Media Studies

  • History overlooked Lucile Berkeley Buchanan, the first black woman to graduate from the University of Colorado, but journalism has brought her back into view. 
  • Madonna
    Scholars at the Center for Media, Religion and Culture look back through the decades to examine how media, religion and culture converge, from a 1956 box office record breaker to a confession app.
  • Flags
    Students envision new flags for the city.
  • Lucile
    Polly McLean, our associate professor of Media Studies, has spent years digging through historical archives across the country to uncover the story of Lucile Berkeley Buchanan (Ger’18), who was CU’s first black female graduate 100 years ago, but was not allowed to walk at graduation. McLean says, "A desire to understand the university’s reasoning for dismissing her achievement motivated me to dig deeper, and thus began my search for Lucile."
  • Illustration
    Our scholars take on fake news, forecast the flu and discuss religious messages in the media.
  • Timeline
    Explore the historic milestones that formed the changing landscape of media, communication and information.
  • Christopher Bell
    Media studies scholar and dad Christopher Bell (PhDMediaSt’09) joins forces with Pixar to improve children's media.
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