Student Awards

  • Stacey Skaalure
    Stacey Skaalure, who recently received her Ph.D. under the advisement of Associate Professor Stephanie Bryant, has been named a Whitaker Scholar. The Whitaker International Program provides funding to emerging leaders in biomedical
  • Congratulations to all the honorees at this year's ChBE Awards Banquet! Undergraduate Student Awards Donald F. Othmer Sophomore Academic Excellence (CHEN) Afnan Alghannam Donald F. Othmer Sophomore Academic Excellence (CHEN) Andrew
  • Duncan Chadly
    Undergraduate Duncan Chadly has received the 2014 Genentech Outstanding Student Award. This award includes both a scholarship and an optional summer internship. It was founded to recognize outstanding students in disciplines related to
  • Rachel Viger
    Chemical engineering student and varsity Cross Country Team member Rachel Viger has been honored with a number of awards as she finishes up her undergraduate career.Viger received a University of Colorado 2014 Scholar-Athlete Award
  • Kayla Weston
    Kayla Weston has been awarded the Colorado Engineering Council鈥檚 2014 Silver Medal, the top honor given annually to a graduating senior.This marks the sixth time the medal has gone to a ChBE student in the last ten years.In addition to a
  • Kayla Weston took 1st place in the Materials Engineering and Sciences Division Undergraduate Student Poster Competition at the AIChE 2013 Annual Meeting in San Francisco for her poster titled 鈥滱 Method for Clean H2 Generation from
  • Jia Chew
    Congratulations to Dr. Jia Chew, who was awarded the 2013 AIChE Best Ph.D. Thesis in Particle Technology for her experimental research on the impact of polydispersity on multiphase flows. Dr. Chew received her Ph.D. in Chemical
  • Fairview High School student Michael Chen, 16, has had a busy spring award season. Michael has conducted research on zeolite membranes in the Falconer lab under the guidance of Associate Professor Hans Funke since the Fall
  • Tyler Martin and Matt McBride
    Congratulations to graduate students Tyler Martin and Matt McBride, both of whom have received prestigious NSF Graduate Fellowships. Both were NSF-REU students in our department before joining ChBE as graduate students.Tyler is advised by Arthi
  • Katie Lewis
    Katie Lewis, a graduate student in the Anseth lab, received a 2013 Whitaker International Program Summer Grant to work for two months this summer with Professor Justin Cooper-White's group at the Australian Institute for Bioengineering &
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