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Obama's Dangerous Doctrine (11/10/2016)

Obama's Dangerous Doctrine

The Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy presents:


Obama's Dangerous Doctrine

Thursday, 11/10/2016

5:30:00 PM-7:00:00 PM

University Memorial Center, Glenn Miller Ballroom West


Free and open to the public


When President Barack Obama took office, he promised to transform the role of the United States abroad in many ways. However, throughout Obama's tenure, pundits and scholars have offered competing interpretations of his "grand strategy," while others have maintained that his policies were incoherent or, at best, ad hoc.

In Dangerous Doctrine, political scientist Robert G. Kaufman argues that the forty-fourth president has pursued a clear and consistent national security policy, but has given up the muscular internationalism seen after World War II. Drawing on international relations theory and American diplomatic history, Kaufman presents a robust critique of the Obama doctrine as he situates the president's use of power within the traditions of American strategic practice.

Focusing on pivotal regions of the world, this study demonstrates how current executive leadership threatens America’s role as a world superpower. Kaufman proposes a return to the grand strategy of moral democratic realism, as practiced by previous presidents, with the hope of reestablishing the United States as the world's dominant power.


Sponsored by:

Center for Western Civilization, Thought and Policy (CWCTP)


Directions and Maps

Location: http://www.colorado.edu/campusmap/map.html?bldg=UMC&x=22&y=5

Campus Parking Map: colorado.edu/pts/maps

