina (Jour'79) (Page Publishing, 344 pages; 2019) Buy the Book Matt Shaw trudged into his future: job, marriage, homeownership, expensive acquisitions. In spite of his growing indifference, it seemed too late to
- by Laurel Richardson (PhDSoc'62) (Brill/Sense, 140 pages; 2019) Buy the Book On her death bed, Laurel Richardson’s sister whispers a deep family secret to her. Those whispered words send the famed sociologist and author on a
- by Isabel Martinez (MEdu'02) (Rutgers University Press, 278 pages; 2019) Buy the Book Becoming Transnational Youth Workers contests mainstream notions of adolescence with its study of a previously under-documented cross-
- by Aby Kaupang and Matthew Cooperman (MEngl'92) (Futurepoem Books, 160 pages; 2019) Buy the Book NOS (disorder, not otherwise specified) is a journey of two writers who become lovers who become parents of a special needs
- By Eric Steven Zimmer (Vantage Point Press, 347 Pages; 2019) Buy the Book Stanford M. Adelstein (CivEngr, Fin'55) led his family’s heavy construction and real estate firm, the Northwestern Engineering Company, for decades. He
- by Sandra S. McRae (MEngl'90) (FutureCycle Press, 98 pages; 2019) Buy the Book In poems shaped by nature, news stories, and the sine wave of motherhood, Sandra S. McRae shows us the miracles embedded in the everyday. She
- By Linda Sasser (PhDPsych'81) (Brain and Memory Health, 166 pages; 2019) Buy the Book In this practical book, Linda Sasser introduces you to basic information about your brain and helps you understand the differences between
- From a traditional Ethiopian home to the shores of his new home in the United States, struggle and a constant state of learning have been Abel Laeke’s continual companions.
- Stopped up by dams, slaked off by irrigation, and dried up by cities, the Green River is crucial, overused, and at risk, now more than ever.