News and Events

  • Lauri Reitzammer
    The Department of Classics congratulates Lauri Reitzammer! Lauri Reitzammer has won a LEAP (Leadership Education for Advancement and Promotion) Growth Grant, that will give her a teaching release next academic year to work on her
  • Bol Croatia
    The Department of Classics congratulates Sarah James!Sarah James has been awarded a CU Research and Innovation Seed Grant, a major grant that will support two seasons (in 2021 and 2022) of the Classics Department’s new 
  • Fulvia in recline (Pavel Svedomsky (1849-1904))
    Fulvia and the Perusine WarCelia Schultz, University of MichiganThursday, March 5th I 5:00p.m. I HUMN 135 Who was Fulvia?  Was she the driving force during the siege of Perugia in 43 BCE, leading men into battle? This lecture will explore
  • Tyler Lansford
    The Department of Classics congratulates Tyler Lansford on his promotion to Senior Instructor!Tyler Lansford (Ph.D. Washington 1991) is primarily interested in the historical topography of the city of Rome from antiquity to the present. His
  • Greek Text
    All Classics undergraduates should limber up for the Matthew Dwyer Translation competition. This will take place on Monday, 2nd March, in HUMN 345, at 2-4:30 pm and Tuesdaty, 3rd March, in HUMN 350, at 1:30-4
  • 2020 Fountaiun Symposium Image
    Jewish Identity in the Hellenistic World
  • Classics Dusinberre and MCDB Detweiller
    Excellent research fuels exceptional teaching, and vice versa
  • Mediterranean Landscape
    Imperial Integration on Rome's Atlantic RimCarlos Noreña, University of California, BerkeleyMonday, February 17th I 5:00p.m. I HUMN 250 This paper investigates the Atlantic rim of the Roman world. This macroregion, a sort of ecological "
  • Douris Man with wax tablet
    OFFERING BEGINNING CLASSICAL GREEK Beginning Classical Greek provides an opportunity for highly motivated students to immerse themselves in the study of ancient Greek so that they may progress rapidly through Greek grammar and
  • Space and Spectacle Keynote Poster
    2020 Classics Graduate Colloquium conference: Space and spectacle in the ancient worldVision, Power, and Identity in Roman CultureKeynote: Dr. Sarah Levin-Richardson, University of WashingtonFriday, January 31, 5:00pmEaton Humanities, 1B80View more
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