Tools and Resources

Looking for help but not sure where to turn? We’ve created this comprehensive guide for students, staff and faculty. If you can’t find what you’re looking foror know of a resource that you think should be on this page, reach out to the AD of DEI, Lisa Flores.

We recommend the following relevant materials:

  • by Ibram X. Kendi
  • by Robin DiAngelo
  • by Jennifer L. Eberhardt
  • by Catherine Halley

If you enjoy podcasts, we suggest devoting time to the following:

You can also read the writings byCMCIfaculty, including:

  • by Associate Professor of JournalismAngie Chuang for the²󾱲ԲٴDzʴDz
  • by Assistant Professor of Communication Joëlle Cruz forDepartures in Critical Qualitative Research
  • by Associate Professor of Media Studies Nabil Echchaibi forAl Jazeera
  • "Disciplinary Containment: Whiteness and the Academic Scarcity Narrative" by Associate Professor of Communication Lisa Flores and Communication Doctoral Candidate Logan Rae Gomez forCommunication and Critical/Cultural Studies

There are also self-paced online courses available to you through Coursera:

  • , developed by Ethnic Studies Doctoral Candidate Shawn O’Neal and Professor of Ethnic Studies Jennifer Ho
  • , developed by the 91 Center for Teaching and Learning

What do you need help with?

Don’t Ignore It
This campus site is an incredible resource center for seeking confidential support, reporting concerns and learning skills for helping others. Explore the What to Report, Get SupportԻ How to Help tabs for a sense of the rich offerings compiled here. The key message? Don’t ignore mental health concerns, harassment, discriminatory actions, unwanted sexual behavior, abuse in a relationship, stalking and other abusive behavior. There are options!

Support and Advocacy

Student Support

  • CMCI Academic Advising
    Undergraduate advising resources related to degree planning and graduation requirements
  • Disability Services
  • Resources for students with disabilities, and support for faculty and staff who are working with students with disabilities
  • Center for Inclusion and Social Change
  • International Student and Scholar Services
    Support for international students and scholars in pursuing their educational, researchԻ/or professional objectives at the university through comprehensive advising, engagement and programming and advocacy efforts.
  • Student Conduct & Conflict Resolution
    Resources for either reporting or navigating the process of student conduct or honor code violations.
  • Veteran Affairs
    A one-stop shop for all programs, policies, pay, information and support for prospective and current student veterans and veteran dependents.
  • Counseling and Psychiatric Services (CAPS)
    Confidential, on-campus mental health and psychiatric services for a variety of concerns such as academics, anxiety, body image, depression, relationships, substance use and more.
  • Office of Victims Assistance (OVA)
    Free and confidential information,consultation, support, advocacy and short term counseling services for students who haveexperienced a traumatic,disturbing or life disruptive event. OVA is not a part of the police department or the Office of Institutional Equity and Compliance, and isa confidential resource for students, staff and faculty.
  • CU Collegiate RecoveryCenter (CUCRC)
    Open to students in recovery or those seeking support foralcohol or drug use or other addictive behaviors, as well as those who areinterested in being part of a healthy, sober community.

Faculty and Graduate Student Professional Support and Mentoring

  • On-demand access to the mentoring, tools, and support you need to be successful in the Academy. Free subscription for University of Colorado faculty and graduate students. Just click “Become a Member,” enter your institutional infoԻ start utilizing these incredible resources!

Writing Support

  • Writing Center
    One-on-one writing services that are free to CU students, faculty, alumni and university associates
  • Graduate Writing Program
    Writing support programs that are catered to graduate students

  • A one-stop shop for all kinds of professional support and mentoring resources for graduate students and faculty, but the specific tips, tools, and programs to enhance writing and research productivity are fantastic. As noted above, free subscription for University of Colorado faculty and graduate students. Just click “Become a Member,” enter your institutional infoԻ start utilizing these incredible resources!

Additional Services

  • Housing options and resources for students, staffԻ faculty
  • CU NightRide
    Free nighttime transportation provided to students, staff, and faculty
  • Medical Services
    Comprehensive guides for health care services for either students or CU employees
  • Scholarships
    Opportunities for scholarships available to students, staff, and faculty

    Resources to help you start engaging with DEI today

    CU Dialogues Program
    Provides dialogic trainings and facilitates dialogues in classrooms and other campus community settings, in order to enhance participants’ critical thinking, reflective listening and perspective-taking on complex issues.

    CU Diversity and Inclusion Summit
    A free conference occurring in the fall and spring semester on issues of diversity and inclusion, open to 91 and CU System students, faculty, and staff.

    Center for Inclusion and Social Change
    Provides programs, events, and trainings to help students find community and support all aspects of their identity.

    Center for Teaching and Learning (forthcoming)

    Inclusive Communities of Practice
    90-minute sessions organized around a topic related to diversity, inclusion, equity, social justiceԻ human interaction. These conversations are meant to be “brave spaces” where faculty, staff and students can talk honestly about areas of concern and practice techniques.

    Want to join DEI efforts beyond CMCI? Here’s how!

    Student Involvement

    Faculty and Staff Associations

    • Latinx Faculty and Staff Association
    • Black Faculty Association
    • Pacific Asian Faculty and Staff Association