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Dr. Tufuku Zuberi to lecture on the fear of white demographic suicide


°Õ³ó±ðÌýCenter for Western Civilization, Thought & PolicyÌýwill host Dr. Tufuku ZuberiÌýon Feb. 15, for his lecture "Fear of White Demographic Suicide." Dr. Zuberi is speaking as part of the CWCTP's semester-long dialogue seriesÌýfocusing on American identities.Ìý

Dr. Zuberi is the Lasry Family Professor of Race Relations, and Professor of Sociology and Africana Studies at the University of Pennsylvania. His research primarily focuses onÌýRace, African and African Diaspora populations. Dr. Zuberi's primary goal is to bring a fresh view of culture and society to the public by utilizing different platforms beyond lecturing. Dr. Zuberi has written and producedÌýan award-winning feature-length documentary film titled,ÌýAfrican Independence. The filmÌýhighlights the birth, realization, and problems relating to the movement to win independence in Africa.

Dr. Zuberi also hosts the PBS television programÌýHistory Detectives. The show is dedicated, "to exploring the complexities of historical mysteries, searching out the facts, myths and conundrums that connect local folklore, family legends, and interesting objects."Ìý

Students, faculty, and members of the publicÌýare encouraged to attend the lecture.ÌýThe scheduled presentation will take place in the UMC,Ìýroom 235, beginning at 5:30 pm.ÌýThe discussion will be followed by a Q&A session and a small reception and will wrap around 7:30 pm.

For this event,ÌýRSVP is required for guaranteed admittance. Walk-ins will be admitted on a first-come, seat-available basis ten minutes before the start of the talk after those with RSVPs have been admitted.Ìý