
  • Bocklin's painting of the cyclops, polyphemus battling Odysseus
    Dr. Callier explores the Cyclops' appearances from archaic Greece to the early Roman Empire. Thursday, February 18th at 7pm.
  • woman sitting on chair with raven
    Our 2020 McClanahan Essay Prize winner, Florencia Foxley, discusses the power of Maternity in ancient Greek literature. Thursday, February 4th at 5pm.
  • Roman Emperor Augustus from Narona, Croatia
    Often neglected by Classical scholars, the coastal region of Dalmatia in southern Croatia held significant appeal to the ancient Greeks and Romans for over a thousand years.
  • Landscape of the Western Argolid region of Southern Greece
    Come and hear how this area of Southern Greece has responded to the tides of 6,000 years of inhabited history.
  • Historic photo of family at gravesite
    Erin Baxter explores the history, demographics and archaeology of Colorado cemeteries and shares findings of CU-91¸£ÀûÉç student-led research at the Colombia cemetery.
  • Colorado Classics Day 2019
    On Saturday October 3rd, the 91¸£ÀûÉç Department of Classics is proud to (virtually) host Colorado Classics Day, an educational outreach event connecting middle- and high-school students from across the state with faculty at 91¸£ÀûÉç and other colleges throughout Colorado. Students will learn fun facts about the ancient world, see how college Classicists teach their favorite subjects, and even get advice about majoring in Classics or pursuing it as a career!
  • Coliseum
    Congratulations to all of our Classics Graduates!
  • Fulvia in recline (Pavel Svedomsky (1849-1904))
    Fulvia and the Perusine WarCelia Schultz, University of MichiganThursday, March 5th I 5:00p.m. I HUMN 135 Who was Fulvia?  Was she the driving force during the siege of Perugia in 43 BCE, leading men into battle? This lecture will explore
  • 2020 Fountaiun Symposium Image
    Jewish Identity in the Hellenistic World
  • Mediterranean Landscape
    Imperial Integration on Rome's Atlantic RimCarlos Noreña, University of California, BerkeleyMonday, February 17th I 5:00p.m. I HUMN 250 This paper investigates the Atlantic rim of the Roman world. This macroregion, a sort of ecological "
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