student-grants /center/benson/ en CU in DC Student Interns on Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant /center/benson/2019/04/01/cu-dc-student-interns-capitol-hill-through-cwctp-student-grant CU in DC Student Interns on Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 04/01/2019 - 16:03 Tags: newsarchive18-19 student-grants

In fifth grade, I took a standard family vacation to Washington, D.C., and became enamored with the city: the masses of suits and high heels, the countless monuments and historic buildings, and the endless hustle and bustle. It was enthralling yet intimidating, and that trip sparked my love for the nation’s capital. If you told ten-year-old me that one day I would have the opportunity to live in this magical land of politics and business, I’d say it was too good to be true. As a first-generation college student from a small farm town in Colorado, studying and interning in Washington, D.C. for a semester (during the peak cherry blossom bloom in the spring, no less) was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I’ll cherish forever.

This semester studying “abroad” has given me the chance to further myself academically, professionally, and personally. While most students in the CU in D.C. program take classes as a 91 cohort, I have had the unique opportunity to take classes through the Washington Media Institute with students from various universities. The program focuses on “intensive coursework, personalized internship placement, and site visits to meet with successful professionals” working across multiple fields. I’ve been able to network with experts within my areas of journalism and business while also refining my critical media skills like video editing, story-telling, interviewing, and operating under strict deadlines. We’ve had the opportunity to visit the world-renowned public relations firm Powell Tate and speak with the CEO, a 91 alumnus, as well as the FOX News studio where we met anchor Tucker Carlson. In addition, I was able to create a business model and present it to actual investors, similar to the television show “Shark Tank.” While we did have a traditional classroom environment, it was heavily supplemented with interactive visits and guest speakers who highlighted how the skills we’ve acquired can be integrated and applied in our internships and eventually the workforce post-graduation.

My internship far exceeded my expectations and dreams of working on Capitol Hill. Interning for a Texas Republican in the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives was an incredible experience full of exciting legislation and political conflict in the 116th Congress. I gained experience managing news and social media, guiding U.S. Capitol tours, providing excellent correspondence and customer service to constituents, and researching and compiling legislative information. What made it most worthwhile, though, were the people I was able to work alongside through it all. The folks in the office were some of the most genuine, patient, and supportive people I’ve met, as was the Congressman. They all wanted to see me succeed in completing not only the goals of the Congressman, but also those of my own personal and professional life, and I couldn’t imagine working in any other office. The opportunities for political networking and professional development in D.C. are unparalleled, and truly surpassed any simulation or presentation I could have listened to in a classroom.  

As I return to 91 to complete my senior year, I can’t wait to share the experiences I’ve had and incorporate what I’ve learned into my final semesters. This time in Washington, D.C. allowed me to contemplate my career aspirations and open doors for a future in politics and beyond. As a young, politically-driven and patriotic American, living in the heart of our nation’s highly-charged political climate was a dream come true. I’m forever grateful for the opportunity I had to live, learn, and work in D.C., and I can definitively say there’s no place I’d rather be.

 Lindsey Nichols, CU in DC Internship Scholarship Recipient


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Mon, 01 Apr 2019 22:03:27 +0000 Anonymous 789 at /center/benson
CU in DC Student Studies and Interns on Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant /center/benson/2019/03/11/cu-dc-student-studies-and-interns-capitol-hill-through-cwctp-student-grant CU in DC Student Studies and Interns on Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 03/11/2019 - 12:43 Tags: newsarchive18-19 student-grants

       For the past semester, I have been studying and interning in Washington, D.C. as a part of the CU in D.C. program. I have thoroughly enjoyed every part of my experience here in D.C and am very grateful for this opportunity. I have grown immensely as a student, professional, and as a person. This program has provided me with professional experience in my relevant field of interest while giving me the opportunity to immerse myself into a different culture and find my bearings in a new city that incorporates a different way of life than I am used to. The lessons I have learned through these experiences, my internship, and my classes have shaped the course of my future career and allowed me to develop a feasible path to follow after graduation.

       I started out college with just a Political Science major but later decided to add Psychology as a second major to make my skill-set more versatile and applicable to diplomatic and foreign policy interests. I find that my knowledge of the human brain helps me in my interactions with others and expands my complex for relating to others, a key component of diplomatic cooperation that establishes the foundation of the maintenance of national security. The psychology behind politics and international behavior of how the brain can guide how people aggregate, lead and make decisions interests me. As I dive deeper into my education and my adult life, the more I understand not only how influential America is on the world but also how influential the world is on America.

       I am currently an intern in a U.S. Senator’s office which has provided me with an incomparable experience where I spend every day traveling through and around the U.S. Capitol. I have learned so much about Congress and the legislative process while refining my professional skills and experiences to prepare me for my future career endeavors. I have learned incredibly valuable skills throughout my internship that I never could have learned from simply sitting in a classroom. When I am not at work or in class, I have spent my time exploring the ins and outs of this incredibly complex city with endless opportunities for exploration. This city is full of important parts of our country’s history along with a young and vibrant twist full of good food and social gatherings.

       I have loved my experience here so much that I am continuing my experience by pursuing another internship this summer. I will be interning for the American Academy of Diplomacy in order to gain experience with diplomacy and foreign policy while also gaining exposure to the experiences of former U.S. Ambassadors in order to delineate what career path I will follow after school.

 Bailey McCue, CU in DC Internship Scholarship Recipient


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Mon, 11 Mar 2019 18:43:17 +0000 Anonymous 781 at /center/benson
Student Experiences 2018 Midterm Election in D.C. through CWCTP Student Grant /center/benson/2019/02/05/student-experiences-2018-midterm-election-dc-through-cwctp-student-grant Student Experiences 2018 Midterm Election in D.C. through CWCTP Student Grant Anonymous (not verified) Tue, 02/05/2019 - 12:41 Tags: newsarchive18-19 student-grants

My name is Katiana Hutchinson and I am senior here at 91 studying Spanish and International Affairs. While I find both disciplines to be entirely enjoyable, I was not given work assignments in either subject matter. The magnificent wonder and awe of the DC monuments did not subside under a Trump administration. The late night pizza parlors did not shut during the Kavanaugh hearings. Most importantly to me, the parks hidden in the unpopulated crevasses of the city did not vanish during days when the sun was hugging us all so tightly, nor during the days when the freezing rain would prevail. Oh no. The District of Columbia - a city that refuses to take a day off - taught me lessons I didn’t even know I needed to learn.

I was fortunate enough to earn an internship in the US House of Representatives as an intern for former Congressman and current Governor of Colorado, Jared Polis. What an honor this was. To walk the very halls where policy that legitimized my right to work there at all was an overwhelming feeling. The tasks I responsible for consisted mostly of maintaining a hospitable attitude. Constituent calls, office meetings, capitol tours, cloak-room runs, briefing memos, and eventually closing down the office. These tasks populated my schedule 9-5. I would argue that they “used my mine, and they never gave me credit” but only a fool would let that drive them crazy if they let it. It was a sheer pleasure to not only be working at the pleasure of my college town Congressman, but it was a privilege to work on behalf of my peers, family, and neighbors. Three times during the semester, in fact, ultimate frisbee teammates of mine came to DC and found time to receive a personalized Capitol Tour by yours truly.

Much like House of Cards or The West Wing my experience was not (not that I had any expectations of that being the case). Sitting in literally any seat in Congress is a humbling affair. My first day that I was sent to a lunch briefing, I was so nervous, I didn’t even seek out the food….if you knew me, your mouth would be agape. I came earlier than I had ever (come for anything in my life, sat in the front, for fear I would miss a word or key statistic that The Congressman would certainly expect, and all hell would break loose. It should suit you to know that this didn’t happen. In fact, I learned the ropes of Congress (or rather the physical structure) faster than I had anticipated. I discovered the secret hallways and corridors and passageways that led me to a point of interest but circumvented the tourists. It was only after three weeks when the label of tourist was thrust from my demeanor and I felt like I was a part of the clock that used every part to perform its function, however small or slowly. This was a very gratifying feeling indeed.

My favorite task was giving Capitol Tours to my Colorado constituents. This part of the job truly made me feel important and involved. During the time of the Kavanaugh hearings, DC in the AM was far different than DC during the PM. DC by morning involved banging of drums and marching protestors and chanting of survivors and the ringing of sirens. At one time, I attempted to enter the Hart Senate Office Building for an afternoon briefing, and I was escorted away from a hallway that was shutdown do to protestors in the building. On the northeast side of the Capitol Building, one grassroots rally was competing with a rally sponsoring Senator Elizabeth Warren in front of the Supreme Court.

It was very unclear to me what was common and what was stranger than fiction. Being in DC during this past Fall Semester was an interesting time to be in DC, given the state (an soon to be future state) of our Presidential Administration and the high tides and rolling waves of the 2018 Midterm election. Come late October, I would confident in saying that 50% of the Congressional Office Buildings were not shut down due to the extremely high number of persons re-running for office, but the offices were instead run by us newly free from puberty interns - plenty stil teenagers. This alone shocked me than anything else in DC. Because of the high stakes of the midterms, many Senators and Reps., much like mine, entrusted their staff with full focus and commitment until their return. This was empowering to say the least.

Although my interactions with Rep. Polis were much more limited than I had anticipated, however, the office environment reminded me much of being back at CU on the Ultimate Frisbee team, Kali. Quirky personalities and decisive behavior make for a strong and dynamic team. Much like Kali, each member of the staff in my office presented me with such a healthy example of balancing professionalism with comradery. I saw this often here at CWCTP, and I saw it void of any partisan division. Although it was an experience of a lifetime working for my representative, it saddened me that my office and I were limited on who were could work with and who we could fraternize with. I truly did witness a time in America's history where our leaders display some of the most divisive, close-minded behavior. Sometimes, the best lesson for someone like me to learn is what to do so not to repeat the same mistakes. This is an imperfect nation, lacking inclusive leadership. I cannot wait to go back and show DC what all I’ve learned since living there.

-Katiana Hutchinson


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Tue, 05 Feb 2019 19:41:36 +0000 Anonymous 735 at /center/benson
Student Studies Ancient Greek to Pursue Contemporary Epistemology and Philosophy of Western Religion /center/benson/2018/09/06/student-studies-ancient-greek-pursue-contemporary-epistemology-and-philosophy-western Student Studies Ancient Greek to Pursue Contemporary Epistemology and Philosophy of Western Religion Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 09/06/2018 - 12:25 Tags: newsarchive17-18 student-grants

I used my CWCTP grant to study ancient Greek independently over summer, 2018. I progressed through many chapters of From Alpha to Omega, the textbook used at CU-91 which covers grammatical concepts (etc.) for beginner-level students. Originally, I had hoped this project would help my study of ancient Greek philosophy; as I now aim to pursue contemporary epistemology and philosophy of (western) religion, I hope that my understanding of Greek aids in the latter aim.

A special thanks to Kathleen Ragland of CWCTP, who worked (tirelessly!) with me in an attempt to add me to beginner's Greek I and II over the summer. While ultimately to no avail in my case, it now appears philosophy grad students will have less difficulty doing so in the future.

-Jonathyn Zapf


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Thu, 06 Sep 2018 18:25:37 +0000 Anonymous 611 at /center/benson
Ph.D. Candidate Learns German Skills to Work on Dissertation Project /center/benson/2018/09/05/phd-candidate-learns-german-skills-work-dissertation-project Ph.D. Candidate Learns German Skills to Work on Dissertation Project Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 09/05/2018 - 11:25 Tags: student-grants

I utilized my 2018 CWCTP grant to partially fund my enrollment in GRMN 1500 during the Summer A Session at CU.  This course, taught by Doctor Berit Jany of the Department of Germanic and Slavic Languages and Literatures, is intended to introduce graduate students to German grammatical concepts, and to help train them to be capable of reading German documents related to their discipline or field.  My experience in the course was a very positive one, and the skills I learned from the textbook exercises and Professor Jany’s instruction have allowed me to begin translating and analyzing German language documents critical to my dissertation project.  These have included a number of German propaganda pamphlets from the era of the First World War outlining postwar German imperialist claims in Africa and the South Pacific Islands, as well as propaganda documents refuting British charges that the Germans had committed atrocities as colonial rulers. 

I am grateful for the support provided by the CWCTP which has allowed me to pursue this interesting avenue of research. 

-Travis R May, Ph.D. Candidate, CU Department of History


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Wed, 05 Sep 2018 17:25:48 +0000 Anonymous 606 at /center/benson
Student Learns German while Experiencing the Capital City of Berlin /center/benson/2018/09/05/student-learns-german-while-experiencing-capital-city-berlin Student Learns German while Experiencing the Capital City of Berlin Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 09/05/2018 - 11:03 Tags: newsarchive17-18 student-grants

During the summer of 2018, I was given the opportunity to study German in Berlin, Germany on the Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy Summer Language Grant. I was able to have this experience just before entering my senior year at CU, and I believe that the time I spent learning and German and living in Berlin have a paved a way towards a new future for myself. My goal for the summer was to greatly improve my German language skills and in order to do so, I took 6 weeks of intensive German classes at the Goethe Institute, an international renown German language school and cultural exchange center. Not only did I improve my grammar and communication skills, but I was also surrounded by 14 other adults, both young and old, all coming from an entirely different country. This was an experience in itself and allowed me to learn about other cities, foods, and cultures – all while practicing German! During my time in Berlin, I was able to reach out to the local Rotaract Club and join the events, club meetings, and volunteer opportunities. This turned out to be an enriching experience and has provided me with even more global contacts.

While I was in Berlin, I lived in two very different neighborhoods. The first was Prenzlauer Berg, which was a hip, family-oriented neighborhood with many great bars and restaurants. The transportation was fantastic, and the neighborhood was clean, full of art, and a lot of fun! The second neighborhood that I lived in was Neukolln. This was a more international neighborhood, with a lot of Middle Eastern influence. It was a little bit more alternative and exciting! In a city like Berlin, full of culture and influence, I was grateful to have been able to live in two very different areas.

I want to thank the Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy providing me with the summer language grant. It dramatically improved my German skills and have provided a new future after the university. I could not be more grateful for the opportunity!

Best regards,
Soren Fuchs


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Wed, 05 Sep 2018 17:03:59 +0000 Anonymous 602 at /center/benson
Student Delves into Colonization, Civilization and Spanish during Educational Visit to Peru /center/benson/2018/08/27/student-delves-colonization-civilization-and-spanish-during-educational-visit-peru Student Delves into Colonization, Civilization and Spanish during Educational Visit to Peru Anonymous (not verified) Mon, 08/27/2018 - 12:55 Tags: newsarchive17-18 student-grants

"During this summer, I was able to travel to Peru for two weeks in June on the Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy Summer Language Grant. My goal was to advance my understanding of Spanish, and to become more fluent in the language. Apart from language, I was also curious of the history of Peru; especially it’s complicated past with Spain and Europe. During my trip, I travelled through Lima, the capital, and to Cusco, the city considered to be the capital of the Incan empire. I had a travel partner for the first week of my journey while I was in Lima, and later for the first few days I was in Cusco.  In Lima, we were able to try many of the foods native to the country and culture and saw the differences in wealth from the slum areas to the affluent downtown areas where most tourists stayed. I was also able to see many monasteries with Morisco (Moorish) influences which the Spanish had brought when they occupied the region. I found the mix of Incan spirituality and Catholicism and interesting dynamic which still exists today, although one would expect it to converge to either one or the other.

I unfortunately had contracted Salmonella poisoning from some less-than-sanitary poultry sold by a street vendor in Lima. Although the sickness slowed me down quite a bit, we were still able to go to Machu Picchu and explore important parts of Cusco on the second leg of the trip. Machu Picchu was amazing for multiple reasons, one was that it has incredible civil engineering integrity. Whereas anything built by the Spanish after 1533 would crumple under many of the local earth quakes, Machu Picchu was in still almost pristine condition. Another is its historical background; when the Spanish came, instead of fighting, the Incan people surrendered non-violently. However, since arms were let down, the city of Machu Picchu was left unknown to Spanish conquistadors and was not (re)discovered until the late 1800’s. It very much reflected a character of modesty and privacy shared by the general culture.

During the second week of my journey, I stayed at a local hostel. It happened to also be over Inti Rami, the festival and celebration of the Incan Sun God, one of the largest holidays of the year in the region. The festival lasted for 5 days (all of which I was there for). During these days, countless groups of local children and teenagers would parade through the streets with bands and perform street dances. As the days drew closer to the Winter Solstice (June 21) The Groups would put on colorful costumes made specially for the celebrations. During this week alone, I was able to take 8 hours of private Spanish lessons offered by the Hostel at an extremely affordable price. Many of the tour guides, local people, and shopkeepers knew only a little English, so it was extremely helpful for my language to be immersed in a community with very little use of English. I was amazed at how much easier speaking Spanish was at the end of my trip compared to the beginning. I was grateful to be given the opportunity to go to a place where everyone and thing I interacted with was educational and beneficial for my knowing.

I want to thank the Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy for giving me a way to further my own education outside of the University, and to do so in such a way which was meaningful and extremely efficient. I believe I would have needed to take many more semesters of Spanish courses to be at the same level of speaking I was at the end of my trip."

-Laura Murray, CWCTP Undergraduate Fellow



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Mon, 27 Aug 2018 18:55:50 +0000 Anonymous 588 at /center/benson
CWCTP grant allows CU student to "study abroad" in Washington, D.C. /center/benson/2017/12/28/cwctp-grant-allows-cu-student-study-abroad-washington-dc CWCTP grant allows CU student to "study abroad" in Washington, D.C. Anonymous (not verified) Thu, 12/28/2017 - 10:56 Tags: newsarchive17-18 student-grants

I had the wonderful opportunity to spend my final year of college ‘studying abroad’ in one of my favorite cities: Washington D.C. This opportunity gave me the ability to get a better jumpstart on my career in the city where I wanted to be post-graduation. I was able to set down roots and really focus my attention on politics and my future career. Having the ability to intern at a prominent Republican political committee like the Republican Governors Association gave me invaluable experience in the field of Republican political communications. My internship experience out here was amazing, I learned more than I ever could have imagined, and met some great people.

I am incredibly grateful to have had the opportunity to study in Washington D.C. for my final semester of school. This is my second time interning in our nations capitol, and it is amazing to see how much one can grow from the beginning of their Freshman year of college to their last semester of school. This was a once in a lifetime chance that I had to move to the city I wanted to work in and start interning before I graduated college. This opportunity has allowed me to garner the skills and experience I needed to enter into the field of politics. I have learned an incredible amount here and have had the amazing opportunity to be exposed to so many new cultures, intern during a vibrant time in American politics, and gain new insights from our nations capitol. The ability to intern in Washington D.C. my final semester set me up to start my dream career in the best place to be a young political operative. I was able to make new friends, connections and begin to build my post-graduate life in Washington D.C.

Washington D.C. is such an exciting city that constantly has something new and fun to do. There is nowhere else in the world where students can have the opportunity to mingle with the movers and shakers of so many different industries. Washington D.C. is also a city rich in history and cuisine, it is such a treat to have the ability to have a wide array of museums and art exhibits to visit, as well as many renowned restaurants. I recommend that any future students who choose to intern in D.C. take advantage of the free Smithsonian’s to see amazing art and history. I also highly suggest that anyone who decides to make the trek out to D.C. does so with an open mind ready to experience all this city has to offer politically, professionally and historically. I have also made so many wonderful friends out here, as well as reconnected which tons more from my past.

Interning in Washington D.C. for my final semester of college gave me the experience I needed to be able to start my post-graduate life in Washington D.C. I am so excited to see what the future will bring as I start my next chapter of life in this vibrant and exciting city.

-Justine Sanders, Class of '18

"This opportunity gave me the ability to get a better jumpstart on my career in the city where I wanted to be post-graduation. I was able to set down roots and really focus my attention on politics and my future career. Having the ability to intern at a prominent Republican political committee like the Republican Governors Association gave me invaluable experience in the field of Republican political communications. My internship experience out here was amazing, I learned more than I ever could have imagined, and met some great people."


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Thu, 28 Dec 2017 17:56:32 +0000 Anonymous 516 at /center/benson
CU in DC Student Experiences Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant /center/benson/2017/12/13/cu-dc-student-experiences-capitol-hill-through-cwctp-student-grant CU in DC Student Experiences Capitol Hill Through CWCTP Student Grant Anonymous (not verified) Wed, 12/13/2017 - 13:05 Tags: student-grants

My time in Washington D.C. has been an extraordinary experience. I have gotten to see new sights, taste new food, and meet some very new and amazing people. During my time here, I have had the pleasure to bond with fellow students from the CU system of schools, and together we have done and seen so much. From the monuments on the Mall, to the museums across the city, there is just so much to do and see. With my internship on Capitol Hill, I have seen and done even more.

Senators are common place in my daily routine, and I’ve even had the chance to speak to some of them. The tours of the Capitol building that I provide give me an almost daily chance to see the decades upon decades of history that lie within. On one of these very tours, I had to opportunity to meet Vice President Pence. Being face to face and shaking hands with one of the most recognized men in the country was a truly grand experience. But the Vice President is not the only person I have met. Both of Colorado’s Senators fall on this list as well, along with Ajit Pai and Condoleezza Rice. To meet a former secretary of state was truly a treat, especially since I went to see her speak at the National Book Fair on her latest book, Democracy: Stories From the Long Road to Freedom, a book which I happily purchased.

On life in the city, there is just so much occurring at once. I’ve been to almost every Smithsonian museum, and seen most of the districts. I went to a Wizards game and cheered on the home team. And our apartments are a block from the National Zoo, so I’ve frequently gone to say hello to the pandas. None of this would have been possible without the gracious scholarship provided by CWCTP. Coming out and participating in the goings on was something I had been dreaming of since high school, and college provided me the opportunity to do so. The truth of the matter is that this scholarship helped pave the way for a future I have wanted for a long time. I am beyond grateful for what has been provided and have no plans to squander the connections and experience that I have had. Thank you so much for this once in a lifetime experience. 

Christopher Garner, CU in DC Internship Scholarship Recipient


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Wed, 13 Dec 2017 20:05:05 +0000 Anonymous 514 at /center/benson
Student enhances knowledge of French philosophy texts through CWCTP grant /center/benson/2017/10/13/student-enhances-knowledge-french-philosophy-texts-through-cwctp-grant Student enhances knowledge of French philosophy texts through CWCTP grant Anonymous (not verified) Fri, 10/13/2017 - 15:11 Tags: newsarchive17-18 student-grants

Receiving the language grant from the CWCTP was critical for my gaining a grasp of French.  Given that the focus of my dissertation in philosophy is the early modern period, being able to read French is essential.  It will enable me to read the work of Descartes, Pascal, Leibniz, Rousseau, and others in the original language--a skill that is absolutely necessary for developing myself as a competent scholar in the area.  

The grant enabled me to set substantial amounts of time aside to focus exclusively on language study, as well as to buy the necessary aids for learning French.  On account of this, I was able to begin reading French even after a relatively short period of study.  An especially quick payoff occurred even this summer, in that my study of French enabled me to read a French text which was a critical element in my qualifying paper (a paper which all Ph.D. students must pass in philosophy in order to embark on their dissertation).    

In short, being both a husband and father, I'm not sure how I would have been able to dedicate anywhere near the amount of time to studying French that I did, had I not received the grant.  I deeply appreciate those who made it possible.

Mark Boespflug - CU Philosophy


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Fri, 13 Oct 2017 21:11:48 +0000 Anonymous 470 at /center/benson